Angelic Princess 天使公主
My Prince, please find me... 我的王子,请找我...
My name is Xiao Yu Di. I love Pochacco, Mangas, Reading, Cup O Noodle, Ramen, Muffins, Performing, Internet, Writing, Sleep, and one
particular guy.
我的名字是小雨滴。 我爱PC狗,曼加斯,读,杯Ø面,拉面,松饼,表演,上网,写作,睡眠,和一个特别的人。
Friends... 朋友...
Konini-unnie :P LoL + friend + friend + friend + friend + friend + friend +LINKS
Blogger + Come see me. =D + Shawols! + link + link + link + link + link +Summer's Playlist 夏天的播放列表
September 2008PREVIOUS POSTS
Chapter 1: Guys Won't Leave Her AloneThe Truth - do you dare? 真相 - 你敢吗? Ideal Guy 我的理想盖伊
[ Fonts (c) DF]
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Chapter 2: I Still Don't Understand
Hey, didn't JinKi tell me yesterday to practice my charismatic charms? But, can I really practice them on the 1st customers who enter here? *sigh* Jiang YuDi, fighting!
Kim KiBum's POV
"Yah, are you sure about this, Jjong?" I asked my Hyung.
He turned around to look at me and flashed his pearly whites at me. "Key, relax. There's nothing wrong with surprising our Hyung." He turned back around and walked towards the ChongBo Cafe. I began to sigh deeply and followed him, watching my surroundings with my peripheral vision.
American citizens of all types of different ethnicities kept glancing in our direction while passing by us. Of course they were looking at us! Jjong and I are good looking! Not only that, I'm standing next to my stepbrother (I'm adopted into his family, by the way) who wears his casual clothing which makes him look like a bad boy. As for me? I love the color pink; I can't help it if that's the type of color on my shirt and accessories that I want to wear on our way to America! By now, people must be thinking:
I hate people who quickly misjudges me and chooses not to believe me! Aissh! Whatever! As if I care!
Jjong stops dead in his tracks and stares through the glass doors of the cafe. I run up to him and wave my hands in front of his face.
"Jjong? Hyung, snap out of it!" I snap my fingers at him.
He snaps out of his daze and looks at me. "Key, didn't Onew-hyung say he was the only one who employed in this cafe through the last letter he sent us in Korea?"
"Yeah, why?"
He pointed to the only person inside the cafe. The boy had his back facing us, wearing a waiter outfit and looked bored from behind. I would've assumed he was Onew-hyung, too, but I began to observe the person's height from where he was sitting. Everyone in our SHINee gang was taller than Jjong - but why was Onew-hyung shorter than Jjong? Thus, forming my theory: Our leader hired a waiter.
Before I even began to warn Jjong, he suddenly appears inside the cafe, and as I can see from where I was standing outside of the glass doors, he jumps in delight and starts hugging the waiter from behind.
The waiter turns around and - oh boy, maybe I am gay, because this guy is attracting me! - flips my stepbrother around with just one arm and tosses him to the ground. Ouch! Nice ninja skills!
Next thing I knew, Jjong bolts out of the cafe, shouting, "ONEW'S A GIRL!" WHAT?! Aissh, Jjong, you're stupid to the core.
Out of nowhere, the cute waiter jumps on him and closes his mouth with - ice cream? He just stuffed hyung's mouth with ice cream. Smells like vanilla from here...
While Jjong was pretty much occupied with his ice cream (he seems to be hungry from our jetlag), the waiter whispered raspidly, "If you as ever tell anyone around this cafe that I'm a girl, you will discover the wrath of YuDi Jiang!" I found it funny that he had him on a headlock while he was still on his shoulders. Hehe~
Then I suddenly chuckled at what just came from her mouth. The wrath? Puh-lease! But then again, she did take Jjong down just now... wait a minute! Did the waiter just say he's a girl?! She's a girl! Which means I'm straight! Woo-hoo! .....but that means Jjong felt her chest as he was hugging her, which would explain his random shouts that Onew-hyung's a girl from a moment ago.... AISSH! THAT PERVERT!
I shook those thoughts from my head and extended my hand out towards the "waiter" girl who's still on top of Jjong. "Hi, I think we got off on the wrong foot. My name is Kibum Kim, and the pervert you are on top of still is my stepbrother, Jonghyun Kim." I flashed my killer smile. "We're looking for our friend, JinKi Lee? He goes by Onew, also. I presume you work with him...?"
The "waiter" quickly got to her senses as soon as I was done introducing myself and tried to get down from Jjong's back, but he dropped his ice cream and quickly held onto her legs. What the hell?!
"Um, hi. I know JinKi... can you tell this perverted raptor to let go of me?" she asked as she struggled to get away from him. I nodded and turned my gaze to Hyung.
"Yah, Jjong! Let go of her already!"
He simply shook his head. "No. I like her. She makes me feel tall." He smiled devilishly and ran back into the cafe with her. I hurried inside the cafe after them, worried over nothing as I saw Jjong finally letting go of - she said her name, right? Jiang YuDi? - and they sat across each other at a booth. I reluctantly sat next to my stepbrother and noticed the messy ice cream stain on his face. I laughed aloud, and it seems YuDi had caught on to what I've just seen, because she started laughing really loud as well.
Jjong looked at us like we were crazy people. "What's so funny?"
YuDi sighed and shook her head. What she said next stunned me - "Aigoo, why do you have to be so childish?" She could speak Korean? Well, it's not perfect, but understandable enough.
She pulled a napkin from the dispenser on the table booth and reached over to Jjong's face. She slowly wiped the ice cream off his face. Haha~ should've seen the look on his face! Jjong was so shocked and speechless - wait, is he blushing? Gosh, he's blushing! I don't know how I did it, but I prevented myself from laughing loudly as I continued watching Jjong's reaction from YuDi's actions.
The man who called himself the "Bling Bling" ladies man, the same man who flirts with other women nonstop since God knows when, the same man who turns on his romantic charm when he wants to - THAT SAME MAN is Kim Jonghyun. The same Kim Jonghyun who is now melting over this crossdressing waiter girl by the name of Jiang YuDi... I suddenly want to know more about her...
After she was done wiping Jjong's face, she left to throw the used napkin in the trash. I noticed Jjong never taking his eyes off of her....... his eyes trailed slowly down to her figure, then down to her - OKAY! TIME TO WAKE UP THIS PUPPY-EYED PERVERT! HIS TONGUE IS PRACTICALLY STICKING OUT!!!
I pushed my stepbrother into the booth more and left him there. It still seems he's in a trance, that pervert. I walked up to the counter and noticed my reflection on the napkin dispenser. Damn, I look good! I started to fix my hair until I began to notice a person staring at me from across the counter.
"Tsh. Narcissist." YuDi mumbled. What did she call me?!
I stopped checking myself out to look at her. "Well, looks are my #1 priority! Girls would kill to be with me!"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." She then scanned me from head to toe with her eyes. What, is she checking me out?
"You want strawberry ice cream?" she asked me. I remember I'm wearing a pink shirt, black skinny jeans, and several pink accessories. Ayo, she must think I'm gay! TSH. Who cares what she thinks? She's the one crossdressed as a waiter!
I didn't answer her and she continued to look up and down at my figure. Is she disgusted by me? Fine! If she doesn't like gay people - which I'm not! - then I'll just leave! Hmm.... maybe I'll just leave the pervert here and he'll do something about that idiot staring at me. Hehehehe~
"Yah, Egomaniac!" she called behind me. I turned my head. There was no one there but Jjong. Did she just call him an Egomaniac? "I gave you vanilla chessecake ice cream, right?"
Jjong nodded towards us and decided to stand up and walk towards us at the counter. Meanwhile, I couldn't help but stare at this unbelievable girl. "I'll give you strawberry cheesecake ice cream, then." she told me. But I just ignored her order for me. I wasn't hungry anyway.
"Yah, why're you calling my friend an Egomaniac?" I asked her.
"`Cause he looks like one." Then she winked at me. Is she trying to flirt with me? What is this?!
"Judging by your narcissistic looks and the way you move about, you're a diva, right? But not gay." she asked for confirmation; making her last accusation sounding like a statement. Did she just state that I wasn't gay?
"You know," I said while leaning forward towards YuDi over the counter, "you're the first to ever think of me as a straight guy by first impressions." I smirked at her.
In return, she leaned forward towards me and whispered softly in my ear. "I hate people who misjudge people and are disgusted at first impressions. And besides, you and your friend/stepbrother are pretty cute, even cuter together, but I'd prefer separate."
I leaned in even closer to her face. "Are you saying you like me or the perverted raptor with the puppy eyes?"
She leaned in even closer, smiling her killer smile, and..... poke! She poked the tip of my nose with her index finger! I was baffled at her actions. She started laughing her ass off! The nerve! Jjong and I looked at each other skeptically, then looked back at a ballistic girl. Has she been toying us this whole time?!
"HAHAHA~ YOU GUYS FELL FOR MY FLIRTING! I DIDN'T THINK I HAD IT IN ME, ACTUALLY! Hey, I think I'll use these moves on our upcoming customers next time, then. Hehe~" she scratched her head and grinned like a happy idiot. Is she stupid or something?
Jjong finally spoke. "So you basically used us as a test for your 'waiter' skills?" Coming from him, this tactic skill sounded familiar..... where have I heard this before?
"Yeah, JinKi-oppa taught me to use the 1st few customers today to practice my flirting, so that next time I can attract more customers to this place." she said with an even brighter smile on her face. I knew that Tofu-face would eventually rub his condition off on others!
I boiled up inside. I don't know what got into me - I literally grabbed YuDi's shirt collar from where I was sitting and leaned in extremely close to her. Jjong tried to pry my hands off of her, but I somehow ignored him and -
SMACK! Our lips locked and I saw her eyes bulged out of her sockets.
Oh, crap. What have I done? I gave away my first kiss!
...It's her fault, really. I just wanted to teach her a lesson for toying with us, but I couldn't think of anything else and male hormones reacted quickly than my brain did! Pabo, Key! You're in it this time!
Out of nowhere, YuDi's strength pushed me away from her and she covered her mouth with her sleeves. Jjong immediately pulled the collar of my shirt and away from the counter.
"What the hell was that?!" Boy, hyung was furious.
"What the hell, indeed!" someone exclaimed from behind us. Uh-oh. I recognize that voice anywhere.
Jjong and I turned around to see an angry tofu face shotting daggers with his eyes - at me! Shit!
All of a sudden, we all heard YuDi sobbing into her sleeves. Onew-hyung softened his gaze at her and rushed over to her, holding her tight.
"YuDi, sorry. My friend didn't mean to do that." He tried calming her down with his soft voice and patted her head carefully. YuDi continued to sob into Onew-hyung's chest and hugged him back tightly.
"H-He stole m-my first k-kiss..." she managed to sputter out. Holy crap. Tofu leader's gonna kill me!
Both hyungs shot more daggers at me with their icy stares. I gulped and wished that I was invisible right about now. I didn't know it was her first kiss...
Labels: fiction, story, your heart will tell you