Chen YiRu checked behind him through the glass sliding doors, then let out a sigh of relief. He and Kim JongHyun watched from the balcony as Lee TaeMin continued to chat with Kim KiBum and Jiang YuDi inside the kitchen. Luckily, Key and YuDi weren't fighting, only lightly punching each other and laughing heartily with TaeMin. Jjong noticed this and chuckled a little loudly, causing YiRu to turn his attention back to him.
Jjong continued to watch Key and YuDi. "They're like little kids, huh?" he asked YiRu.
YiRu slowly nodded and looked up at the early afternoon sky. "I remember the last time I saw YuDi as a kid, she was 6 at the time..." Jjong now had his attention to YiRu and slowly faced him as YiRu continued on.
YiRu turned away from the sliding doors and sat down on a patio chair on the balcony. "Her father's surname was Jiang, but her mother named her birth certificate as Wang YuDi. YuDi's parents never married, you see. Mrs. Wang was already married and had a son named Wang DongCheng. He's a good friend of mine."
Jjong followed YiRu and sat down on another patio chair as well. YiRu continued explaining, "Pretty soon, when Mr. Wang found out about Mr. Jiang, he left his wife and took DaDong with him. Oh, we call DongCheng 'DaDong', by the way. 2 years after YuDi was born, Mr. Wang found out how Mrs. Wang treated Mr. Jiang and YuDi - as trash. She never wanted the baby, but Mr. Jiang did. It was to the point that Mr. Jiang was stabbed by her that Mr. Wang took action."
YiRu closed his eyes and remembered every detail he heard of his friend's life story. "You see, Mr. Wang and Mr. Jiang turned out to be old high school buddies. At first, he felt betrayed that his best friend had an affair with his wife, but now he sees that his friend was weak when it came to love and life itself, and that's how he died - Mrs. Wang was locked up in prison and died there a year later. Mr. Jiang's will was for Mr. Wang to take care of his baby, which he did with full love and care. At the time, DaDong felt that YuDi was the cause of his parents' divorce, which somehow was, but in a good way. Unfortunately, he didn't know that, so he started to rebel."
"That's when he, I, Wu JiZun, and Yan YaLun formed a gang called Fahrenheit. We took our feelings out onto menacing people on the streets, like what you guys used to do in Korea before you got here in America. DaDong always payed attention to his father no matter what, but never to his baby sister. Then one day, on DaDong's 6th birthday, Mr. Wang was in an unfortunate car accident with YuDi. When all of Fahrenheit gang rushed into the hospital, we all found out that Mr. Wang died protecting YuDi while they were walking home."
"DaDong got furious and didn't think straight. He saw YuDi crying over his father's corpse, and suddenly he broke down crying. JiZun and I tried comforting DaDong while YaLun comforted YuDi. When all of us left DaDong for a minute to get something to eat, we suddenly heard him yelling and ran back to the hospital room where Mr. Wang's body used to be. We all found DaDong yelling at her, expressing how much he hates her and never wants to see her ever again."
"As DaDong got closer, YuDi slapped him and shoved a white box in front of him. Then, she ran. YaLun chased her after DaDong opened the white box and we all peeked inside it. Turns out his old man and his sister were on their way home after buying DaDong a cake for his 18th birthday, before the car accident happened. DaDong felt so much regret and broke down crying even more."
"The next day, YaLun informed us at the hospital that he was watching YuDi at DaDong's house that night, but had somehow disappeared. He and DaDong frantically searched around the house while JiZun and I tried searching the whole neighborhood for her. We found out that she ran away, judging by most of her things that were missing in her room."
"We slowly stopped being a gang and just being a group of friends as we all helped DaDong find his sister. It's been 10 years since it happened."
YiRu finished his explanation "story" and turned to Jjong. Jjong looked like he was in deep thought, then finally he asked him, "YiRu, haven't you been living at the orphanage for 9 years in Korea? Was it to search for YuDi?"
YiRu nodded and Jjong glanced at YuDi from afar. He saw her angelic face smiling and laughing at the Umma & Son relationship that Key and TaeMin naturally put on.
7:42p.m. at YinZhang BeachAbout 3 hours ago, Jjong asked YuDi to go with him somewhere. They traveled by bus to get to the beach. For a few minutes, they had fun playing in the sand and splashing each other with water. What they didn't know was that YiRu was following them in his yellow sportscar. His passengers, especially Key since this entire spying thing was his idea, insisted on following the skinship lovers.
Right now, YiRu bought a box of binoculars for the boys in his car. Everyone used it, except for Key and MinHo. They decided to creep up and hide close to Jjong and YuDi, who were now on top of the large rocks across the edge of the shore. The evening breeze came by, and the two started shivering a bit. They immediately clung to each other, which made Onew and Key angry, making TaeMin hold Onew back while MinHo held onto Key just as they were about to head over to YuDi.
Once getting comfortable, Jjong finally popped the question.
"Why did your parents change their surnames with you?"
"....didn't I already answer that?"
"Hm, but this time I want an appropriate answer from you."
"Was it so you can run away without getting traced?"
" caught me, huh? How'd you know?"
"Chen YiRu told me.... and he's friends with Wang DaDong."
Then there was absolute silence. YiRu, Onew, TaeMin, MinHo, and Key heard their every word of their conversation due to the latest technology ear pieces (another idea from Key). Jjong hugged tighter behind YuDi as she continued to look up at the night sky.
"How's DaDong, your brother, doing?"
".... I honestly don't know, but YiRu says your brother misses you and regrets ever saying such things to you."
".....tsh. Why can't he just say that to my face....?....."
".....he will, I heard he's coming here soon....."
YuDi's eyes widened and turned to look at Jjong's face. "Really?" she asked. Jjong put on a soft smile for her and replied, "Yes, he will. Along with his friends." She mirrored his smile and started hugging him back.
Okay, you can come out, all of you." Jjong and YuDi stated loudly in unison. They broke their hug, but Jjong still had his arm around her. Slowly, everyone got out of YiRu's car and MinHo & Key crawled out of their hiding spot near the rocky shore.
Onew was the first one to speak as he went over to the other side of YuDi and put his arm around her also. "YuDi, YiRu told us everything about DaDong. You know we're always here for you, right?" Then he planted a kiss on her forehead, which made her blush a little.
"Yeah, Noona, if anything goes wrong, we'll always protect you! You're part of SHINee gang, after all!" TaeMin exclaimed with his fist pumped in the air. "Fighting~" Everyone laughed at TaeMin's cute antics.
"YuDi-ah, Jjong-hyung, how'd you guys know we were spying on you?" MinHo began to ask.
Jjong pointed to the shiny yellow car. "That's the only car in the parking lot which sticks out - actually, the ONLY car in the parking lot."
Then YuDi stated, "MinHo-oppa, even though you're really quiet, next time when you hide, choose to hide with someone who doesn't complain about the environment around him AND who's trained to actually whisper." Key and YuDi glared at each other.
"Okay, who's up for some ice cream?" YiRu asked the gang. "I know a place nearby who sells the best creamy ice cream!"
Everyone cheered and walked straight to the ice cream shop, since it was only nearby so they didn't need to use the car.
"What flavor do you guys want?" YiRu asked them while walking.
"Vanilla!" Onew happily answered.
"I want Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough!" TaeMin chimed in.
"Rocky Road." MinHo flatly stated.
"Strawberry Cheesecake." Jjong and YuDi replied, glancing at each other when they realized they ordered the same thing. Then they started giggling.
"I'll have a Rainbow Sherbert." Key casually replied.
Everyone stopped walking and turned to look at Key strangely. "What?" he asked them.
That's a weird flavor." everyone simply stated and walked forward again. Key got annoyed and ran up to follow them. He pulled YuDi back by the arm and that got her annoyed as well.
"Yah, you think Rainbow Sherbert's a weird flavor?!" he demandingly asked her.
She simply stuck her tongue out at him. "The flavor's too fruity for me!"
"Yeah, Key. Just pick out another flavor." Jjong supported YuDi. "It's embarrassing for you to order a fruity flavor when you're dressed like that!" He pointed at Key's outfit. He was wearing something like this:

(except for the hairstyle)
Key got irritated at Jjong and started taking it out on YuDi. "Yah! Jiang YuDi! If I have to change another flavor, so do you!"
"What?! Why?!"
"You have the same order as that raptor puppy! Everyone else got a different flavor! Now choose!"
"Aish! Fine!" By then, Jjong decided to leave them and went on ahead with the others. In his place, TaeMin went up to the bickering duo and asked them their order.
"Umma, Noona! What flavor did you guys decided on?"
"Minty Green Chocolate." Key and YuDi said at the same time. They snapped and turned to glare at each other.
"Yah, cutie girl! Stop stealing other people's orders!" Key barked at her.
"I'm not!" she barked back, then stood there and was confused as much as TaeMin was. "Wait - cutie girl?" they asked in unison.
"Yeah, just look at the way she dresses! Tsh. I bet she wore something like this to get Onew-hyung's attention!" He rolled his eyes and TaeMin took a good look at his Noona. She pretty much wore something like this:

(except for the color of her eyes and hair)
YuDi's cheeks grew red from anger and embarrassment. "Yah, Narcissist! I dress up for no one!" she retorted back.
"Oh yeah?" Key searched the remaining people around YinZhang BeachTown (fake place, sorry for the bad naming of places). He pointed to a random guy passing by them. "How come ever since we met you, you've dressed up more like that?" he exclaimed with a determined look on his face to win this squabble.
The guy he was pointing at wore something like this:

(except the person Key's pointing at is not Heechul from SuperJunior. sorry.)
YuDi rolled her eyes and just ignored him. Thinking that he won their squabble, Key grinned and ran ahead to the group to buy his Minty Green Chocolate ice cream. TaeMin was about to follow his hyung until he heard his noona mumble something.
"... he didn't have to point it out..." YuDi mumbled inaudibly but was audible enough for TaeMin to hear.
Wow, so Noona really likes Onew-hyung? he thought to himself.
10 minutes later~YuDi was still a little bummed, which made Key even more happier when he ate his ice cream. Everyone sat separately from each other. YiRu ate his ice cream while leaning against his car, Jjong ate his on top of the car's trunk, and Onew tried feeding a few scoops of his ice cream to YuDi in the backseat of the car. MinHo and TaeMin were eating ice cream together nearby at the rocky seashore while Key happily danced around, eating his ice cream.
After a few scoops, YuDi smiled a bit but refused to eat more.
"JinKi-oppa, you should eat the rest. It's your favorite ice cream, right?"
Onew could only nod like a happy idiot, but he still asked her.
"Are you sure you don't want any? You didn't buy ice cream with us."
YuDi shook her head. "Nah, I'm not that hungry. Besides, I want all my boys to eat a lot! You guys are so thin!" She laughed heartily and ruffled Onew's hair. Although he was a bit concerned, he saw YuDi's smile and mirrored it while eating.
As YuDi was about to leave the car, Onew called out to her.
She turned around to look at Onew in the car. "What?"
"You look really pretty today." he commented, causing YuDi to blush rapidly.
"T-Thanks..." then rushed off to Jjong. He looked at her, back at his ice cream, then back at her. He waved his index finger back and forth.
"No, you're not getting any of this! Your loss! Hehe~"
"Like I'd want yours. Tsh." and she was about to head to the nearby diner hut when Jjong suddenly called to her.
"Yah, Princess!"
She turned around to see Jjong look at her. "What?"
"Um, nothing. Nevermind." he stated, having YuDi roll her eyes and continue to walk to the nearby diner hut.
Jjong continued to think.
I was about to warn her that Key told me he would be eating there right now, but oh well. She looks like she can take care of herself. Besides, there'll be more Tom & Jerry episodes for me to watch if they keep seeing each other. Hehehe~Hungry as ever, YuDi sat on one of the wooden patio benches and rested her head over her arms on the wooden patio table outside of the diner hut. She knew the diner hut was closed; she just wanted a place to rest away from everyone else who's eating.
Suddenly her stomach growled and out came a light chuckle from behind her. She spun around and her eyes met Key's.
"Yah, if you're hungry, why didn't you continue to eat with Onew-hyung?" he asked her as he sat down next to her.
"...vanilla's not my favorite flavor..." she complained as she rested her head on her arms again.
"Ayo, picky princess! Why didn't you share with Jjong, then?"
"He guarded his ice cream before I could even ask..."
"Psh. That's what you get for being picky." then Key shoved his ice cream cup in front of YuDi with a plastic spoon. YuDi looked at it, then questioned him with a silent gaze.
"Are you serious, cutie girl? Aishh! Fine!" He grabbed the cup and scooped a piece, raising it towards YuDi's mouth. "Say 'Ahh'."
"Ahh?" She opened her mouth and Key started feeding her. When she swallowed, she raised an eyebrow at him.
"Why'd you feed me?"
"Cutie girl, my ice cream's halfway full but so am I, completely. Now open your mouth. You look weak, so I'll feed you."
YuDi slowly nodded, realizing she hadn't eaten since 5 hours ago, and that was the only time she ate today. After Key was done feeding her, he looked at YuDi's face and cried out.
"Yah, cutie girl! You're so sloppy! Aisshh - come here!" He pulled out a napkin and motioned for YuDi to lean closer. He slowly wiped the ice cream smudged on her mouth.
Key froze when he heard her say that. "W-What d-did you c-call m-me?"
YuDi grinned as she found his weak spot. "Heh. Why? Can't I call you Key-oppa?"
"You keep calling me cutie girl, so why not?"
Then he suddenly grinned. "Yah, you like me calling you that, huh?"
"Tsh. As if! Yah, you keep telling me you're my brother, right?" Key nodded in reply.
"Then you'll be Kuya Key. How's that?"
"Wait, doesn't Kuya mean Older Brother in Tagalog?" YuDi nodded in reply.
"So, you're basically calling me your brother from now on?" YuDi thought about it, then nodded again. Key smiled and hugged YuDi out of nowhere. "Thank you, cutie girl!"
This was a strange feeling, even for YuDi, but Key's behavior pulled her mouth into a smile as she hugged him back. Suddenly, YuDi's phone rang
I Will Give You My Life by
2PM. She flipped her phone open and received an English text message from Onew.From: JinKiOppa+Tofu=LoveWe already left!!!! I feel like Chen YiRu and Jjong are kidnapping us at the back! YiRu drove us out of the beach already and we're going home. That's an hour away by car! Didn't you say you and Jjong came here in a 3 hour distance from home by bus?! Will you and Key be alright?"What?!" YuDi exclaimed."Yah, cutie girl, what happened?" Key asked her. She gave her cellphone for him to read the text. As soon as he read it, he pulled out his phone and tried calling Jjong. Both of them tried to call, but there was no service range. Luckily, they found out they can text.
Key started texting Jjong immediately in Korean.
From: Almighty DivaYah! You raptor monkey with the puppy eyes! Where the hell are you?! Onew-hyung texted this Sour Princess here that you left already?! WTF?!?!?! You freakin` left us at the beach, stupid!YuDi texted Onew back.From: My Sweet&Sour PrincessWhat?! Why'd you leave us here, JinKi-oppa? And why couldn't you guys have texted us or called us immediately before getting in the car?Key's phone rang LaChaTa by f(x). He flipped his phone open, reading Jjong's text.From: MonkeyJongKeykekeke~ Your loss! Yah, I'm doing you a favor as a brother! Good luck with the Princess~ just don't do anything bad to her, okay? Hehe~ >:) "YAH!" Key hollered out, causing YuDi to pay attention to him. He quickly translated the text into English, then showed her the text, which caused her to scream, punching the brick wall near her. The wall surprisingly cracked a bit, which got Key scared of her. YuDi's phone rang again and she answered it.From: JinKiOppa+Tofu=Love1st of all: it's very hard to text in English. 2nd of all: I mentioned we were kidnapped, remember? Jjong and YiRu practically stuffed us in the car and took our phones before we left! Minnie and MinHo tried opening the doors, but the doors were on childlock! Sorry we ditched you. :( Don't worry, though, I'll beat him once we get home, then when you come back, I'll hold him down for you while you do the rest of the beating, okay? hehe~YuDi smiled a bit, unnoticed by Key, and put her phone away. They decided to walk back to the beachtown to look for phone coverage service. It took 15 minutes for one of them to finally found a signal. They were already on the sidewalk, but still near the beach.YuDi cheered as she dialed her house number. "Don't worry, Kuya Key, I'll call Dad and see if he can pick us up. We'll blame it on Jjong-oppa and YiRu, okay?"
Key gave her a thumbs up and a wink as she talked to her father. After a 10 minutes, Key looked at the time on his watch. It read 8:43p.m. He saw YuDi hang up the phone and rushed over to her.
"Well? What did Dad say?" he asked in English. She smiled and nodded in reply.
"He's picking us up here. Although he's a bit angry, he calmed down when I said you were with me.""Okay then, let's wait at that bench over there." He pointed to the stone bench alongside the wall on the sidewalk in front of them. They both sat down with Key's arm around YuDi's shoulders and pulled her closer to him, making sure there were no random hobos in sight coming near them at night.
About an hour later, a white car drove by and stopped in front of the bench. Mr. 'Jiang' came out of the car and walked up to his adopted daughter and her friend. YuDi's head was on Key's shoulder and Key's head rested on top of her head. The both of them were sleeping, and unexpectedly Mr. Jiang took out a camera from his pocket and snapped a photo of the two sleeping on the bench. He let out a small smile from his lips and decided to wake them up, hiding the camera back in his pocket.
Finally, he thought,
proof that the daughter whom I adopted and cared for deeply with my wife did not end up as a lesbian. Just look at her boyfriend! They look cute together, I have to admit. There's a chance I may have grandchildren in the future! Yay! His smile grew wider just thinking about himself becoming a grandfather.
No longer mad that she was out a little late, Mr. Jiang woke up YuDi and Key. They slowly opened their eyes and dragged themselves to the car, where Mr. Jiang let them sleep again in the backseat, sleeping in the same position as they were on the bench. As soon as they reached to the Jiang residence, Mr. Jiang woke 'the sleeping beauties' up and helped them walk to the house.
While YuDi and Key walked to her bedroom, the rest of the Jiang family followed them. They witnessed both teens crashing onto YuDi's bed and fell fast asleep again.
"As long as they're not doing anything fishy, I'm okay with it." Mr. Jiang stated, only to have Mrs. Jiang and his younger daughter look at him weirdly.
"What?"Labels: fiction, story, your heart will tell you
# random thougths @
5:02 PM