靳癌龚住(公主靳癌)不能等到2009年!现在,她在寒假中,她没有打扰读'呼啸山庄'的语言艺术荣誉-不仅仅是然而,尽管。现在,靳艾手表飞行的时间。这是22时32分在加利福尼亚州。在最后一天的学校,她很高兴。为什么呢?对于2原因: # 1 Reinacting冬季音乐会带家属对学生郊区高。 # 2乐鼓热线秘密圣-时间揭示谁得到什么的人!
靳癌知道她搞砸有点在冬季音乐会。她需要一个新的perscription眼镜-快!性有自己单独的平安夜的钟声,和爵士乐队听起来如此之大!当星期五来了,靳艾只错过了一些;感谢上帝,但是性扭转。他不停地告诉玛丽(我叫这个新的人在这里。 )说,他从来没有眯缝起很像之前。井,每个人都会犯错,对不对?反正,它来靳癌的重视性和玛丽看起来如此紧密。她有点嫉妒,但现在这些人看起来更像弟弟和妹妹。而且,里有一个女朋友了。以外的2显示了上周五成功。
现在,到乐鼓热线:河豚(这是第二人进入这个故事)是在太多的急于尝试靳矮给她的礼物。当它最后成了她谈谈,她给一个介绍,河豚不断抱怨。 “现在,谁出生于12月29日,得到这份礼物。 ”我给大方块,罗伊。 “圣诞快乐! ”她叫。罗伊几乎发生打开纸箱和所有他的小礼物不断飞出!它采取了位,而他打开所有的小饰品和东西他真的喜欢。然后,罗伊给美国广播公司(是的,这是另一人加入到我的故事)一大盒-就像去年。 *叹息.*美国广播公司看起来很高兴,我们都笑了起来,他慢慢打开框中的复选框。他同时获得小饰品和东西,他很喜欢。
在笑的同时,有人性的谈谈。 '噢,那里是我的礼物?啊有啊! '他拿起礼品袋和即将另一方面英寸靳癌想了这是一次甜蜜的时刻给予本玛丽。但是, '在这里,您去。圣诞快乐! '的礼品袋直接交给朝靳矮。 (你看,靳爱站在旁边的玛丽在她的右侧。里是站在旁边的玛丽在她左侧。 )靳癌脸红的尴尬和缓慢了袋。河豚和尼克(是的,在另一人的故事。 )就像' Oooh !靳爱, why're您blushin ` ? '大多数人群开始同lovey ,多维的噪音和笑了一下。
靳癌下降一切,她打开礼物,并拿出大熊猫plushie 。权目前,没有别的事。她知道发生了什么事情在她周围的背景。她的脸红了,并举行了更密切的plushie她胸部。没什么真正重要的了。尽管部分心愿靳爱说的其他人,她仍然认为是可爱的礼物。她从来没有想过任何人在她的课堂都将送给她一个很可爱的礼物一样,在年。毕竟这骚动,原来,河豚是唯一一个没有得到谁的礼物,因为他的秘密圣是在墨西哥的假日!
Jin Ai Gong Zhu
(Princess Jin Ai)
can't wait for the
Right now,
she's in the middle
of winter break,
and she doesn't bother
"Wuthering Heights"
for Language Arts Honors -
not just yet, though.
Right now,
Jin Ai watches
time flying by.
It's 22:32
here in California.
On the last day of school,
she was happy.
For 2 reasons:
Reinacting the
Winter Concert Band
for families
towards the students
at Suburban High.
Drumline Secret Santa -
Time to reveal
who gets what from
Jin Ai knew she
messed up a bit at the
Winter Concert.
She needed
a new perscription of
glasses - fast!
Ry had his own
solo on
Silent Night
on the bells,
and the Jazz Band
sounded so great!
When Friday came,
Jin Ai only
missed a few;
thank God, but Ry
He kept telling
(I'll call this new person here that.)
that he never screwed up much
like this before.
everyone makes mistakes,
it came to Jin Ai's attention
that Ry and Mary
looked so close together.
She was
a little jealous
before, but now
these people look more like brother and sister.
And besides,
Ry's got a
girlfriend right now.
Other than that
the 2 shows on Friday was a success.
Now, onto the Drumline:
(That's the 2nd person coming into this story)
was in too much of a rush
to try to get Jin Ai to
give her gift.
When it finally became her turn,
she was giving an introduction,
and Blowfish kept complaining.
"Now, whoever was born on
December 29th,
gets this gift."
I gave the big box to
"Merry Christmas!"
she exclaimed.
Roy practically
ripped opened the
cardboard box
and all his little gifts kept flying out!
It took a bit while
for him to
unwrap all the little
trinkets and stuff
he's really fond of.
Then, Roy
gave ABC
(yes, this is another person I'm adding
to the story)
a big box - just like last year.
ABC looked happy
and we all laughed
as he slowly unwrap box by box.
He also got little trinkets
and stuff he was
fond of.
Afer a laughing while,
it was Ry's turn.
"Oh, where's my gift?
Oh there it is!"
He picks up the gift bag and
was about to hand in.
Jin Ai thought for a moment
it was sweet giving a present to Mary.
But then,
"Here you go.
Merry Christmas!"
The gift bag was
directly handed towards
Jin Ai.
(You see, Jin Ai
stood next to Mary
on her right side.
Ry was standing next to
Mary on her
left side.)
Jin Ai blushed in embarrassment
and slowly took the bag.
Blowfish and Nikki
(Yes, another person in the story.)
were like,
Jin Ai, why're you blushin`?"
Most of the crowd
started making the
same lovey-dovey noises
and laughed a bit.
JIn Ai dropped everything as she unwrapped
the gift,
and pulled out a
panda bear plushie.
Right at the moment,
nothing else mattered.
She knew what was
going on in the background
around her.
She blushed even more and
held the plushie
close to her chest.
Nothing much really mattered
Although it was part of the wishlist
Jin Ai added with the other people,
she still thought the gift was lovely.
She never thought
anyone else in her class
would ever give her a
very sweet gift
like that in years.
After all that commotion,
it turned out Blowfish
was the only one who didn't get a gift
because his SECRET SANTA
right now
Jin Ai is watching
Love Queen
from August 2006 show.
She got tired of
anticipating for
Love or Bread
Although Love Queen
is a bit old series,
Jin Ai enjoys it.
If anyone hasn't watched it,
go ahead and watch it! :
Happy Holidays from
Tian Shi Gong Zhu!
(Princess Angel)
Coming Soon:
Jin Ai's feelings towards
Roy AND Ry!
Tune in for
a "love" triangle!
Labels: box , character , close , drumline , embarrass , feel , gift , glasses , happy , holiday , jealous , little stuff , panda , queen , Santa , secret , sibling , suburban , unwrap
# random thougths @
10:27 PM
Sunday, December 14, 2008
It's that time of year
when everyone is preparing
for Christmas and New Year vacation.
Princess Jin Ai
would like to say
to all the viewers
(if there are any viewers)
Merry Christmas
and a
Happy New Year.
Last Christmas,
it was
Jin Ai's first time
to participate in
her drumline's
Secret Santa.
She joined a bit late,
so her Senior Chip
decided to randomly
give her
Roy, her Senior
of `09.
This Christmas,
Jin Ai had joned the
Secret Santa
on time like everybody else.
Out of all the people,
(This should be a secret, so SSSHHH!!!)
Jin Ai had taken
Roy again
from the drawing of a hat box.
Every year,
Jin Ai might probably outdo
herself when it comes
to buying
her friends good gifts.
(That's why the nickname "Princess" granted Jin Ai.)
Although it is under
a $10 minimum,
Jin Ai felt that
she didn't want to
cheap her friends out for a gift.
(That's where the "Angel" part comes in.
Whoever Jin Ai gets for Secret Santa,
that person would be kind of lucky.)
Jin Ai either
grants gifts from the heart
tries being thoughtful into
putting a gift together.
Jin Ai
would also like to
give you viewers
a Special Christmas Entertainment Gift.
Jin Ai hopes you'll
be pleased with what she has to offer:
S.H.E - Top Girl from album
S.H.E - Yan Hai Gong Lu De Chu Kou from album
Fahrenheit - Dong Mai from
(3rd album)
Lyrics: dang yue guang bei ji mo zhe gai
xin qing xiang mo ri ban hei an
ni huai yi cheng shi kuai beng huai
shui ke yi xin lai
dang sheng ming bei tui xiang xuan ya
hui yi shun jian kuai ge dao dai
ni zhi dao zui hou de hu han
jiu hui li ke hui xiang
wo zhi dao wo jiu shi da an
bu pa ni lai ma fan
wo zhi dao dang jiao se hu huan
ni ye yi yang zhao ban
lian jie wo de dong mai
gan shou bi ci cun zai
re xie hu xiang guan kai
wen nuan peng bai
liu guo wo de dong mai
chuan song xi yue bei ai
tong bu xin tiao jie pai
tong yi ge wei lai
Rap. kong qi li piao san wei xian de xun xi zai man yan
bu yue er tong wo men dou qiang xian yi bu xiang
dang zai dui fang mian qian
shen xian zai hei an shi jie zhen yi shi yang guang
zhi zao de bao jian
lian jie wo de dong mai
gan shou bi ci cun zai
re xie hu xiang guan kai
wen nuan peng bai
liu guo wo de dong mai
chuan song xi yue bei ai
tong bu xin tiao jie pai
tong yi ge wei lai
Also, there's this
new show Jin Ai
wants to show
the viewers:
Happy Holidays!!!
Sincerely yours,
Jin Ai
Labels: angel , Christmas , entertainment , expensive , Fahrenheit , Fei Lun Hai , gift , lyrics to Dong Mai , music videos , MV , New Year , Pi Li MIT , princess , S.H.E , Santa , secret , special
# random thougths @
5:06 PM