~July 18 at LanTian Hotel - 8a.m.~MinHo's POV"We're here!" Jjong-hyung exclaimed as he parked carefully at the front of the hotel. His voice woke me up and I figured out the surroundings around me. I slowly stretched and yawned as Jjong-hyung got out of the car and opened the back door to wake up TaeMin.
He gently shook him by the shoulders. "Taeminnie~ wake up! Appa's here! Let's go get Umma, okay?" he said in a cheery tone.
Seriously, Appa and Umma? I shook my head as he continued to get TaeMin to wake up. Jjong-hyung and Key are too messed up in their drama world. They even got Onew-hyung involved, plus YuDi! I swear, someday this reality drama of theirs will end up affecting TaeMin's brain.
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed someone familiar through the glass windowed entrance of the hotel. This boy looked so much like Jjong-hyung - GASP!
Without helping Jjong-hyung wake TaeMin up from his sleep in the car, I ended up running after the figure inside the hotel.
DAMN! She went in the elevator! I glanced at the sign close to the elevator which said "Emergency Stairs" on a door. I decided to use the stairs. Oh boy, was that a mistake. I sped my way through each floor while climbing up the stairs, until I reached to the 5th floor.
Panting loudly, I just decided to give up. Maybe it wasn't the person I thought it would be -
"MINHO!" someone yelled behind me. I recognize that voice.
I quickly spun around to find Amber, my twin sister, standing a few meters away from me. My eyes widened and my face lit up with a smile. So it was her!
"AMBER!" I yelled out happily, running towards her with open arms. She ran towards me also with open arms. We ended up colliding each other and falling on the floor while hugging each other, laughing our butts off because the fall reminded us of Onew-hyung's many falls, trips, slips,.... I think you get the picture.
Anyway, we helped each other off the ground and continued to hug while standing.
"I missed you, Amber!" I exclaimed while smiling. She let go of me and smiled back, punching me by the shoulder.
"Hey, I missed you, too!"
"What are you doing here?" Then she told me this whole story about how her brother, the celebrity, is performing around L.A., and she along with f(x) group wanted a vacation so they went with her brother to America.
"Wow, what a coincidence!" I said afterwards.
"Yeah, tell me about it. I bumped into your friends today - especially that faggot!" She then started complaining about Key, which made me laugh, because she included lots of swear words in English that I wish to not repeat.
"Wait, you've seen them? Which room are they staying in?"
"Oh, it's just down this hallway. Krystal and I will lead you there in just a second." I nodded as she opened the door closest to her. So this must be her hotel room.
"Come in." she gestured to me as I nodded happily and gladly stepped into the hotel room. I met Krystal briefly in the living room before both of them left to freshen themselves up a bit and get the presents for TaeMin's birthday today.
Amber and Krystal immediately filled me in the details to their surprise party for TaeMin planned by YuDi and Onew-hyung. But, something was off... it was as if these 2 weren't telling me exactly everything that happened here.
"Um, Amber? Krystal?"
"Yeah, MinHo/Oppa?" Amber and Krystal responded at the same time.
"I have a feeling that you two are hiding something from me... what is it?"
Then we just stood in front of a hotel room door for the longest 2 silent minutes of my life. Amber and Krystal looked at each other with grins on their faces. Finally, Amber spoke to me as Krystal turned the doorknob, realizing that it was unlocked.
"Well, I heard from Krystal who was just told by Key and YuDi this morning over the phone that Onew-oppa finally confessed his feelings for Victoria-unnie!" Amber squealed out in a whisper. Wow, it's been forever since I've seen her act like a total girl.
"And now they're, like, officially dating, from what I heard from Sulli after Key-oppa's call!" Krystal chimed in.
"Oh. Good for them." was all I could say about the matter.
Then, I got confused. I suddenly remembered Onew-hyung admitting once that he had a crush on Victoria-noona, but what puzzled me was YuDi. Isn't she close with Hyung?
My question was answered as soon as we stepped foot into the kitchen of the hotel room we entered. Before the scene I've just witnessed, I figured out this is where Onew-hyung, Key, and YuDi checked in judging by the suitcases and bear plushies on the bed.
Coming back to reality, this is what made Krystal's jaw drop, Amber covering Krystal's eyes with her hands, and me just plain baffled at the sight:
Leaning against YuDi on the countertable of the kitchen.
Making out.
YuDi's arms around Key's neck.
Key's hand on YuDi's thigh leg?! (she's wearing shorts)
Okay, I got the hint. THE BIG HINT. They hooked up, definitely.
I don't think this deranged couple seemed to hear us because they continued in their makeout session. I faced Amber and Krystal and placed a finger on my lips, indicating for all of us to be quiet. They agreed and we all crept out of the hotel room silently.
As soon as all 3 of us closed the door, we bursted out into laughter in the hallway.
Calming down, I asked, "Okay, when did this start?"
Amber continued to laugh so hard, considering the fact since she was sure a few minutes ago that Key would remain a diva faggot forever and never get a girlfriend even if he was the top mafia boss in Seoul. Yes, those where her exact words.
Krystal quieted down and answered me instead. "Oh, just about yesterday morning." She flashed a quick smile at me, then she noticed something behind me. "Omo~ is that TaeMin-oppa and Jjong-oppa?!"
Amber and I turned around, and sure enough, Jjong-hyung and TaeMin looked around the floor and found us. They both were smiling as they ran towards us. Especially TaeMin. Man, I gotta love his cute and handsome face! Hehe~ his sexy bedhead hair is showing....
TaeMin ran into my arms, yelling, "Hyung! Why didn't you wait for us? I got so scared, I thought you left me!"
I chuckled as I patted his bedhead hair. His hair is so long and pretty~
I leaned in closer to his ear and whispered, "I'll never leave you, you know that, stupid." That made him blush; I couldn't help it but peck him on the cheek.
I heard gasps from behind me. I turned around to see another scene of Krystal's jaw dropping, Amber covering Krystal's eyes with her hands, and a pretty much shocked Jjong-hyung. Aissh~ didn't this guy see us last night?!
I held onto TaeMin as he quickly looked away in embarrassment. I glared at the three standing in front of me, indicating to back off. They retreated a few steps away from us, and that's when an idea popped into that brilliant brain of mine.
Jjong-hyung looked like he snapped back to reality - well, not exactly.
"Yah, why are you corrupting my son?! You two are supposed to be brothers!" he bickered at me. I smirked at Hyung. About time he gets a taste of his medicine.
I replied, "Hyung, aren't you the 'appa', Key's the 'umma', TaeMin's my 'brother', and YuDi's our caring 'aunt' a.k.a. Key's 'sister'?"
Hyung looked at me funny, then replied back, "Y-Yeah, and Onew-hyung is YuDi's 'husband', so?"
I gave another smirk to him, and Amber & Krystal quickly caught on to what was going on in my brain. Oh yes, they've heard of our infamous drama created by this idiot hyung and my other idiotic hyung inside the hotel room. They sheepishly grinned at Hyung as Krystal reopened the door slowly and quietly for him.
"Oppa, just be brave, okay?" Krystal whispered the advice to Jjong-hyung, then tried her best to hold in her laughter.
Confused yet curious, Jjong-hyung cautiously explored the hotel room by himself. Amber pulled out a camcorder from her vest pocket and trailed right behind him.
TaeMin was looking at all of us now, and asked what was going on. Krystal smiled and whispered the whole ordeal into his ear. TaeMin mouthed an O-shape, showing that he understood now.
Just as we heard Jjong-hyung yell, "YEOBO, WHAT THE HELL?!" all 3 of us dashed inside the hotel room to watch a new 'drama episode'.
Key's POVIt was 7:30a.m. Victoria-noona, Sulli, and Luna dropped by our hotel room today to quickly plan TaeMin's surprise party. YuDi and I planned to start decorating the room at 10a.m. with the hyungs while f(x) and MinHo distract TaeMin for about an hour, then come back and be surprised. Ahh~ anything for my son Taeminnie~
Sulli and Luna hid all the food high in the top shelves and in the back area inside the fridge. Noona and Hyung left after hiding the decorations under our bed. They said they'll buy breakfast, and the rest of us agreed, as long as it's not chicken. Just in case, I sent Sulli and Luna with them so we can actually get real breakfast for breakfast!
I ate nothing but chicken yesterday and Italian dinner! I want pancakes, eggs, sausage - anything but chicken! Darn, those chicken lovers!
Half an hour after everyone left, YuDi got out of the shower dressed in:

(add close to dry hair and leave out the wings - change the skirt to shorts and eyes are brown instead of blue)
.... did I mention how much of a cutie my girlfriend is?
Gosh, look at the way she dries her hair with a towel.
Suddenly, YuDi looks at my way and smirks. She tossed the towel over my head and headed over the kitchen. What the -
I took the towel off my head and threw it aside as I headed over to the kitchen.
"Yah! What'd you do that for?!" I hollered at her as I started chasing her around the kitchen. I swear, our kitchen's so freakin` huge!

(only using the kitchen part here as part of the hotel suite room)
She started running away, shouting, "Well you were drooling at me, so I couldn't help it!" Then the thought of it just made her laugh. Me? Drooling? As if!
I finally cornered her to a countertable with both my hands holding onto the edge of the table. She can't escape this time! Her eyes widened, then she flinched as I leaned in close, staring hard into her brown eyes.
"Eh? Key, what are you - " I cut her off with a simple kiss. I tasted her sweet strawberry lipgloss and smiled. She rarely puts anything on her lips; I took advantage of the change and pressed my lips harder onto her slightly chapped lips. Well, my lips were chapped, too, so it doesn't matter.
Our bodies grew closer together as YuDi wrapped her arms around my neck. I got a little excited and accidentally drew my hand closer to her thigh leg, lifting up her knee so that her leg is somewhat hooked near my waist. Surprisingly, she didn't pull away. Instead, she bit my lower lip, causing my mouth to slightly open. Her tongue slipped into my mouth and I made sure no air escapes from our mouths.
After a good long minute of that, we pulled away from each other and gasped for air. My eyes and YuDi's eyes met at that time, then we just started giggling. Man, that felt so good! I used to think it was pointless for couples to make out, but now I see why!
YuDi walked over to the fridge and opened the bottom door. "Dude, I'm hungry for cheesecake! So what kind of cheesecake flavor do you want? There's banana, lime, plain New York - "
I crept up behind her and slowly wrapped my arms around her waist. I rested my head on her shoulder for a bit, replying, "Mmm... I want strawberry..."
Awww~ cutie girl's so puzzled! Look at her confused face!
"Eh? There's no strawberry flavored cheesecake here..." she said while turning her head to look at me. I just grinned at her.
"I'm not hungry for cheesecake." I simply stated, planting kisses on her neck, then leaning in for a kiss.
A very loud person interrupted our kiss.
YuDi and I turned to find a very shocked Jjong and an annoying Amber recording all this, with a creepy smile on her boyish face. Damn it! How long were they here recording this?!
To my surprise, Krystal rushed in with MinHo and TaeMin - holding hands?! WHAT HAPPENED WHEN I WAS GONE?!
I let go of my cutie girl and ran towards MinHo and TaeMin. "YAH! WHY ARE YOU TWO HOLDING HANDS LIKE THAT?!" I scolded at them.
I gulped and looked behind me. YuDi looked scared. Ayo~ what should I do?
Jjong threw his hands up in the air. "I can't believe you're cheating on me!" he complained.
I glared at him. "Me cheating on you?! You're the one who practically was all over her!"
"W-Well, that's because we both like skinship, right, YuDi?!" he shouted over to YuDi.
She looked too scared and confused to respond, so Jjong angrily stomped over to her and grabbed her by the arm. Shocked, I made my way towards her, but Jjong blocked me away from her.
"STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!!!" he suddenly yelled at me. Oh, so that's how you're playing it? Fine then!
"FINE THEN, BUT I'M KEEPING MY DAUGHTER!" He still held onto YuDi like she was his possession or something. Tsh. Trying to make me jealous?
"WHAT?! THEN - " I spun around and ran towards TaeMin, pulling him close to me. "TAEMIN IS FOREVER MY SON, SO YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM!"
Heh. That made Jjong's eye twitch. He looked over at Amber, who was recording all this. He smirked, then ran over to her side while pulling my 'cutie pie' with him. He took the camcorder and gave it to Krystal to record. Jjong suddenly grabs Amber by the waist and announces, "If that's the way you're playing it, then fine! Amber's my wife!"
Me, Amber, and even MinHo were very much shocked over this, considering since Jjong is the only one who doesn't know Amber has a crush on him.
Then stupid MinHo had to say, "But I could've sworn Key would've made Amber his husband..." which not only ticked me off, but Amber as well. The only ones who weren't serious about the situation was TaeMin, YuDi, and Krystal. They started giggling - what the hell?!
"Oh no, please don't tell me I'm the Appa again..." someone complained nearby.
We all turned to see Onew-hyung and Victoria-noona eating french fries while Sulli and Luna chewed on their hash browns. Really, guys....?
I shot threatening glares at Hyung, but he purposely fed Noona more french fries dipped while ignoring me in the process. That betrayer!
I then glanced at the first girl I saw. I pulled Luna over to my side, making her shocked as she dropped her food on the floor.
"Fine then, I'll make Luna my wife!" I proclaimed, making everyone shocked at my decision.
"Wow, what a twist in the story plot." commented MinHo. Everyone started laughing except for me, YuDi, TaeMin, Amber, Jjong, and Luna.
Luna spoke up. "Actually, Key-oppa, can I be the Appa in this family?"
That made everyone roar with laughter except for me. I glared at everyone around me.
"YAH! THAT'S NOT FUNNY!" I yelled at them, but they just laughed harder. I felt a tug on my arm and I looked down at TaeMin.
"Umma, thank you for making my birthday fun!" he cheered at me.
All of us stared at his bright smile. Oh my God, my Taeminnie's so cute~! Everyone was in awe and we all started giving a group hug to TaeMin, greeting him a wonderful happy birthday.
Jjong's POVAfterwards MinHo and I were filled in with the details on TaeMin's surprise party. We both agreed to do our part. We ate breakfast and f(x) left with MinHo and TaeMin. As soon as I checked the hallway to see if the close was clear, everyone left in the hotel room started setting up decorations.
I watched closely as Key came closer to YuDi in skin contact. YuDi was setting up the kitchen with Key, then she started giggling when Key kissed the back of her hand. Aisshh~ what's with these two?!
Man, I'm jealous. I want someone to be that close to me! An idea suddenly popped into my head and I spun around to find Hyung.
Hyung was busy hanging up ornaments, but froze as he saw me grinning at him. His eyes slowly widened in fear after glancing over at the couple behind me.
"Oh no, not again!" he gasped and ran out the door, yelling, "VICTORIA!!!" Tsh. What a scaredy cat.
.....now I'm lonely. :(
Should I bother the lovely couple in the kitchen? Hehe~
I made my way to the kitchen and found both of them smiling brightly as they continued decorating the big cake on the center of the table. Did they hide that in the refridgerator? That thing's huge!

(TaeMin's birthday cake - strawberry chocolate flavor :P Yum.)
I let out a deep sigh and turned around - AH!
Oh, sh@#! Damn, she nearly scared the crap out of me!
I pulled her away from the kitchen and into the main room. Remember what it looks like?

(this was shown earlier in Chapter 12)
I let her go quickly and faced her.
"Dammit, Amber! You scared the crap out of me!" I whispered hoarsely at her.
She looked at me with perplexion written in her eyes. Damn, for a second there, she looked really cute. I blinked several times and mentally slapped myself. This is not what you think about when you're with one of your best friends!
"Jeez! No need to keep your panties in a knot!" she whispered back with her hands up in the air. "I'm here to help you hang the decorations and stuff."
"What happened to Hyung?"
"Honestly, he blabbed to Unnie about your perverted mode so I ended up replacing him." Aishh. Well, whatever. At least I'm not alone anymore.
As Amber continued to hang streamers and other decorations high near the ceiling, I continued with what I was doing.... what was I doing anyway?
Oh yeah! Blowing balloons! I rushed over to the writing desk and pulled out a box of those rubber things and began blowing balloons with the helium tank Key and YuDi got for us. (It was hidden in the walk-in closet.)
After half an hour, I think I blew about 60 colorful balloons and tied them carefully to each string. I suddenly got tired and landed on the comfy furniture chair. Key came into the room and tried moving towards me, but most of the strings hanging from the balloons were his way. He tried shooing them away as if they were flies.
"YAH! WHY ARE THERE SO MUCH OF THESE BALLOONS?!" he scolded at me. I simply ignored him until I felt something heavy on my lap. What?
I opened my eyelids to find a pouting Key sitting on my lap. He started playing with my hair.
"Yeobo-ah, I'm sorry about earlier. Can you forgive me?" he apologized in a cute way. This was sorta making me gag, but at the same time I found it funny.
I started playing around back at him, wiping his invisible tears. I grinned at him. "You know you're my only one, right babe?" I started to caress his face, but then someone had to ruin our fun by pulling my 'wife' away from me.
I saw YuDi's grip on the back of Key's shirt, peeling him off of me. She pretended to toss him aside and jumped on my lap. Ow~ she's a bit heavy... but I bit my tongue. I probably shouldn't tell my own daughter that, am I right? Because that would be rude of me as her 'Appa'. ;)
My princess leaned against me, resting her head on my chest. "I'm soooo tired! I can't believe we finished setting up in the kitchen! It's less than 30 minutes left before they'll come back with TaeMin..."
I caressed her long straight hair as I stared at her beauty. My left hand held onto her by the waist as my right hand continued to touch my princess's hair.
"Ahhhh~ it's okay, my daughter. Just rest your pretty head, okay?" I ordered her, and she obediently obeyed and quickly took a nap. I glanced at Key. Oh boy, was he ever jealous!
I laughed on the inside and grinned to myself, not suspecting of Key's 15 minute disappearance until he appeared again in front of me - with Amber, wait - what?! Amber?!
I took a good look at her. Man, I practically gaped at her appearance! She's hot!

(let's just say Key fixed her hair in this story pretty fast in 15 minutes, don't ya think? ;] )
She suddenly blushed when she caught me staring at her for the longest time. YuDi woke up from my embrace and rubbed her eyes. She looked up at Key, smiled brightly, then looked at the person beside him, and -
"OH MY GOD! AMBER, IS THAT YOU?!" YuDi exclaimed, which rang my ears. Dang, Key's obnoxious tone of yelling is contagious!
Princess jumped off of me and analyzed Amber from head to toe. "Damn, you're hot! It looks like a comfortable look on you!" she cheered with joy.
"You think so? I think it feels comfortable, too." Amber replied with a bright smile on her face. Oh wow, she just took my breath away.
"Oh, and thanks, boo!" she lightly punched Key on the arm and he playfully rubbed his arm where it hurted. "Didn't think you had good taste, but now you've just proved it."
"No problem, babe." he replied with a wink. What?! Making a move on my new wife, now?
As soon as Amber turned away to talk to YuDi in English, Key turned to me with a smirk on his face.
"What?" I asked him.
"Look at you - you're jealous, huh?" he whispered to me.
"Jealous? Pft! About what?"
"The way she calls me boo and I call her baby~" he cooed. I want to punch his face so bad!
He seemed to read my mind because he pulled out a white handkerchief from his pocket and waved it in the air. "Alright, I was just joking~! You should've seen the look on your face, though!"
He started laughing and teasing at me. Hmph. Who needs a Diva like him?
"Hey, all I wanted was for my cutie pie to get off of you. Well, I guess it worked in another way..." he gestured towards the two girls chatting on the bed.
For some reason, I was a bit mad that Amber hasn't exactly interacted with me today. She's been spending time with everyone BUT me, and I'm her 'husband'!
Keeping my cool, I stood up from the luxurious chair and strolled over to Amber. I pulled her up from the bed by the arm and faced my Princess.
"Sorry Princess, but Appa and Umma need their alone time, okay?" I winked at Princess and left with Amber to the walk-in closet.
Key's POVWow, my makeover on Amber even impressed me!
I think it's because of my inspiration who is now standing next to me. Hehe~ she's wonderful!
We both watched as Jjong and Amber entered the walk-in closet quickly and then I heard a locking noise from the doorknob.
YuDi and I glanced at each other, then back at the closet door.
"Yah, cutie pie." I called my girlfriend.
"Hm?" YuDi responded.
"Wanna make a bet?"
"On what?"
I glanced at my watch. "Hmm.... it's about 10 minutes until they come back, so I say 5 minutes is the maximum time to guess."
"Again, on what?"
"How long those two will stay in the closet until Amber snaps and punches Jjong in the face."
YuDi glanced at her watch. "Hmm... okay, put me down for 3 minutes."
"Pft! Please, sister! I'm betting not even a minute from now she'll be running away after beating him!"
"Tsh! We'll see! Loser takes the other out to dinner!"
"Hmm... let's make this interesting!" I grinned at her after I quickly thought of something. "If I win, you have to go on a first date with me - and I decide where and when - surprise for you. If you win, I'll treat you to any candy store or pastry shop in L.A."
"DEAL!" Heh. My cutie pie loves sweet things~!
We both timed our watches and stared at the closet. 30 seconds later, someone starts pounding on the door. Curious, I walked over to the main door of the hotel room and opened it, revealing a strange man breathing really hard.

(Wang DaDong ~ his outfit look + jeans and sneakers)
He was leaning over the doorframe, and slowly rested on his knees to catch his breath. Then, he slowly rose up and glanced at me. He bowed politely and started speaking to me in Chinese.
"I'm sorry, but is by any chance a girl named Jiang YuDi here?" he asked me.
I raised my eyebrow and studied him from head to toe. This guy seems okay, but he looks like a monkey...
"Who wants to know?" I asked him back.
Suddenly I hear a scream and a slap from the closet. I turned around, accidentally opening the door wide enough for the strange man to see what was happening.
Amber stormed out of the closet while wiping her mouth and trailed to the bathroom. Jjong soon followed out, sporting a new look of a bruised jaw - well, more like the corner of his mouth.
Oh no, he didn't! HAHHAHAHAHAHA~!
I started to laugh out loud, then I abruptly stopped when I found the man staring at me weird.
"Aw, man! I lost! You were right, Key! 58 seconds!" I heard YuDi yelling to me. I grinned in delight and shouted back, "Ha! That means you go on a surprise date with me!"
The man at the doorway seemed to understand Korean, because he started speaking to me in Chinese,
"I'm sorry, was I interrupting something? You seem to be busy with your friends..." and scratched the back of his head.
I smirked at him and replied back,
"Well, as a matter of fact, I happen to be Jiang YuDi's boyfriend. Do you need anything from her?"Suddenly, the man's eyes turned angry at me and he pulls me by the shirt collar. What the?!
"As a matter of fact, I happen to be Jiang YuDi's biological brother." He responded with a smirk.
I gulped in fear. Oh crap, what did I get myself into?!
Labels: fiction, story, your heart will tell you
# random thougths @
3:02 AM