Angelic Princess 天使公主
My Prince, please find me... 我的王子,请找我...
My name is Xiao Yu Di. I love Pochacco, Mangas, Reading, Cup O Noodle, Ramen, Muffins, Performing, Internet, Writing, Sleep, and one
particular guy.
我的名字是小雨滴。 我爱PC狗,曼加斯,读,杯Ø面,拉面,松饼,表演,上网,写作,睡眠,和一个特别的人。
Friends... 朋友...
Konini-unnie :P LoL + friend + friend + friend + friend + friend + friend +LINKS
Blogger + Come see me. =D + Shawols! + link + link + link + link + link +Summer's Playlist 夏天的播放列表
September 2008PREVIOUS POSTS
Another birthday about to pass by...The Truth - do you dare? 真相 - 你敢吗? Ideal Guy 我的理想盖伊
[ Fonts (c) DF]
Friday, June 25, 2010
Chapter 19: Senorita [PG-13 much?]
Key's reaction of Calvin was this: he smacked him on the back of his head!
Minho, Taemin, Jonghyun, Nikka, and Onew nervously laughed as Calvin rubbed the back of his head while Key kept scolding him for thinking perverted thoughts about innocent children.
"Omo~ what are you spouting out?! You're ruining the purity of Taeminnie's ears here! A young child is still at present!" he kept babbling on like that for the rest of the morning.
With "umma"'s personality, everyone began to laugh heartily at Key. After a day of having fun with SHINee, MVP, and Fahrenheit, Key didn't seem to take notice of why Jonghyun bought new bedspreads and blankets earlier.
A few days later, however, Key woke up in the early morning to prepare surprise lunchboxes for Taemin, Nikka, and Abby. It would be their first day of going to school together in Seoul, so Key made sure he would wake up early enough to prepare breakfast and lunch. When he walked into the kitchen, his sleepy eyes shot open at what was in front of him. Taemin was already cutting vegetables on the kitchen counter, but that wasn't what Key's eyes were focusing on. It was Minho's actions towards his "son".
Minho crept up from behind Taemin. "Taemin-ah, that's not how you cut a cabbage. Aissh, here, I'll help you." He held Taemin's hands from behind and slowly chopped the cabbage more properly. Slowly but steadily, Taemin took over and properly started chopping the cabbage. Minho's arms trailed back to wrap around Taemin's small waist. He slowly whispered into the maknae's ear.
"Your waist is too skinny. Eat more at school, okay?" Taemin nodded childishly with a smile on his face. Surprising Minho, he slowly put down the knife on the kitchen table and spun around to peck him on the lips. He sure caught Minho offguard, but the flaming charisma somehow wanted more. He stepped closer to Taemin, pressing his body closer to his as he leaned in for a passionate kiss. Taemin didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around the tall boy's neck, kissing him back and adding some tongue action.
"What the hell are you doing?"
Surprised and in shock that they were caught, Taemin pushed Minho away from him. Both boys were now staring at a wide-eyed Key staring back at them. Oh, crap. We're caught. What's umma going to do to us now?
"How could you wake up earlier than me and prepare food?! Do you know I had to wake up early without waking up the others - just so I could prepare lunchboxes for you, Abby, and Nikka?!"
With this reaction, the 2Min couple were dumbfounded and at a loss for words. This is what he was worried about? Did he even see us...?
Key walked over to Taemin and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Taemin-ah, I know you've grown up now. Just next time - promise me you'll tell me these kinds of things, alright?" He flashed a smile at him. Taemin and Minho were overwhelmed with happiness and confusion. Taemin began to speak. "Key-hyung. Are you saying - " "Yes, I'll support your way of choosing life, as long as you keep it PG. Okay? Now move! At least let me make bentos for you, Abby, and Nikka today!"
He scooted Minho and Taemin out of the kitchen and started making bentos for lunch. Watching the "umma" at work, Minho and Taemin couldn't help but laugh at Key's reaction with Taemin's progress in the kitchen earlier.
February 21st at Seoul Airbase
Aaron Yan guided Connie out of the airport to wait for Chun Wu. He had texted them earlier, stating that he and Onew would gladly pick them up at the front of the airport in 15-30 minutes. During the waiting time, the two sat on a bench and laid their luggage next to them. Their luggage wasn't much; the university back in Taiwan scheduled for the two artists to stay in Korea until March 17. Afterwards, they will have to travel back to Taiwan for the scholarship study program until the end of spring.
Suddenly, Connie's phone rang Boys & Girls by SNSD ft. Key. She reluctantly answered her cellphone with a "Yah! Bummie! What the hell do you want?!"
"Bummie?! Yah, who're you calling a bum, Konini?!
"Stop calling me Konini!"
"Then stop calling me Bummie! You make me sound like a bum!"
"You are a bum!"
"Aishh! Babo! I just called to inform you about the involved activities your unnie and Abby signed into, okay?!"
"Ayo, why didn't you say so? Tsh. Fine. Sign me up for all of them, okay?"
"Why me?! I'm not your umma!"
"Yeah, but you act like one! Hahaha~! It's not like you're my boyfriend!"
"Babo, I am! *shocked* Omo~!" Too late. Connie already heard it.
Connie was at a loss of words for a few seconds, finally saying, "Key, why would you call me now? You know I'd be going to the dorm eventually."
"You could've waited to tell me about unnie, you know that right?"
"Yah, Bummie. Say something - "
"Go out with me." Those words seem to froze Connie at her spot. "W-what d-did you s-say?"
"You heard me." Connie didn't notice, but by now Aaron had been listening into their conversation over the phone. Aaron couldn't help but smile over this news.
There was a long pause over the phone and then a deep sigh was heard from Key. "I'll be waiting for you at the nearby train station over here. We're going to Jungang and Daeshin Underground Arcades after you settle in the dorm, okay?"
"O-okay." she replied. Aaron let out a silent "Yes!" and jumped up from his seat at the bench. To many people around them, he'd probably look like an idiot.
A few minutes later, a white minivan stopped in front of them and Chun waved hi from the driver's seat. Onew rode shot gun in the minivan, also waving hi to Connie and Aaron. Aaron and Connie happily hopped into the vehicle to meet Key, holding onto his cellphone as he looked down at the flooring of the minivan. He slowly looked up and back down at a little girl next to him. He let out a small smile and started ruffling her hair. This time, she didn't complain or push him away. Instead, she flashed her brightest smile at him.
As Chun, Onew, and Aaron imitated couple interactions on their way back to the SHINee dorm (to make Key and Connie feel uncomfortable; which was a success), Onew couldn't help but feel jealousy towards Aaron at the back seat of the minivan. Why do I feel as if I can't stand the thought of Abby with this guy? Eh? I jealous? No! There's no way! Oh God, please help me resolve this problem! I don't know what I'm feeling right now. What is this strange feeling I get everytime I see Abby?
February 21st at school
Lee Taemin, Nikka, and Abby ate together at a corner of the school. Students pass by and sometimes looked at them, but knew someone would be watching their every move, so they pass by without bothering the 3 artists.
There was always this one group, though - they call themselves Crazy 8z. Before, this group of schoolboys always breaks the rules. They expected Lee Taemin to follow as well, but he was brought up as a good boy, which got them hated by the whole school. Even a fanclub of SHINee at school, called the Butterflies, worked for the school facilities to make sure no harm would be done to Taemin, after what happened over the past couple of years ever since he became a star. Crazy 8z were obviously jealous, and no one tried to save Taemin every time they picked on Taemin, for the other students were in fear for their own lives.
Today was not a good day at all. Crazy 8z came over to the picnic setup Taemin, Abby, and Nikka were at. The 3 innocent teenagers were happily munching into their snacks until one of the schoolmates from Crazy 8z grabbed the snack from Taemin and threw it onto the ground. Abby was furious and stood up quickly from where she sat. She started defending Taemin, yelling at the Crazy 8z. No one has ever tried to stand up to the scary rebels, so the students at school slowly formed into a standby audience, watching Abby act her bravery out. Meanwhile, as quiet as she usually was back at the States at her previous school, Nikka snuck away from the group slowly. It wasn't for escape - it seems she got a plan.
Honestly, the Butterflies were jealous at Nikka, so they ignored her as she came towards their eating area, running and panting out of breath. However, as she started explaining to them that she was only a friend and that Taemin's in danger with Crazy 8z, the Butterflies had finally caught her attention. The Head Butterfly [president of the fangirl club] dealed with Nikka that they'll be nice to her and listen to her IF she doesn't become Taemin's beloved. Nikka quickly assured them that Taemin belongs to Minho, which made a few Butterflies squeal, faint, and some even throw up a little near the nearest bush. But overall, the Butterflies agreed that 2Min pair would be better in reality than an ordinary girl like Nikka, which she didn't even care, but it still stung a little in her heart.
"I have an idea." Nikka said with a serious expression.
Seeing her being serious, one of the Butterflies stood up to face her. "What's your idea, then? We're all ears when it comes to one of our SHINee boys in danger."
She let out a small smile. "Do you guys happen to have a record of Choi Minho's cell phone number?"
Taemin's POV
Everything's out of control! When I asked why they were picking on my best friend, they claimed it was because they heard that Nikka excelled in her writing classes than everybody else, so she's bound to be called a nerd. Crazy 8z always loved to pick on nerds the best!
And being the stubborn person that Abby was, she claimed herself as Nikka! Babo, Abby! She somehow always likes to fight, that idiot! Half of Crazy 8z grabbed Abby and started beating her up like she's a boy. I was about to go after them, but a punch in the stomach prevented me from doing so. All four of my schoolmates ganged up on me, backing me up to the wall of the school building. I heard gasps from the student and teacher audience around us. Why won't they do anything?! Even the teachers are scared?! Then I took a glance at one of the teachers. She had a huge scar on her left cheek and a bandaged right arm. A few other teachers had similar wounds, I took notice of it. So that's why they're scared - Crazy 8z have gotten to them!
One of my schoolmates grinned at me, calling me a hot-shot and that I should just quit school and stop being a good little boy for the sake of my image. Am I really that innocent? He raised his fist, and I expected a huge blow in my face until a large figure blocked the punch that was meant for me. My eyes grew wide as I saw Minho's Flaming Charismatic Eyes lock eyes with the boy who was about to punch me. He still held onto the boy's fist with his large hand.
"Leave him alone." He sternly demanded.