Angelic Princess 天使公主
My Prince, please find me... 我的王子,请找我...
My name is Xiao Yu Di. I love Pochacco, Mangas, Reading, Cup O Noodle, Ramen, Muffins, Performing, Internet, Writing, Sleep, and one
particular guy.
我的名字是小雨滴。 我爱PC狗,曼加斯,读,杯Ø面,拉面,松饼,表演,上网,写作,睡眠,和一个特别的人。
Friends... 朋友...
Konini-unnie :P LoL + friend + friend + friend + friend + friend + friend +LINKS
Blogger + Come see me. =D + Shawols! + link + link + link + link + link +Summer's Playlist 夏天的播放列表
September 2008PREVIOUS POSTS
Chapter 6: I Want To Keep You Right HereThe Truth - do you dare? 真相 - 你敢吗? Ideal Guy 我的理想盖伊
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Thursday, July 8, 2010
Chapter 7: Love Drives Us Crazy
As YuDi closed the front door of her house, Jjong asked her a question with curiosity filled in his brain.
"YuDi, why is your name in Chinese when your parents are Filipino?"
YuDi froze in her spot, then spoke softly in reply.
"Some questions are better left unanswered, Jjong-oppa. Ah! Minho-oppa, let's go back to your dorm before Key-umma starts nagging at me again. I swear, he blames almost everything on me! What's his problem?!"
YuDi started to jog with Jjong and MinHo in the morning until she got a text message from Onew.
From: JinKiOppa+Tofu=Love
Come meet me at the bridge near the ChongBo Cafe. Okay? I have something for you. ^_^ P.S. = Texting in English is hard! o_O
YuDi texted back and sent the message to Onew.
From: My Sweet&Sour Princess
Okay. But you're coming to the dorm with me after this! I'm gonna have to ditch Jjong-oppa and MinHo-oppa because of your request. Oh, and I also have something for you. ^_^ P.S. = Get used to it! It's harder for me to learn symbols at this age! LoL
She put her phone away in her pocket and continued jogging with the guys until they reached one side of the bridge. She stopped jogging and waved to them.
"Hey guys, I forgot to do an errand. I'll be right back, okay?" she called out to them.
Jjong and MinHo stopped jogging and turned around to see YuDi. Jjong then noticed the jumbo paper bag she was holding. How did I not see that? he asked himself.
MinHo saw the paper bag, too, and remembered that YuDi bought something on their date, but she wouldn't show it to him or TaeMin. He just shrugged off all suspicion towards her and asked, "Will you be okay? Are you going to the dorm right after this errand?"
YuDi quickly nodded, then turned around to hop into the elevator. Just as MinHo was about to continue jogging, he noticed Jjong wasn't by his side anymore. He looked around him and found Jjong taking the stairs connecting to the bridge.
"Hyung, what are you doing? Let's go!"
Jjong shushed him and whispered loud enough for only MinHo to hear. "You go ahead by yourself. I'll go check up on YuDi. Her sudden actions seem suspicious!" He winked then ran up the stairs.
MinHo sighed deeply, shrugged, and continued to jog again. But Jjong heard a random shout behind him in Korean: "Don't be a perv when you see her again, okay? Or I'll tell Onew-hyung!" Jjong started mumbling something after MinHo's last words to him.
Jjong finally reached the top floor of the parking lot which connects to the bridge and hid nearby when he spotted YuDi running to a familiar person in front of her. He went closer and hid again when he realized it was Onew. Being the observer he was, his ears eavesdropped on their conversation.
YuDi saw Onew on the other side of the bridge and ran towards him. She gave him a big bear hug which he gladly accepted. She pulled back and shoved the jumbo paper bag in front of Onew.
"For you." she said with a cheekily smile.
Onew grinned and pulled out something from behind him. It was another jumbo paper bag. He also shoved the bag in front of YuDi.
"For you as well." he said mirroring the same smile.
At the same time, they took the bag that was for them and opened it to find similar teddy bears. Eh?! both of them thought, Wasn't this the teddy bear that disappeared and replaced by the one I just gave to JinKi-oppa/YuDi? How did - Both of them looked at each other with perplexed thoughts. Suddenly they both bursted in laughter.
Onew carefully examined the white teddy bear with light blue angel wings in his hands. "Why did you get me this one?"
"I thought maybe if you, um, ever leave America, then this'll be a reminder for you of me..."
"Oh." Onew replied. He looked up to see YuDi blushing sweetly while smiling at the blue bear with white angel wings in her hands. He smiled widely and stepped forward towards her.
"By the way, I gave you that blue bear for the same reason. I know I didn't need to, but for some reason I felt that this is another way of thanking you."
YuDi looked up to see Onew's face just centimeters away from hers. She raised an eyebrow. "Thanking me? For what?"
He looked directly into her eyes and leaned closer, a smile still spread across his face. "For making my life brighter when you stepped into it."
Although YuDi blushed like crazy and enjoyed the moment, she quickly snapped out of her trance and punched Onew in the arm. "You're cheesy!" she cried out and giggled like a little girl. While Onew rubbed his arm where she punched him, she diverted her attention to the bear in her hands.
"I'll call this one Dubu!" she exclaimed and hugged it tightly to her chest. Onew realized YuDi was already naming the bear he gave her, so he looked at the bear he was currently holding. He smirked at the idea that popped into his brain. "I'll call this Angel, then!" he exclaimed with a satisfied grin on his face and sniffed the bear in his hands.
To Onew, the bear smelled like jasmine flowers. YuDi followed the leader's actions and sniffed her teddy bear. Her 'Dubu' smelled like cherry blossoms. Somehow, for no apparent reason, few sparkling glitter sprinkled around them and their hands started to entwine together without them knowing.
Jjong witnessed the sparkling glitter sprinkling around Onew and YuDi's hands as their hands slowly entwined together. Sure, he was a bit jealous when they innocently gave each other similar gifts, but that feeling wore off as soon as he noticed that the glitter wasn't from anywhere. What the hell?! Jjong thought, Is this some kind of magic?! Where is this glitter coming from?
As if God had answered his prayers, Jjong randomly heard someone giggle near him where the cars were parked. He carefully examined the area around him and found a strange little girl with big glasses that's dressed so... fruity. Something Key would definitely wear... He carefully observed the little girl's image as this person watched the glitter moving with the wind around Onew and YuDi. His eyes trailed to the little girl's light brown messenger bag. The English words stitched onto her front side of the bag spelled out Molly.
Confused but determined to break whatever spell this 'Molly' is trying to conduct, Jjong smirked and jumped away from his hiding spot.
"YAH! ONEW-HYUNG! PRINCESS! LET'S GO! KEY'S GETTING ANGRY!" hollered Jjong from one side of the bridge. He saw from his peripheral vision that the girl was shocked to see him and ran down the stairs. He grinned as he felt he did his job and walked casually over to the two people holding hands. Hmm..... this glitter seems to bring two people together... have these 2 become so dense to not realize they're still holding hands? Aishh! Jjong roughly coughed as Onew and YuDi blinked several times before coming back to reality. He continued to stare hard at their locked fingers until the dense people found what he was staring at and pulled their hands away from each other.
Jjong shook his head in dismay and grabbed YuDi's wrist that wasn't holding 'Dubu'. He started running down the stairs as he shouted behind him. "Onew-hyung! Princess! Key literally might get angry with us and scold Princess again for being late!"
Onew nodded and linked his arm with YuDi, since he can't hold onto her wrist because she might drop 'Dubu'. All 3 people were linked together and ran through the sidewalk pavements, crossed streets, and finally arrived at the apartment dorm. The whole time, Jjong kept wondering about many things.
Onew-hyung and Princess have been acting really close to each other, but I know that it's just in a friendly way, because YuDi likes skinship, like me. But, I can't help but feel that they're the perfect couple for each other! Ah! What was with that glitter thing?! That was weird! Especially that little girl - Molly? Yeah, that's -
Aissh! That pain in the neck, Key! He takes his Umma role too seriously, I swear! Jjong thought as he, Onew, and YuDi entered through the front door and into the apartment dorm. Jjong quickly dodged Key's scary radar and sat beside MinHo on the dining table. To MinHo's right, TaeMin sat there and ate breakfast with MinHo. They quickly helped Jjong get a portion of breakfast for him as Key ran out of the kitchen and immediately scolded Onew and YuDi - well, actually mostly YuDi.
"Onew-hyung! How dare you spend more time with my sister than me!"
YuDi rolled her eyes. "Tsh. Like you really want to spend time with me..."
"What did you say, twerp?!"
"You're such a diva!"
"Well, you're such a whore!"
"What did you call me?!"
"You heard me! You spend so much time with Onew-hyung and you're always in skin contact with Jjong!"
"I'm not a whore - FYI! Didn't I already say that I like skinship as well as Jjong-oppa does? It doesn't make me a whore! Besides, JinKi-oppa's my best friend and I'd prefer to hang out with him rather than my GIRLY KUYA! HA!"
"OH, THAT'S IT! YOU'RE GOIN` DOWN!" Key moved closer to YuDi. Onew grabbed the teddy bears and placed them on the couch for safety.
"BRING IT, SISSY BOY!" YuDi did the same and gestured him to come to her. Onew ran into the kitchen, pretending like he didn't see anything.
The two broke down into fist fighting and hair pulling. Meaning that Key pulled YuDi's hair while YuDi kept punching Key in the stomach. No one stopped the fight; Onew started eating his breakfast as well as the rest. When Key was punched on the corner of his mouth, however, that's when hell broke loose.
The rest of SHINee heard Key's yelling. "YOU B%^&*! YOU PUNCHED ME IN THE FACE!" As far as SHINee knew, it was an unspoken rule to never wreck the Diva's flawless face.
Then they heard a screech from their Sweet & Sour Princess. "OUCH! WHY'D THE F@#& DID YOU SCRATCH ME ON THE ARM?!" See, there was a reason why 'Sour' was added to YuDi's nickname.
Everyone in the dining room froze, then scrambled off to the living room. Their eyes widened in fear as they witnessed Key and YuDi's fists in the air and was about to punch each other in the face. Jjong quickly grabbed Key while Onew grabbed YuDi and pulled each other away from them. TaeMin gasped and pointed at Key's face.
"Omo, Umma! Your mouth is dripping blood!" Key wiped his mouth with the back of his wrist and saw the blood smeared on it.
"Princess, your arm..." MinHo mentioned loudly, enough for Key to hear and glance in YuDi's direction. Sure enough, YuDi's left arm was badly scratched and blood started leaking out of her skin.
Immediately feeling guilty, Key slowly got out of Jjong's grip and headed towards the bedroom. "I'll go get the medicine kit...." he said as he left the living room. Onew was scared, angry, upset, and nervous all at once. MinHo tapped on Onew's shoulder and pointed to the clock on the wall. It read 9:15a.m. Being in charge of the ChongBo Cafe, Onew shook off the mixed feelings he had and ran to grab his coat. MinHo and TaeMin followed in pursuit and grabbed their jackets as well. Before Onew walked out the door, he placed 'Dubu' in YuDi's embrace (she could only hold it by her right arm). He slowly patted her head.
"Don't worry, Princess. Key was usually like this before. It's just that no one's ever touched his face before. But everything will be fine. Trust me." he reassured her with his cute smile and left the apartment dorm. All the people who are left at the dorm are Key, YuDi, and Jjong.
Jjong sighed and just rested on the couch, ignoring all life forms around him as he drifted off to sleep. It's soooo tiring....... maybe if I just sleep here no one will bother me.....
Meanwhile, YuDi slowly entered the bedroom and closed the door behind her. Key heard the door open and closed, so he looked up to find YuDi staring at his face. The two just gave each other the silent treatment for 5 minutes until YuDi noticed the medicine kit in front of Key on the bed. She put down Dubu on the 2nd bed and headed towards the 1st bed where Key was sitting at.
Yu Di took tissue from the bedside table and used the medicine to treat Key's wound on the corner of his lip. He flinched a couple of times, but he never complained, which was unusual for YuDi to bear.
"Speak to me, Key."
"What do you want me to say?"
"I'm sorry."
"I'm not going to say it."
"No, I'm saying sorry." Key looked bewildered and stared at YuDi. When she was done treating his wound, she blew at it and suddenly kissed it, suddenly causing Key to blush. When she pulled herself away, he raised one of his arms and held onto her face with his hand.
"Why did you do that?"
"Do what?"
"You kissed me!"
"I kissed your wound to make it go better."
"Stupid! You have medicine on your lips now!" He took more tissue from the bedside table and gently rubbed the medicine off of YuDi's lips, which suddenly caused her to blush. When he was done, he started to treat YuDi's wound on her left arm. After Key was done, both of them just sat there on the bed, bored and tired. Their hands accidentally touched, and they both felt it, but for some reason neither one of them pulled away.
Both their hearts beated faster as they stared into each other's eyes. What the hell is wrong with me...?
Labels: fiction, story, your heart will tell you