Angelic Princess 天使公主

To search for one's true love, you must first find your true self. Don't just love yourself, though. Love the people around you who truly care for you.
为了寻找自己的真爱, 你必须先找到你真正的自我。 不只是爱自己,虽然。 爱你周围的人谁真正关心你。

My Prince, please find me... 我的王子,请找我...

My name is Xiao Yu Di. I love Pochacco, Mangas, Reading, Cup O Noodle, Ramen, Muffins, Performing, Internet, Writing, Sleep, and one particular guy. 我的名字是小雨滴。 我爱PC狗,曼加斯,读,杯Ø面,拉面,松饼,表演,上网,写作,睡眠,和个特别的人。

Friends... 朋友...

Konini-unnie :P LoL + friend + friend + friend + friend + friend + friend +


Blogger + Come see me. =D + Shawols! + link + link + link + link + link +

Summer's Playlist 夏天的播放列表

Music Playlist at


September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
June 2009
July 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010


Surprisingly Sleepy...
Chapter 16: I Know It's My Fault
Chapter 15: This Is My Decision
Chapter 14: It's Like You're Suddenly By My Side
Chapter 13: Special *2MIN Past
Chapter 12: She's Looking At Me Too
Chapter 11: If I Don't See You Even For One Day
Chapter 10: Moods Are Up To You To Decide
Chapter 9: Special* Molly's Diary + Overseas Call
Chapter 8: What Should I Do?

The Truth - do you dare? 真相 - 你敢吗?

My Ideal Guy 我的理想盖伊

Key Icon Pictures, Images and Photos
Someone who likes to sing, shine, and at times shy; Someone who's not afraid to show a lot of emotion; Someone who's a few years older than me. I'd date someone who isn't that tall, but isn't that short (for me) either; Someone who is average, Someone who loves to write lyrics, watching movies, and learn Chinese (I'm not Chinese either, but I'm learning). Last off, I'll love a guy who has nice skinship, who's not afraid to be a little bit bad sometimes, ;-) and who's willing to spend time with an average girl...
有人谁喜欢唱歌,光泽,有时害羞; 人谁不害怕表现出很多的情感; 有人谁是几年比我大。 我是谁日期不是别人高, 但是,这不是短期的我()或者; 有人谁是平均水平, 有人谁爱写歌词,看电影,学习中文 (我不是华人下去,但我学习)。 最后的时候,我会爱上一个人谁具有良好的skinship, 谁不害怕是有点不好,有时,;-) ,谁愿意花时间,平均女孩...


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Sunday, November 22, 2009

嗨! 我的甜心

我太高兴了! :-)

现在,我看喜! 我的甜心之前,我去教堂。 这是一个关于薛海,一娇丰富杜克来自台湾,谁在上海进入高校招收的“林大朗台节目”,因为他是唯一的儿子继承了富裕的家庭。 薛还将会是完了,如果他没有一个假身份。 然后,来自台湾的朱保符合一个学校队友薛害。 她在这个节目badass,并保存其他欺负薛害。 那是在保朱成了薛害的初恋。 突然,一个误会发生,保朱薛还失去联络时,她回到台湾。 愤怒和今后一个结论,她倾倒他,薛还决定放弃新的标识为“林大朗”。 (我认为出现这种情况,因为宝珠认为,薛海真正的名字是“大朗”。)薛还从杜克转换成一个英俊大块自己(很可能会使用他的真名“薛害”),以寻求报复。

作为薛海演员扮演/林大朗是罗志祥 这位女演员扮演朱保林杨砗嗯是的,我检查了:它们实际上五年外,程林是25岁,粗西盎为30。 到目前为止,这是一个非常好的表现。 我不相信程林作为第一次在这里badass次。 她很可能学过这样的行为从迈克他。 大声笑

这一节目的英文名称也被称为花花公子的恋人上海情人 这是一个浪漫喜剧,主题演唱会的主角是做不到的。 :-)

杨掣嗯林唱的闭幕主题曲 雨的爱

我只是看一集,并已在第三部分中英文字幕显示,我喜欢。 :-)

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Hi! My Sweetheart

My high school band got 3rd place in the Class B Division at Arcadia Band Review.
I'm so happy! :-)

Right now I'm watching Hi! My Sweetheart before I go to church. It's a Taiwanese show about Xue Hai, a pampered rich dork from Taiwan, who enrolls into college in Shanghai as "Lin Da Lang" because he's the only son heir to the rich family. Xue Hai would be a goner if he didn't have a fake identity. Then, Bao Zhu from Taiwan meets Xue Hai as a school mate. She's a badass in this show, and saves Xue Hai from other bullies. That was when Bao Zhu became Xue Hai's first love. Suddenly, a misunderstanding occurs, and Bao Zhu lost contact with Xue Hai when she moved back to Taiwan. Furious and coming up with a conclusion that she dumped him, Xue Hai decided to give up the new identity as "Lin Da Lang". (I think this happens, because Bao Zhu thinks that Xue Hai's real name is "Da Lang".) Xue Hai transforms himself from dork into a handsome hunk (probably will use his real name "Xue Hai") in order to seek revenge.

The actor playing as Xue Hai/Lin Da Lang is Luo Zhi Xiang. The actress playing Bao Zhu is Yang Cheng Lin. And yes, I've checked: they're actually 5 years apart, Cheng Lin being 25 years old and Zhi Xiang being 30. So far, this is a really good show. I can't believe Cheng Lin plays as a badass here for the first time. She probably learned to act like this from Mike He. LoL

The English title of the show is also known as Play Boy and Sweetheart or Shanghai Sweetheart. It's a romantic comedy, and the theme songs are sung by the main characters. :-)

Luo Zhi Xiang sings Head Over Heels In Love for the Opening Theme Song.
Yang Cheng Lin sings Rain Love for the Closing Theme Song.

I'm only watching the 1st episode, and already by the 3rd part in English subtitles I like the show. :-)

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Friday, November 20, 2009

应力 - 啊〜〜这样忙!


  • 我得到了80分的25 在我的组2考试先进的美国历史类的位置。我要更加努力学习!我得到一个迄今在这个类的第一季等级。 :-(
  • 在最后一刻,我在我的语言艺术荣誉类代课老师教导我们,使性格分析海报项目从萨勒姆的女巫我们大多数人不知道什么时候它的到期,所以我对此事有些担心。
  • 我没有研究,我的解剖及物理类对细胞繁殖试验了。难道我今天的测试没关系?...
  • 我不记得,如果我要在周一的三角类考试,但我清楚地记得,我要去参加法国2级考试的书面章节。 (我想我也应该有一个关于这个问题的口语测试,但我想学习和工作而努力!)
  • 阿卡迪亚带检讨,就是明天!我得到放松!但是...我要在学校与妹妹我在上午6:30

噢!差点忘了!康妮(我的妹妹),成为我们学校最基础的鼓手鼓线。 Yay的康妮! :-)她现在一年级的在我的高中,现在我目前一个初级。

祝我好运的明天!去JGHS! (这就是你要知道我去上学。)

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Stress - Ah~~ So Busy!

Lately, I've been so stressed out.
It's because of the following things:

  • I got 25 out of 80 marks right on my Unit 2 Exam for Advanced Placement of United States History class. I have to study even harder! I got a D so far in the 1st Quarter grade of that class. :-(
  • At the last minute, my substitute teacher in my Language Arts Honors class instructs us to make a poster project of character analysis from The Crucible. Most of us don't know when it's due, so I'm kind of worried about this matter.
  • I didn't study much for my Anatomy & Physics class test on cell reproduction. Did I do okay on today's test?...
  • I don't remember if I'm going to have an exam on Monday for Trigonometry class, but I clearly remember that I'm going to take a written chapter exam for French 2 class. (I think I'm also supposed to have an oral test on this subject, but I'm trying to study and work hard for it!)
  • Arcadia Band Review is tomorrow!!! I got to relax! But... I have to be at school with my sister at 6:30 a.m.

Oh! Almost forgot! Connie (my little sister) became the top base drummer in our school drum line. Yay for Connie! :-) She's now a freshman at my high school, and now I'm currently a junior.
Her friends keep coming over this week for a project, and now they're addicted to a lot of common songs we were playing on the internet; including Chu~♥ by f{x}. I recommend you listen to this song if you haven't seen the music video. It's pretty cool.
Also, listen to Ring Ding Dong by SHINee.
If you like Jiro Wang from Fahrenheit or Cyndi Wang, watch the series [MoMo Love]. It's kind of addicting, and it's a new show. I'm up to Episode 5, when Tao Hua and Yu Yi take their exams.
Still watching it.

Wish me luck for tomorrow! Go JGHS! (That's all you have to know where I go for schooling.)

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Monday, November 16, 2009

小雨滴 / Little Rain Drop

On a recent Friday, there was an announcement on the school bulletin. Luz Corea passed away on Thursday due to an asthma attack. It was said that her inhaler ran out when she needed it at the time she was sick. Luz was my good friend. She reminded me of how I used to be when I was younger. And yeah, she's pretty much in the same grade level as me. During the time she was sick, I was so innocently unaware. I was too busy wishing for rain to come pouring down on Earth. And it did. Twice. Little raindrops kept pouring down when I wasn't outside, but then it got sunny when I stepped outside my house. Rain can cleanse the person's soul out of sin and depression, and can sometimes bring out a happy person. But other times it pays a price.
She was cute in her own shy, smart, and innocent way. She was in the Anime Club, and had an A+ in Mrs. Borja's class. I'll miss Luz. Goodbye. I want to announce that I'm officially changing my name to "Little Raindrop". From what's happening lately, I realize it should be my Chinese name.
Yeah. I'll post back soon.


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Sunday, November 1, 2009


有点儿尴尬,但不是他。 X-P
S8 Pictures, Images and Photos
我意识到人们宁愿继续而不是31 30日至鬼屋。
整个2天的性能由约6 - 10p.m。,我仍然把自己打扮成美少女战士。
我们要下大吓团队! hahaha

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Halloween Fun

Today is November 1st.
Yesterday was October the 31st - Halloween.
On the eve of Halloween, I came to school dressed up as Sailor Moon.
When people started asking me who I was, they then started asking me what Sailor Moon was after I answered them.
Sailor Moon was only around 1990's, and I'm a junior high schooler now.

There's no way lots of younger children would know who Sailor Moon was.
There was also this senior named Jonathan who dresses up as the Tuxedo Mask every Halloween.
I forgot about that.
A bit awkward, but not for him. X-P
Since I don't have internet at my house and am now at the library, I can't upload a pic of me wearing a Sailor Moon outfit.
The outfit was created by my mother, and it was also a replica of what my mom made me when I was a little girl.
Yes, I was also Sailor Moon before.
Connie was a Sailor Moon girl, too - Jupiter.
But this year she just dressed up as a nurse.
Actually, it was just her casual outfit, but everytime she wears it everyone thinks she's trying to dress up as a nurse. haha
S8 Pictures, Images and Photos-----------------------------------------------------------------
I started working on a Haunted House at the Elk Lodge on Halloween Eve & Halloween.
I had to move the dolls at the Doll House portion so that it looks like the dolls themselves are looking at people as they pass by the area corridors.
Before all that, Penguin took a video of me getting scared.
I was scared of clowns, and Penguin convinced me he was going to take a photo of me working.
So I posed, wondering what's going to happen, because I felt like something's gonna pop up.
And out of nowhere, T.K. comes popping up out of the half-built shelf with an ugly clown mask on his head.
Everyone heared me screaming, came to the scene, and started laughing and applauding.
When Penguin replayed the video, everyone started laughing.
It looked like I was jerking when I jumped and screamed.
At the rehearsal, Connie didn't show up because she had drumline practice.
I only join drumline until November, which reminds me: I'm going to go practice real soon.
Just don't know when though.
Anyways, people said the Doll House was pretty creepy.
Evelyn and I were working at the right side of the Doll House, and I didn't know Christian (the guy who will be in the clown mask) much - that's why I stayed with Evelyn.
When the rehearsal test group came through, there wasn't any audio set up for creepy noises until the next day.
So, I did it.
Giggling and saying, "Wanna play?" in a high pitch voice was now my motto.
Evelyn said I was really good with the voices - along with a few other people.
I was feeling pretty proud of myself.
After that, the 13 Chambers of Horror at the Haunted House had a Doll House with 2 creepy noises going on instead of just 1.
I've realized people would rather go to haunted houses on the 30th instead of the 31st.
The whole 2 days of performance from around 6-10p.m., I still dressed up as Sailor Moon.
I wanted to get candy later.
I ended up going to only 2 houses for candy, but at least I got a lot.
I shared my candy earlier with some of my friends and Connie's friends working at the haunted house.
Even though she didn't go to rehearsal, Connie came for the 2 days we actually had to perform.
On the 30th, she was doing random stuff with Gabby and Gisela.
On the 31st, the little girl who was supposed to play Alice didn't show up, so Connie played her.
She was so cute like a doll!
She kept getting dragged and poked and she was scary!
On the 31st, Evelyn wasn't working, so I was all alone.
I ended up working with Christain.
We make a great scaring team! hahaha
Overall, the 13 Chambers of Horror was fun.
What have you been doing on Halloween?
Wanna play later?

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