Choi MinHo and Lee TaeMin entered the ChongBo Cafe and snuck through the crowding room of female American customers drinking coffee and eating ice cream. As soon as they reached the kitchen behind the counter, they noticed 2 strange men standing in front of them.
"YaLun," the 1st guy called out to the 2nd guy,
"tell the customers that the cafe will be closing early today." he said as he stared at MinHo and TaeMin.
The 2nd guy nodded and quickly flashed a smile towards the other customers.
"Sorry, but unfortunately due to some technical difficulties in the kitchen, the ChongBo Cafe has to close early. Please do drop by next time!" he said with a charismatic smile.
The female customers were upset and complained that they wanted to stay longer, but hearing a charming handsome guy say they can come next time brang a smile to their faces as they slowly left the cafe.
MinHo glanced at the man locking the front glass doors of the cafe. The man looked like:

(except for the hairstyle and what he's holding in his hand - introducing Yan YaLun!)
Then MinHo quickly looked at the man standing in front of him and TaeMin. The man looked like:

(except for the hairstyle - introducing Wu JiZun!)
There was an awkward silence, until TaeMin broke it. "Hyung," he called to MinHo as he clutched onto his sleeve. "I can't tell whether these are good guys or bad guys..." he whispered.
MinHo looked down at TaeMin's worried face and turned worried as well.
What? TaeMin always has these hunches right - how can he get confused now?All of a sudden JiZun chuckled at TaeMin's comment and ruffled his hair. "Don't worry, we're good guys." he said with a sudden smile on his face. Then he turned to MinHo. "You guys must be Korean, from the way this little girl spoke to you."
MinHo looked as confused as TaeMin.
Wait - did he just call TaeMin a girl?"My name's Wu JiZun, by the way." then he pointed to the man walking behind them. "And this here's Yan YaLun.
Do you remember us, Xiao YuDi?" (xiao = little in Chinese) he asked TaeMin.
Oh no, don't tell me - MinHo's thoughts were interrupted by JiZun's shout to the kitchen.
"Yo, DaDong! You're sister's here! She looks so pretty~" Uh-oh.YaLun studied TaeMin from head to toe.
"Hmm... she doesn't look like DaDong, though. Didn't she look a lot like him the last time we saw her?" he asked JiZun.
Well, duh! He's TaeMin, not YuDi!MinHo's POVThis is ridiculous! They think TaeMin is YuDi! ....then again, TaeMin
does look like a girl with his long hair. He usually has his hair tied up, but today he had it loosely around his shoulders....
My thoughts were interrupted as I saw a man dressed like coming from the back of the kitchen:

(except for the hairstyle - everyone, Wang DongCheng!)
He looked pissed as he was dragging - Jjong-hyung! He looked like he was badly beaten up! I saw Chen YiRu trailing behind them, looking over to us and 'Wu JiZun'. His eyes widened.
"Wow! MinHo-ah, you and JiZun look related to each other. Like you guys got ripped out of a comic book!" he exclaimed.
I looked at JiZun and he looked back at me. Man, we do both looked like we came out of a comic book.
TaeMin quickly rushed over to Jjong-hyung. He pulled the man's grasp away from Jjong-hyung and helped him up. "Jjong-appa! Are you okay?" he asked him, cupping his face with his palm. Jjong-hyung simply smirked and said he was fine, holding TaeMin's hand cupped to his face. Sure, I was a bit jealous, but then again this is one of those father-son moments that Key created (he's the one who started this family drama).
YiRu wandered around the cafe. "Eh? Where's YuDi?!" he exclaimed. YaLun and JiZun looked at each other and back at YiRu. "What?
You mean she's not YuDi?" JiZun asked, pointing at TaeMin.
"No, he's a guy!" I snapped. Almost everyone in the cafe seemed shock at my sudden behavior except for YiRu, Jjong-hyung, and TaeMin. They know I only release my temper when it comes to people picking on others or when something bad involves TaeMin. (But that's another story for another chapter. ;] )
Getting back to the point, YaLun mumbled, "
Told you he didn't look like him..." and looked away from JiZun as he glared at him. Meanwhile, YiRu came up to me and asked, "MinHo, did you have anything to do with my car being stolen?"
All I could to was smirk at him and reply, "Jjong-hyung was the one who gave me the keys."
Now all eyes were on Jjong-hyung. All he did was mirror my smirk when YiRu asked him how he took his carkeys. Then he replied, "Right where you last placed them."
Suddenly, YiRu nearly attacked him until JiZun got a hold of him. He kept swaring at Jjong-hyung for being a pervert. I would've assumed that YiRu had his carkeys in the back pocket of his jeans. Sometimes Jjong-hyung could be a pervert; if only he didn't love skinship so much and that I didn't know him, I would've called him a pedofile.
TaeMin's POVEventually everyone figured out Noona's disappearance and decided to find her. What I couldn't get is why YiRu dragged us along with him - me, MinHo-hyung, and Jjong-hyung.
Also, how will they be able to find them? Knowing Onew-hyung, he probably drove off somewhere far from here...
...while MinHo-hyung's putting an ice pack on Jjong-hyung's face in the backseat of the car (YaLun rented a car since MinHo-hyung & I didn't know where Onew-hyung drove the car to), I was sitting next to MinHo-hyung, watching the guy in front of me frantically search for his 'sister'.
I heard his name is Wang DaDong. Looking at his determined face, I can tell he wants to make up with Noona and that he truly cares for her. All these years he's been trying to find her, and she's been here hiding with a new family. I wonder why Noona's not ready to face her own brother....
"Damn!" YaLun exclaimed as he flipped his cellphone close. "Hey, TaeMin, right? Are you sure you gave us the right numbers?" he asked me while driving.
"Yes, those 3 numbers are from Noona, Onew-hyung, and Key-umma's phones." I answered him.
"Then that would mean they shut off their phones..." he replied, causing DaDong to look back to YaLun, then back out at the window. He really cares for her, huh?
Third Person POV It was nightfall and Onew was still driving North. He reached to a huge place called LanTian Hotel (made up the location :P) and decided to stay there for the week. He parked YiRu's car in a parking space near the front of the hotel and turned off the engine. He turned to the backseat of the car to check on his dongsaengs. Sure enough, Key and YuDi were sleeping peacefully, with YuDi sleeping on Key's lap while holding 'Dubu' the blue bear that Onew gave her.
He smiled at the sight, then unfortunately realized he had to wake her up along with Key. He slowly touched a strand of YuDi's hair away from her face.
She's so beautiful... like an angel... he thought to himself. He glanced at the front seat next to him. The white bear that YuDi gave her layed on the seat, the bear he named 'Angel'. (Ever wonder why he named the bear 'Angel' in one of the previous chapters? Well, here's the reason.)
Key and YuDi slowly woke up on their own and searched their surroundings. They rubbed their eyes and yawned, causing Onew's attention back at them.
"Come on, let's go check in." said Onew. Key and YuDi nodded at his suggestion as he got out of the car with 'Angel'. The two followed suit, with YuDi holding onto 'Dubu' as she carried 2 of her duffel bags. Onew carried YuDi's last duffel bag in the trunk and another bag of his own. Key carried only his luggage, since he had 3 of his own stuffed in the trunk (MinHo packed it for him, seeing as he knows him too well).
As soon as they checked into the hotel, they searched for their hotel room. When they found it, it was one of the top suites at the 8th floor. All 3 of them entered the hotel room with dazzling eyes. They couldn't believe that they're staying there!
This is what the hotel room looked like:

(don't think of the city location much)
Key and YuDi took one glance at the bed and started running towards it. They jumped up and down in joy, already starting a pillow fight. Onew ignored them and placed their luggages in a safe corner until a pillow hit him in the face.
He glared at the two childish teens. Key and YuDi got scared and pointed at each other, trying to shift the blame. Onew suddenly grinned and threw the pillow that was thrown at him towards Key's head, but he ducked and it ended up hitting YuDi's head.
"YA! WHAT THE HELL?! THAT DIVA STARTED IT, NOT ME!" she hollered at him, throwing another pillow at Onew but ended up hitting Key as he rose back up from sucking cover.
Overall, they ended up playing pillow fight until a maid stopped by the hotel room to check up on things. She suddenly screamed, clutching onto her nose. The 3 childish teens stopped hitting each other with pillows and stared at the maid.
"YUCK! YOU GUYS SMELL LIKE WET DOGS!" the maid yelled out, running out of the hotel room.
The 3 teens looked at each other and sniffed their shirts. They made the same sour face. It was clear they had forgotten the water fight earlier and had to change clothes.
Being in diva mode, Key claimed the bathroom first. Onew and YuDi waited in the huge wardrobe for Key. Knowing Key, he was going to model in front of them as soon as he gets out of the bathroom. This was what one half of the closet wardrobe looked like:

(this is Onew and YuDi's view of the walk-in closet while waiting for Key to come through that doorway)
Key suddenly walks in all diva-ish that YuDi could've sworn he was born a girl. Nonetheless, he was dressed up like:

(with damp wet hair from the shower)
Onew and YuDi's jaws dropped at the sight of Key. He noticed this and stopped modeling for them, asking, "What? I'm too pretty for your eyes?" then he batted his eyelashes.
"Key, we're going to
sleep. At least dress up in pajamas so that we can all go to sleep!" Onew told him.
"Yeah, I know! I just want to try out a few outfits before I put on my pajamas, sheesh!" Key exclaimed in a diva tone. Then he rushed to the bathroom with several changes of clothes in his hands.
Onew and YuDi handpalmed their faces as they continued to wait for Key. Half an hour later, Key finally wore his pajamas after all that modeling:

(yes, even the jeans)
YuDi eyed Key from head to toe. "Are you gonna wear jeans to sleep?" she asked him.
"Oh well, good enough for me!" Onew exclaimed while rushing to the bathroom and locked the door. He cackled out a menacing laugh inside the bathroom, then Key could hear him slip on the hard wet floor. Key mumbled, "Idiot." under his breath, then looked down at YuDi sitting on one of the cushion stools in the wardrobe closet.
It took a split second for YuDi to realize what just happened, then her eyes widened, handpalming herself in the face. Key smirked and leaned in closer to her ear.
"Now tell me - exactly
why do you like a dork like him?" he whispered in her ear.
YuDi turned her head to have her eyes stare into Key's eyes as their faces were mere centimeters apart. YuDi could've sworn her heart was beating rapidly when looking into his eyes, but she ignored it and looked away. She didn't know why, but she started blushing.
Key's POVHow cute~! Cutie girl blushed when she looked away from me! Although I admit I was blushing, too, at least she doesn't see it.
Wait, why
am I blushing? Our faces were only centimeters apart from each other... we weren't
that close... and why the heck does my heart keep beating really fast?
I shook my head softly and ignored my chest. I continued to stare at Cutie girl's face. Hehe~ she's still blushing! How cute!
Without thinking straight, I gave her a smooch on the cheek while I can hear Onew-hyung taking a shower. She flinched and her eyes popped out of her sockets! Haha~ I love her reaction! I pinched the cheek that I kissed her on and flashed a smile.
"Ayo~ you're such a cutie girl!" I squealed. She quickly moved away and was now standing. She looked up at the ceiling and started opening her mouth.
As soon as she opened her mouth, I wanted to shut that thing up! I mean, she started swearing in English, for crying out loud! I don't think that Hyung heard her because the shower was pretty loud, and I could hear him singing. Oh, that dorky husband of mine~ la!
Oh wait, I forgot! I made Jjong my husband now. Hyung and I broke up last year! Man, even
I forget this whole roleplaying, and I was the one to start it! kekeke~ That's why Jjong calls me Diva because I bring the drama.
Anyways, back to that filthy mouth of hers - aissh! She better shut up!
Why the f@#& did you f*+-ing kiss me for?! And that hurt, you - " and I cut her off by planting my lips onto hers. Well,
that did the trick!
I leaned back and blinked twice before realizing what I just did. I looked at her, and boy, did she get even redder! I felt my cheeks getting hotter as well.
"Why-why.....did-d you........" and she trailed off just staring at me. Then I remembered why I did that, then grinned at my sudden idea.
"Yah! That's what you get for cussing! If I
ever hear you swear again in ANY language, you're getting the same punishment, Princess!" I scolded her while sticking my tongue out. She did the same and ran off to the bathroom.
As if on time, Hyung came out drenched from the shower, but was drying his hair and wore:

(except for the sunglasses)
I swear, the way Cutie girl stared at him, it was like he was a brand new piece of candy that she wanted to try eating up! Aisssh! And Hyung's staring back at her the same way! I don't like this at all!
"YAH! GO CHANGE ALREADY! YOU SMELL!" I yelled at Cutie girl. Well, she didn't really smell bad, she actually smelled like straw - yah! Where am I going with this?!
Hyung and Cutie girl snapped out of their trances and stumbled to get through past each other. Hyung went to crash onto the large bed while I could hear Cutie girl shower from the bathroom. I sighed and something caught my eye - Cutie girl's change of clothes.
I picked them up and studied each fabric. Is she really going to dress like this to sleep? You should always look fabulous, even when you're just going to bed!
By the way, the pajamas she chose were:

(except for the shoes and Sungmin from Super Junior)
I will
so kill her by the time she comes out! Then an idea popped into my head. I grinned devilishly and tossed her clothes back into her luggage. Without Hyung looking (he already crashed and is now sleeping on the bed), I searched through her wardrobe that I packed for her in all 3 of her duffel bags.
I know, an 18 year old like me going through a 17 year old girl's clothes for her sleepwear.... that sounds so pedofile, right? But hey, I'm her brother at these situations - not to mention the umma of the group! So I have every right to fix her outfit! Hmph!
Finally, I found something for her and folded each sleepwear piece neatly. Then, I knocked on the bathroom door.
As if on cue, the door opened and I saw Cutie girl in nothing but a towel around her body. Her hair was damp and I swear, she looked so sexy~! I mentally slapped myself at the thought. Now I know how Jjong feels around women.
Trying not to let my hormones get the best of me, I quickly looked away and shoved the clothes I chose at her. My cheeks felt hot as I felt her take the clothes away from my hands, her hands brushing past mine. Man, what is wrong with me?!
"T-These a-are t-the c-clothes you forgot to g-get before you took a-a sh-sh-shower!" I stuttered and ran off to where Hyung was. I quickly jumped onto the bed next to him and shut my eyes. Slowly, I started to drift off into sleep...
Third Person POVLee JinKi slowly woke up, suddenly feeling thirsty. As he went to get water, he looked at the clock in the hotel room he was in. It read 11:50pm. Onew drank a glass of water from the kitchen (yeah, that big of a hotel room to have a kitchen also) and glanced at a calendar.
Hm... it's almost July 16.... isn't Minnie's birthday on the 18th? Oh man, and we have to hide here at least until next week. he thought to himself, then he went back to where he was sleeping. That's when he realized only Key was sleeping on the bed.
Eh? Where's Princess? Onew saw someone moving at the corner, finding Jiang YuDi sleeping on the soft furniture chair. He smiled at the sleeping beauty in front of him.
I just wish she could make up with her brother, DaDong. From what Chen YiRu told me, he's a really decent guy, and that DaDong regrets hurting YuDi's feelings. Why does YuDi keep running away? Is she scared?Onew sighed and turned to the large white bed. He shook Key awake.
"Yah, Key. Wake up."
"Hmm.... 10 more minutes, hyung......"
"WHAT?! OH MY GOD, TAEMINNIE~!" Key woke up sweating while Onew tried stiffling in his laughter.
When Key realized what Onew did, he glared at him. "Yah, hyung, what the hell did you do that for? I had a nice nap...."
Onew raised an eyebrow. "Eh? I think I was waking you up from a nightmare..."
"What makes you think that?" Now Key's fully awake.
"Because you were still sweating even before I woke you up. What were you dreaming of?"
Key's eyes widened and he gulped as he distinctly remembered his dream.
Oh crap, I was dreaming of Cutie girl! *mentally slaps himself*
Oh my God, I'm turning into Jjong! No! I won't turn into a perverted raptor!Key kept shaking his head and anwered, "Nothing, I was dreaming of nothing. Ah! It's probably air conditioning here, hyung! It's so weak, I'm hot!" He started fanning himself with his hand.
"Oh, okay. Just come and help me move Princess to the bed. This bed's pretty big enough for 3 of us to fit, and look at her. She's sleeping uncomfortably there." Onew said as he pointed to the sofa chair YuDi's sleeping on.
Key rubbed his eyes and took a good look at YuDi. His heart beated faster at the sight of her sleeping beauty:

(replace the bird she's hugging with 'Dubu')
He clutched his chest as he moved towards her. Together with Onew, Key helped carry YuDi from the chair to the bed. Since the covers couldn't cover all of them and the air conditioning was actually low, they decided not to use the blanket and slept at both sides next to YuDi.
While Onew was sleeping and holding onto 'Angel', he had his other arm as a pillow for YuDi's head. Without knowing in her sleep, YuDi had let go of 'Dubu' and clutched onto Key's arm.
That made Key's eyelids flip open and surprised. He looked over at Onew, who was drooling on the bed, but still looked cute in his sleep. Key stared at YuDi for a long time until he felt the need to come closer to her.
He stopped as soon as he was centimeters away from her face, then slowly placed his arm around her to cuddle. He glanced over her to check if Onew was awake, but he was still drooling and mumbled, "Chicken... fried...." in his sleep.
Key rolled his eyes and went back to get comfortable in his new position near YuDi. He had the urge to smile, which he did, and leaned in slowly to kiss her on the lips. Surprisingly, she kissed him back, and didn't pull back until 2 long minutes later.
YuDi smiled, mumbling, "Mmm... Key..." in her sleep.
What?! Is she still asleep?! Aissh! Key thought.
......then again, that would mean she was dreaming about me, too. The thought made him smile, then the idea hit him on the head.
Oh man, I think.... I think I like her.... I mean, I really like her... Sorry, hyung. Although she says that she likes you and you seem to like her, too.... sorry, but I won't let you have her... Key continued to cuddle next to YuDi and drift off to sleep.
Labels: fiction, story, your heart will tell you
# random thougths @
11:33 AM