Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Part 4: Flaming Charisma and Mushroom Maknaeremember: Mandarin Chinese and EnglishTaemin's POVI looked at my watch for the time. It's 11:50p.m. I have no idea what Minho-hyung wants me for up here on the rooftop, so long as he doesn't break up with me. Because of Nikka-noona, I was finally able to open my feelings for Minho-hyung. It's been about half a year ever since I met her in America. I'm all alone at the rooftop now, staring at the night sky. Minho-hyung once brought me here before SHINee debuted, without letting the others know where we were or making them worry. In other words, we snuck out. Hehehehe~ I remember how he embraced me in a hug from behind, thinking this is his way of giving his brotherly affection towards me. I didn't think we'd go much more deeper than that... Out of nowhere, two large hands cover my eyes. I jump in fright, then from Noona's training that she gave me, I kick the intruder where he doesn't want to be kicked. I quickly spun around and find Minho-hyung bending down on one knee, covering his stomach area. My eyes widened as I deeply apologized to him. I tried to pull him up, but he refused and continued to kneel on one knee. "Hyung, I'm so sorry! Can you forgive me?" I saw him shake his head. I got even more scared. "Isn't there any way you can forgive me?" He looked up at me and smiled softly. Omo~ that charismatic smile~! He responded in the weirdest way that I could never forget in my life. "By marrying me." "Eh? Hyung?" Minho-hyung pulled out a small box from the pocket of his jacket. He opened the box and showed me what was in it. I gasped as I saw a sparkling diamond ring right in front of me. "Taemin, I love you." "But hyung, aren't we too young?" "We'll get officially married when you're 25 years old, how's that?" "But what about kids in the near future? Don't you want kids, hyung?" Minho chuckled as he easily answered my question. "We could ask a close friend for help." I could sometimes easily read his mind, and now was the time when I did that. My eyes widened at the thought. "You don't mean Nikka-noona, do you? What would she say about it?" Minho-hyung pondered on the question, then replied, "We should call Onew-hyung and Nikka about this, just in case." We both nodded to each other as we called each person from our cellphones. In a matter of 10 minutes, Nikka-noona bursted through the door which led to the rooftop. She started breathing heavy - omo! I have her inhaler! I rushed over to her and quickly aided her with an inhaler in my hand as Jonghyun-hyung, Onew-hyung, and Abby ran to the rooftop. What puzzled me and Minho-hyung was that Onew-hyung and Abby were a little underdressed... " Hyung." Minho-hyung and I called to Onew-hyung. He looked sort of confused, but not until Abby noticed what she and him were wearing and whispered in his ear. His eyes shot wide open and the two blushed like crazy. ~After half an hour~ It's way past midnight now, and Minho-hyung and I already explained future plans with kids. I was surprised to find Nikka-noona's reaction - she said she'll plan on getting pregnant with Minho's baby by age of 27. Jonghyun-hyung's reaction was priceless! He had a worried look on his face. "Nikka~ what about our baby in the future?" he pouted. "Keep your puppy pouts to yourself! I'll marry you a year after the baby's born, how about that? Besides, with Minho-oppa, my first baby might be a baby boy. I know how much you wanted a baby girl in the future, so..." and trailed off as Jonghyun-hyung started hugging her tightly with a stupid grin on his face. Onew jumped into the conversation. "Do you guys only want one child?" Minho & I replied: " Two, actually." "Well, you're not getting any babies from me! That would hurt!" Everyone turned and was shocked to find Key-hyung and Connie walking towards us. I ran towards Key-hyung. "Key-umma~! I missed you!" "I missed you, too, Minnie!" "Yah, I thought you were going to Taiwan." Jonghyun said. "I was about to board the plane when I heard someone shouting my name. I spun around and found Konini here running towards me! We had a moment, then the flight attendant told me that I missed my flight. Doesn't matter to me, though. As long as my devil's here, I'll be sleeping well with good dreams~!" Everyone was in awe, and for the first time, Connie blushed a slight color of pink on her cheeks. I'm glad everyone's together now! Key-umma and Connie-umma (hehe nice pair) kept nagging about Onew-hyung's bed being messy, seeing Onew-hyung and Abby in their current clothing, and finding similar "stuff" on Onew's bed in the MVP dorm room. Everyone turned to Jonghyun-hyung and Nikka-noona. "What? I got hungry..." Hyung replied, receiving a punch in the arm from Noona. Everyone laughed in unison. "At least I actually got fed - " Onew-hyung spoke out, receiving a blow in the stomach from Abby. Everyone roared with laughter. I guess we all grew up enough to make a lot of dirty jokes, then feel comfortable around each other. Anyways, Onew-hyung and Abby volunteered to give me and Minho-hyung our 2nd baby in the future, after their first baby, of course. Our attention now focused on the "Ummas" of the group. They seem to be uncomfortable with the situation. "Yah! She'll be keeping my baby in the future, so don't touch her!" Key-hyung hollered out, holding onto Connie as he said it. "Wait - who said I was going to have a baby?!" Everyone gasped, and Key was especially shocked at this. He quickly pouted and entwined his hands with hers. "Konini~ why can't we have a baby? I want little versions of us running around the house!" After seeing 5 minutes of him begging, Connie finally caved in. "Fine, Bummie~ ! I'll have a baby in the future! But only one or two - that's it!" Then they started fighting in front of us over the genders of their babies in the future. Key-umma wanted girls only, but Connie-umma wanted boys only. Everyone laughed together because we all found the situation funny. Finally, Noona gave a compromise to the Umma pair. "How about one boy and one girl?" And now the Umma pair was fighting over which gender the firstborn child would be. We all gave up on them and decided to switch with another topic. Minho-hyung was shocked when I brang this topic up - "Minho-hyung proposed to me and I accepted it!" I yelled out in glee. Everyone was surprised, but congratulated me after Minho-hyung pulled me into his arms and hugged me to death. Key-umma and Nikka-noona demanded that I showed them the ring, so I gave them my left hand for their inspection. They screamed in delight and pulled Minho-hyung over to a corner to give him "the pep talk". Onew-hyung placed his hand on my shoulder. "No wonder you wanted to talk about the future and children. Good for you, man!" Jonghyun even added, "Be careful for yourself and Minho, okay?" I nodded while smiling. Connie-umma and Abby clobbered me over to the center of the rooftop (because Connie-umma is scared of heights like Jonghyun-hyung) to give me "the pep talk". Haha~ After my watch read 1:41p.m., we were all getting tired. Each pair walked downstairs to the SHINee & MVP dorm floor. We walked into the dorm room together after changing into pajamas in different rooms, following the hyungs to the bedroom. Key-umma cleaned Onew-hyung's bed and changed the sheets. We were too tired to arrange anything, so we just landed wherever. Before I was the last one to sleep, I noticed practically all of us were on Onew's bed, because it was bigger and wider. From near my bunkbed to near Minho-hyung's bunkbed (Onew-hyung's bed was inbetween our bunkbeds), there laid Abby, Onew-hyung, Nikka-noona with Jonghyun-hyung holding onto her like a teddy bear, me with Minho-hyung holding onto me like a teddy bear, and above our heads there was room for Key-umma to sleep while holding onto Connie-umma like a teddy bear. I noticed even if Noona's eyes were hard to see like Onew-hyung's eyes, I could tell she was still awake. "Noona." "Hm?" "Thank you.""For what?""Being a part of my life.""I should be thanking you that, Tommy.""Huh?" "Because of you, my life changed forever, in a really good way."We both smiled at each other. Then out of nowhere, since everyone was sleeping, I gave Noona a kiss on the lips. She kissed back, then we both pulled away. "Um, Tommy, why'd you kiss me?""I didn't want any regrets, noona. I actually wanted to do that to you after I first met you." "You still love Minho-oppa?" "Yes, of course. Why'd you kiss back, anyway?"She smirked at me. "I didn't want any regrets. I actually wanted to do that to you after I first met you."I grinned at her. "You still love Jonghyun-hyung?" "Yes, of course." "Goodnight, noona." "Goodnight, Tommy." "I love you.""I love you, too."" And I love you, too, Veronica and Lee Taemin. Can we all sleep now?" Onew-hyung said out of nowhere. Both noona and I giggled as we drifted off into sleep. ~The next morning~ SHINee manager and Ah Chu entered the SHINee dorm bedroom at 8:45a.m. to find all of SHINee and MVP sprawled onto Onew's bed. "Looks like they had a sleepover." said the SHINee manager. "Do you want me to wake them up?" asked Ah Chu. "No need, it looks like they had a long night as well. Take a look at Taemin's left hand." Ah Chu did, only to find an engagement ring on his finger. He also noticed Minho clinging onto Taemin in sleep. Both managers made an O shape from their mouths as they slowly stepped outside of the bedroom. After a while, they came back with pots and pans from the kitchen. They banged the potware together to make loud noises, enough for Key, Onew, Nikka, and Minho to wake up and started pulling their other halves with them to the dining room. As everyone sleepily entered the dining room, they all started smelling breakfast from the kitchen. Ah Chu rushed over to the kitchen and brang the perfect American breakfast to the dining table. "I made all this as a celebration for Lee Taemin and Choi Minho's future engagement!" he exclaimed as he served food on everyone's plates. Minho and Taemin choked on water while drinking, then glared at their manager. "What? Your ring was so shiny, it's hard to NOT notice! Congrats, by the way!" Everyone ate happily like a great big family. SHINee and MVP continued to create music for all the world to hear, even when they got married and had children like they planned in the future. As for Taemin and Nikka, they were always the ones who kept SHINee and MVP close together until the end of time. They were all one great shiny & valuable family. Fin. :)Labels: fiction, guardian, story
# random thougths @
3:01 PM

Part 3: Bling Bling DinoPuppy & Sweet&Sour PrincessKim Jonghyun, on April 8, has finally turned 22 years old in Korea. Netizens have wished him a happy birthday, as well as a happy relationship for him and Nikka, his girlfriend, for it was their 100th day anniversary 6 days ago. That day, Jonghyun had given Nikka a beautiful necklace - it would DEFINITELY describe "Bling Bling" material - a silver pendant with a diamond heart-shaped rock on the front. The back of the pendant was engraved:My sincerity is like a wave - yah, don't you know that loving you has been very hard for me? Haha~ but don't worry, I can handle it. :) I simply love you, and I'll never let you go.- your DinoJjong ;)After Jonghyun put Nikka's necklace on for her, she was about to take off the golden necklace that Onew gave her when Jonghyun stopped her from doing so."You don't have to take it off." He said with a soft smile. "You could have both pendants on."Nikka smiled back but continued to take off the golden necklace. "I'm keeping both necklaces, but it doesn't have to mean that I'll be wearing both all the time."Right now in the afternoon, Jonghyun has been sitting on the grass in front of a pond. The scenery was beautiful, but Jonghyun just stares at its beauty as if it wasn't there. Instead, his thoughts were all on how he'd present himself in front of the elderly people when he goes back in the house that's located 10 ft. behind where he is seating. Inside the house, his parents and younger sister are entertaining Nikka's family.Oh, yes. His younger sister found out about Jonghyun having a girlfriend without telling his family. She tattled on him to their parents, causing the elderly couple to somehow come into contact with Nikka's parents. Nikka's mother immediately called Connie about this issue and practically yelled (though she claims she never raises her voice) while Nikka's father complained about his daughter having a boyfriend in front of his brothers.So now, practically almost half of Nikka's father's side of the family came to his "birthday party" in Seoul. In reality, the party was just a formal way of both families introducing themselves to each other because of Jonghyun and Nikka's relationship. Thus, provokes Jonghyun to take a breather outside of the house; thanking God for the pond that was behind the house 10 ft. away.His younger sister pops a seat right next to him. The two siblings always managed to barely look at each other while communicating next to each other. It didn't matter what emotions were expressed on their faces; they had a mutual understanding of each other's feelings."Oppa, why don't you go inside?""......I haven't talked to Nikka in 6 days.""Sorry, oppa. I didn't mean to - ""It's okay, dongsaeng. I forgive you." Jonghyun sighed then continued. "I should've told umma and appa about my relationship, anyway. They should have a right to know who I date.""Oppa, is that why noona didn't arrive at the party? Because her family found out?"Silence always means yes. Jonghyun then chuckled after a long minute of silence."She was afraid that her parents might get angry with her. If only she knew how much fun everyone is having right now in the house...""Where do you think she is right now, oppa?""I don't know, dongsaeng. I wish I knew." RooRoo, his dongsaeng's dog, jumps onto Jonghyun's lap and licks his face all over. He smiles at the dog's playfulness and decides to give him to his dongsaeng."Kaja, go walk RooRoo." He smiled as his dongsaeng stood up to leave with her dog."Okay, oppa. As long as you never let go of that girl. I'm beginning to like her." She smiled as she made her leave.Jonghyun turned around to face his dongsaeng's back. "Yah, you haven't even met her yet!""Oh yes, she has." a voice answered behind him. He tensed up and spun around quickly to find Nikka standing before him, smiling. Oh, how he missed that smile! Jonghyun fumbled to stand up. Nikka giggled at the sight and held onto his shoulders to look at him."I have a surprise for you," she said. "but you have to close your eyes first.""Okay." Jonghyun gave her a soft smile and closed his eyes shut.Although Jonghyun's height is 173cm and Nikka's height is 157cm, Nikka was able to reach Jonghyun's neck from behind and put a necklace around it. Jonghyun opened his eyes and looked down at the silver pendant with a heart-shaped diamond on the front."Eh? Nikka, why're you - ""Shh." She pressed her finger to his lips to prevent any more talking. "Read the back of it."Confused, Jonghyun obediently flipped the pendant and noticed an engraving on it. He smiled as he read it:Aisshh, you jerk! You know I love you, too. Without you, I can't seem to breath. You're my only oxygen... :P Yeah, I know; it's corny, right? Get used it `cause I'm staying with you forever! Kekeke~- your one and only SakuraWe seem to remember both our email/penpal names from half a year ago. Jonghyun thought as he smiled brightly at Nikka's angelic face."I love you, Jjong."This stunned Jonghyun for a while, which caused Nikka to panic."Uh- what I mean is, um, that I - " her lips were too occupied by Jonghyun's lips as he passionately kissed her.He backed away after 2 minutes of kissing like that, then spoke softly."Nikka, I love you."They cuddled together while standing in front of the pond, and stayed that way, until they noticed from the windows of the house nearby that both of their families were watching them; as if Jonghyun and Nikka was a movie for them.For the rest of Jonghyun's birthday, he spent it with a big family at his house in Seoul. With his girlfriend in his arms, he was able to endure embarrassing family moments. Both of them were glad that their families have accepted them into their hearts.~2 weeks later~Jonghyun and Nikka finally arrived from their busy schedules at the SHINee dorm. Nikka was too lazy to go to the MVP dorm, so she landed on the couch and started to sleep. Before she started to sleep, however, Jonghyun decided to sleep next to her on the couch for comfort.The clock struck midnight, and suddenly noises could be heard from the bedroom. Jonghyun and Nikka slowly woke up at the noisy sounds and had both got off the couch to search for whatever was making that noise. All of the dorm lights were off, and it was sort of scary to hear noises at midnight. On the bedroom door, there were 2 post-it notes. Nikka motioned for Jonghyun to come over to the bedroom door to read the notes. (She still can't read much Korean writing.) So Jonghyun read aloud what was written on each note.The first note was from Key:I haven't slept well in weeks - I got permission from Manager-hyung. I'm going to Taiwan! And yes, I'll admit, it's because of Konini~ la! Onew-appa's in charge, since he is the leader here! To my son, my sister, and Abby (sorry that I don't have a nickname for you): Please do your homework! Study well in school!!! And don't get into any fights - I'm talking about my sister and Flaming Charisma, here! Jjong, don't get too intimate with my sister, or else! You, too, Minho! This applies to Minnie, my son! If you need food, ask a good cook. There better not be a mess when I come back!!!The 2nd note was from Taemin:I just read umma's note. Kekekeke~ Anyways, I'll be home late, hyungs. Minho-hyung says he wants to tell me something on the rooftop, so we won't be taking long. I was about to inform you personally, but it seems Hyung and Noona are sleeping on the couch peacefully, like angels, so I couldn't bother them in their sleep. So, yeah, goodnight~!Suddenly, Jonghyun and Nikka heard rustling noises, then moaning noises, and then heavy breathing. Oh My God, it's so dark in here! Is it a ghost?! they both thought as they clung onto each other for life support. When they noticed that those noises came from the bedroom, Jonghyun slowly turned the knob of the bedroom door, pushing the door to reveal something moving on Onew's bed.Thinking it was a ghost, Jonghyun and Nikka got scared and started screaming. The bedsheets quickly uncovered themselves, showing Onew without a shirt on and Abby behind him. Then they started screaming, too.Jonghyun and Nikka finally got the hint, slammed the door, and ran away from the dorm. They were in the hallway now, scared and embarrassed at the same time. Then, they looked at each other and started to laugh.After a good laugh, Jonghyun got to thinking..."Nikka.""Hm?""There's no one at the MVP dorm.""So?" But then a spark went through her head, telling her exactly what Jonghyun was thinking. "Oh..."Jonghyun ran back to the SHINee dorm and came out with - well, let's just say Onew yelled at Jonghyun for entering the room again. Nikka's eyes widened as she saw what was in Jonghyun's hands."Are you sure...?" Jonghyun answered her with a nod as Nikka giggled at his childish grin.She took the pills from her boyfriend's hand and opened the MVP dorm room. Jonghyun ran in after her and closed the door. They started to make out in the living room until Nikka's phone rang Replay by SHINee. Nikka answered the phone call, knowing it would be Lee Taemin calling her based on personalized ringtones on her cellphone. Meanwhile, Jonghyun had his arms wrapped around her waist and started kissing her neck from behind."Hello? Tommy-ah. It's midnight, why are you calling?""Noona! Something happened!" His voice over the phone sounded like he was panicking."Tommy, where are you? What happened?""Come to the rooftop. Hurry, noona!" With that, he hung up on her.Worried for Taemin, both Jonghyun and Nikka ran out of the dorm and to the stairs which led to the rooftop, followed by a shirtless Onew in nothing but jeans and Abby in nothing but a white wife beater and boxers. Jonghyun noticed them following and turned around to face Onew."Did you get the message, too?""Yeah, Minho called me to run to the rooftop. I wonder what's wrong?""I've never heard Minho panic like that before!" added Abby. "Oh, hey, Nikka's ahead of us!"The boys noticed as soon as Abby said this and all 3 of them began to run in the staircase to the rooftop.Labels: fiction, guardian, story
# random thougths @
1:20 AM
Monday, June 28, 2010
Part 2: Tofu Condition & Ice Cold Princess
author's note: Last chapter (19.5), Nikka had a grey wife beater underneath her buttoned shirt. So when she unbuttoned her shirt to bandage the student's wound, don't worry, she still had something on to cover her upper body.
“I can’t believe our fans are so understanding! I was sure they’d hate us forever!” Abby exclaimed as she laid herself onto her dorm room couch.
Onew smiled at the thought of his fans cheering for SHINee and MVP’s relationships on the news and on the internet. It had only been 2 days since Key’s confession and SM President’s new signed contract for SHINee and MVP, and already people accepted the situation. In fact, both SHINee and MVP’s new singles became a hit and are listed at the top 2 of Most Popular Songs. (SHINee being #1 and MVP being #2, but no one’s complaining.)
He sat beside Abby on the couch and let her lay her head on his lap. He began stroking her hair softly as she drifted off to sleep. A huge smile stretched across his face as he continued to stare at Abby’s face. She’s so beautiful, he thought. Slowly, he too drifted off to sleep.
Returning from dorm room payments, Ah Chu and Nikka opened the door to find Onew and Abby in a cute sleep. Ah Chu whispered something in Nikka’s ear, which crept an evil grin on her face. A few minutes later, Ah Chu quietly found a camera and took a picture of the sleeping couple on the couch. Completely satisfied with what they’ve done, the two friends quietly closed the door and went to the SHINee dorm. There, they gossiped about their photo to Key and Kim Jonghyun. Unfortunately, the Kims weren’t satisfied with just one picture. All 4 of them went back to the MVP dorm room to check up on Onew and Abby. Sure enough, the two changed positions on the couch and are now sleeping while holding each other in a tight embrace.
The 4 evilly grinned at each other as they made their move. For the whole afternoon, they stayed inside the MVP dorm room just to take pictures of Onew and Abby in sleeping poses. Every time one of the lovebirds moved or stirred in their sleep, Ah Chu and Nikka hid in precaution as Jonghyun and Key raised their cameras to their faces, ready for snapshots.
It was 6:50p.m. when Onew woke up from his sleep. He felt weight on top of him, and found Abby laying on him, hugging him like he was a teddy bear. He slowly woke her up, making her stir in her sleep. When she finally woke up, both of their stomachs growled. They looked up at each other and started laughing. The couple left the MVP dorm room to enter the SHINee dorm room (reminding again that these rooms are across from each other). There, they found Jonghyun and Nikka finishing their dinner while Minho and Taemin wash the dishes.
Onew searched for Key, but he was nowhere in sight. He walked towards Taemin in the kitchen.
“Taeminnie, where did your ‘umma’ go?”
“Oh, Umma went to go develop photos of you - ” Jonghyun ran up to close Taemin’s mouth with his hand.
“Hyung,” Jonghyun spoke for Taemin. “what Minnie here is trying to say is that Umma went to buy something with Ah Chu, since he’s not busy at the moment.” Then he flashed a smile at the leader.
Onew didn’t buy that excuse. “What kind of pictures? Developing what?”
Minho looked over at Onew. “Hyung? You didn’t know about those pictures of you sleeping with - ” Nikka ran up to him and closed his mouth with her hand. She had to jump at him to do this due to height difference. She was almost a foot taller than her little sister, but it doesn’t mean she’s as tall as the rest of the world. In fact, being Jonghyun’s girlfriend, she suited him mostly due to similar height. In other words, she could make him feel taller.
Nikka flashed a false smile towards Onew. “Jinki, aren’t you hungry? Let’s eat! Abby, you too! Eat the dinner that Key made all by himself!” But it was too late. Putting Taemin and Minho’s sentences together, Abby’s eyes grew wide, then ran to Onew and whispered something in his ears.
Jonghyun and Nikka gulped as they saw Onew’s eyes growing wide. They tried to escape, but the 2Min couple prevented them from doing so. Taemin grabbed his hyung by the wrist and pinned him to the floor when Jonghyun tried to bolt out the door. Minho pulled Nikka into his clutches and carried her like a sack of potatoes.
“Yah! Put me down, you fag!” she yelled, then quickly snapped her mouth shut with both her hands. Crap! I shouldn’t have called him that!
Flaming Charisma turned on his charm and before he knew it, he threw Nikka on the floor and pinned her next to her boyfriend on the floor.
“Never call anyone that again. Are we clear here?” asked Minho sternly.
“Y-yes! We’re clear! I’m s-sorry!” she hollered out, letting Minho to slowly let release her from his grasp. Jonghyun, sadly, wasn’t out of Taemin’s grasp. He pouted, giving Nikka and Minho something to laugh on the floor when she saw Taemin acting all manly on top of his hyung.
Just then, Key and Ah Chu entered through the front door to find a laughing idiot on the floor, along with a goofy puppy below a skinny mushroom. They also noticed Onew and Abby fully awake, standing in front of them, glaring at them.
“Oh, shit.” was all Key and Ah Chu could say right before running into the bedroom. Onew and Abby chased them throughout the whole bedroom, trying to pry from their hands what looked like copies of photos. Minho started to join in the chase along with Jonghyun. Taemin and Nikka, on the other hand, were still patients at the SHINee dorm, so they knew better than to join in on the wild chase.
To prevent the chase from going throughout the whole dorm, Taemin stood up and closed the door which led to the bedroom. He turned around to pick Nikka up, but something on her right hip caught his attention.
“Noona! Your scar! It’s bleeding again!” Taemin shouted. The noise from the bedroom grew louder, so they obviously couldn’t hear him shout out that his noona is hurt.
Nikka looked down at where her scar was at. Sure enough, there was a huge bloodstain on the white wife beater she was wearing. “Oh.” was all she could say. She looked up at a shocked Taemin, then replied, “The wound probably opened when Minho threw me on the floor…..I shouldn’t have called him a fag.”
Feeling sad for his noona, Taemin helped Nikka up slowly from the floor and had her sitting on the couch while he went to the closet that wasn’t located in the bedroom. He came back to her with a first aid kit, treating her wound and rewrapped a new layer of bandages around Nikka’s waist. He told her to take off the white wife beater and gave her one of his baggy shirts. He forgot to turn around while Nikka took off the wife beater; that’s when he noticed stretch marks around the area of her stomach. Where did she get those lines on her skin? he thought with curiosity.
Although when Nikka unbuttoned her shirt to bandage the student's wound that one time on school campus, Taemin saw her shown scar, but he wasn't able to see the stretch marks because she had a gray wife beater underneath her buttoned shirt.
Nikka noticed Taemin staring at her stretch marks. She let out a small sigh, signaling Taemin to stop staring. “Sorry.” was all he could say and stared at the floor. Nikka only sighed, staring at the floor after putting on the overlarged shirt.
"When I was little, there was no one at school who wanted to actually be my friend, so I grew to being spoiled by my family. They only spoil me with food, so... I ended up growing fat to the point when I got these "lines" during my junior high school year..."
Taemin began to look straight into Nikka's eyes. "You're getting skinnier, though. I've noticed." His face had crept up a smile. That made his best friend mirror his expression. "Thanks, Tommy."
"Hey, that's the first time you've called me Tommy in a long while!" he exclaimed. Nikka just punched him and finished the treatment herself of her own wound quickly, before someone would burst back into the living room. Still, Key and Connie didn't know about the school incident. Aaron Yan and Jiro Wang had secretly gotten rid of the public display of evidence (newspapers and internet articles) before they left for Taiwan.
"Hey, has Jonghyun-hyung seen your 'scars'?" Taemin asked. Nikka nodded, only to have Taemin ask another question.
"What did he say about it?" "Actually, I was surprised at what he told me. When he treated my wound, his hand accidentally trailed to my stomach and he felt the scars. I got embarrassed and told him what I just told you; adding the fact that my mother told me only pregnant people get these types of scars. But I guess I'm that fat.""No you're not, noona!" he retorted. Nikka slightly chuckled at his serious expression. It was cute. "Noona, what did Jonghyun-hyung say?""He said that he'll love me no matter what, and he suddenly got angry at my mother for telling me that I look pregnant." Nikka joined Taemin in the laughter, then both of them stopped once the bedroom door swung open, revealing a triumphant Onew with the copies of photos.The silly leader held out a peace sign. "Yeah~!"Ah Chu came out of the bedroom after Onew, his face full of exhaustion. Isn't he younger than Onew by 3 years? Why does it seem opposite? Taemin and Nikka thought as they stared at an energetic 22 year old jumping with photos in his hands.Suddenly, the leader got an idea. He ran towards Nikka and grabbed her wrist, dragging her to the bedroom. Everyone looked shock at the leaders as they sat on Onew's bed. However, their expression changed into goofy ones as Onew pulled out an empty album. He gave it to Nikka and she read the title cover."New Horizons. Jinki, what is this?""It's a new album that I want to make." He held the obtained photos in his hands. "Let's store memories of our new lives! SHINee MVP to the end~!"Nikka chuckled and took the photos. Meanwhile, Key and Ah Chu gave up on the leaders and flung themselves onto the couch."What was the point of him attacking us and being angry with us if he was just going to use those photos as a treasured memory?! Aissh! I'm pissed!" Key complained loudly. His eyes drifted onto the floor and made its way to the used bandages, along with a bloody white wife beater.His eyes grew wide in fright. "What is this?! Did someone die?!" Everyone scrambled to the living room to find Ah Chu holding onto Key as he held onto Nikka's wife beater. All of them eyed the clothing, then to Key's expression, to the bandages on the floor, and finally to Nikka and Taemin, who were about to run out of the dorm room.Through everyone's minds: Oh shit, we're busted.Key, noticing the two teenagers running, bolted out the door, hollering "Does your sister know this?! You are so in big trouble with your Kuya, Nikka!" Then everyone heard silence in the hallway, then the diva cried out, "AAAAHHHH!!!!!!! WHO MESSED WITH MY SON?! HE'S GOT BRUISES EVERYWHERE! *gasp* NIKKA! HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET A SCAR ON YOUR RIGHT HIP?!" He caught them.Through everyone's minds: Oh shit, we're sssooooo busted!Labels: fiction, guardian, story
# random thougths @
12:19 PM

Part 1: Almighty Diva & Spicy Devil Princess
setting: spring of March
Everything seemed to be going well in Seoul for SHINee and MVP. Fahrenheit apparently had to continue filming dramas immediately back in Taiwan, so they said their goodbyes to the young artists and autographed a few pictures out of the bunch that they took altogether during their stay in Korea. Connie had to leave as well, seeing as the school kept reminding her to come back to Taiwan by March 17, and it was already March 16. She promised to contact her older sister and her best friend as soon as she steps foot on Taiwan soil. As she was about to board the flight with Fahrenheit, a loud hollering noise prevented everyone from doing so.
“Konini! You callous demon! You didn’t even say goodbye to me!”
Connie spun around to find a panting Key attracting attention at the airport. With this, she got angry and hollered back at him.
“What the hell?! Stop yelling! You’re attracting attention! People might misunderstand, PABO!”
“So what?! I want them to know!” This time he didn’t regret the words that just came out of his mouth.
Connie stared at him as her knees were trembling. “W-what?! Are you mad?! There’s fans everywhere! And the agency won’t allow it!” She tried looking for her sister, her best friend, and even Ah Chu (MVP’s manager) for support - but it seems as though they have disappeared. Dang it, Ate! Abby, why’d you ditch me as well?! Ah Chu, you’re so getting it from me after this!
“I don’t care! Fans will eventually understand that we’re human beings as well as they are! Why can’t we date as well?! And the agency - does it really matter anymore?” Key shouted in fury. “You - how can you be so callous?!” He darted in her direction.
Connie remained standing, prepared for another one of their bickering moments. “Me? Callous? You’re the one who keeps making fun of me! For the last time, stop calling me Konini!”
“Not unless you stop calling me Bummie!” Now he stood an inch away from her.
“Are we really going through this again?!” The little girl cried out. She let out a small sigh. “Fine. BUMMIE BUMMIE BUMMIE BUMMIE BUMMIE BUMMIE - ”
SMACK! Well…. more like a Chu~ noise.
All the fans watched with jealousy yet envy as Key bent down and grabbed the 16 year old’s head, kissing her hard on the lips. Ah Chu, Abby, and Nikka came back with ice cream in their hands and noticed the two lovebirds. Surprisingly, the president of SM Entertainment and Mr. Han also appeared with ice cream in their hands.
Hehe~ let the author of this fanfic story explain, yeah? As soon as Connie was about to board the plane with Fahrenheit, Ah Chu found the president of SM Entertainment chatting with Mr. Han. As it turns out, the two elderly men were acquaintances, as well as friends who met at a trip to the Philippines. This is around the time when Mr. Han was friends with Nikka’s grandfathers from both sides of her family. See how this ties altogether? Anyways, Ah Chu led Nikka and Abby to Mr. Han and the SM President (let’s call him that). For all their hard work, SM President decided to treat all of them to ice cream. This would explain the 3 teens’s disappearance earlier when Connie needed them.
“Well,” SM President explained, “we should just let it be.”
Ah Chu quickly turned his head to face the SM President. “Eh?”
SM President looked at Ah Chu with a smile. “I’m going to change the contract. I’ll let MVP date whoever they please.”
Mr. Han had never seen this side of his friend/business acquaintance before. He was shocked as well as Nikka and Abby were.
“You’ll really let us date anyone?!” Nikka and Abby asked in unison.
SM President let out a chuckle. “Of course. I realize love can complicate anything, but at the same time I know love can fight many battles. Besides, you are our Most Valuable Princesses in the SM Family.”
“My friend, that’s too cheesy of you.” Mr. Han stated, also chuckling along with the SM President. Everyone laughed along and continued to watch Key and Connie bicker as they were saying their goodbyes to each other.
Key waved. “Goodbye, my little devil!”
“Goodbye, my little bum!”
“Aissh! Stop calling me a bum!”
“Stop calling me short!”
He stuck his tongue out at her. “You are short! It’s hard to believe you’re 16!”
“Well, it’s hard to believe you’re 19 AND STRAIGHT!”
“What did you say?!” …. and the conversation goes on like that before the flight attendant and Jiro Wang had to pull Connie inside the airplane, with Chun Wu carrying her luggage.Labels: fiction, guardian, story
# random thougths @
12:12 PM
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Part 2: Whisper My Serenaderemember: Mandarin Chinese, English, and thoughtsTaemin’s POV Minho pops out of nowhere and blocks the punch that was meant for me. I blinked several times and looked everywhere around me. The school ground was filled with an unmoving audience of students, teachers, and even the principal of the school! Why are they all just standing there, I wonder. Shouldn’t someone be stopping this fight - oh, that’s right! Flaming Charisma’s next to me. Hehe~
I noticed another schoolmate trying to hold onto Abby - like really close. She let out a scream in fright, causing the boy to slap her across the face. The nerve of that man! He was about to lean in closer when someone grabbed him by the shoulder and spun him around, punching him straight across the face. As the schoolmate dropped to the ground, I find Nikka with an evil smirk on her face. I haven’t seen this side of her since forever! Everyone was nervous, but at the same time they clapped for joy, rooting for Minho and Nikka. I closely looked up to my Hyung and my Noona, still pressing myself to the wall. I feel so weak, I can't even stand up alone without the support of something to lean on. Still, I witnessed Flaming Charisma and Sweet Sugar Princess in action. Well, you know what they say. When there's something sweet, there's bound to be something sour beneath it. That's Nikka-noona's sweet personality and sour fighting skills. In America, she told me she called them mere defense skills, but I definitely can prove that she was made to be a street fighter. So was Minho-hyung. Heh. I stared in awe as Minho bent the schoolboy's wrist sideways and pushed him towards two other boys, knocking them down like bowling pins. 3 down - 5 to go. The only schoolmate left to try hurting me again ended up needing knee surgery later on. So that leads half Crazy 8z. Minho carried me in a princess style lift, asking me if I was okay. I nodded shakily, scared of what just happened. I was also happy and embarrassed that Minho could carry me like this, but it seems that the school audience around us were pleased with our "love story", as they kept calling it out loud. In the meantime, Minho and I heard a scream from Abby again. We turned our heads to look at the sight. Abby was about to be raped by another schoolmate (that's the 2nd attempt) and Nikka knocked him down with just one blow to his neck (that's the 2nd blow she gave out). That leads to 2 other schoolmates left. Nikka gave them the icy glare towards the two. She smirked. "This is for the Ice Cold Princess." She bolted towards them, only to have them running away. She leaped up in the air and fell on top of one of them, headlocking him in the process, then twisted his neck - not to kill him, just to make him unconscience. She's the first one who I've known has done this neck thing more than once, which sometimes I find really scary. The last Crazy 8z ran back to Nikka, pulling out a knife from his pocket.Everyone was scared; even I found Minho's body shivering as he lunged towards Nikka-noona, only letting her jump to the side, missing his target. She still had the time to wink at him and smirk again. "You want to dance, huh? Well, then, let's dance!" She charged a leap kick towards him, only to have missed him by a few centimeters as he ducked. She landed upright, turning her head to see her opponent. For the past few minutes, you could actually see the two attack each other as if it was all a part of a dancing act. In reality, this wasn't a dancing act that was rehearsed. The knife that the schoolmate was holding is in fact real, and if Nikka-noona gets attacked, then it'll be my fault. Before I knew it, the scary schoolmate lunged forward and so did Nikka. He swung the knife at her, cutting her right hip. That's when I noticed that her scar had been showing while she was moving freely; she didn't seem to notice. The student had reopened her healed scar, which gave her a memory of physical pain. Thinking this was an advantage, he lunged forward one more time, this time running like a wildman pointing the knife towards Nikka. She quickly twisted his wrist and pushed his arm forward, somehow causing the knife to plunge into the student's stomach. Everyone gasped as he slowly fell to the floor, watching Nikka unbutton her shirt, using it as a bandage for the student who lashed out on her. Don't worry, she had a grey wife beater on underneath. She carefully wrapped the schoolshirt around his abdomen and slowly made him lay on the ground as the principal of the school finally called the ambulance and police for Crazy 8z. I kept staring at Noona's bleeding wound, remembering the conversation in which Jonghyun-hyung and I had to listen to about Onew-hyung's past with Nikka. They were sweet memories, but the meaning behind those scars - Onew-hyung never wants Nikka-noona to join the world of business trade. I wonder how the hyungs will react to this...?The next day~Taemin, Abby, and Nikka were just released from the hospital before the tabloids posted news of Flaming Charisma and Sweet Sugar Princess in action. From now on, SM Entertainment were actually a bit pleased with the positive outcome; there were no wrongdoings this time when it came to image. The head of SM Entertainment decided to rechange Nikka's nickname into Sweet & Sour Princess due to tabloids. And with deep concern for his artists, he gave SHINee, MVP, and even convinced HIM Company to let Fahrenheit take a break for 2 weeks until Nikka's scar has been healed properly.Key and Connie were surprisingly gone to the train station and were already on their way to Jungang and Daeshin Underground Arcade, then they planned to go to a softball game; according to Key earlier before he and Connie left the dorm. Nikka was proud of her sister for finally dating Key, so she requested not to let Key and Connie know about the school incident. She was sure they'd freak out the most out of the whole gang. Calvin Chen and Chun Wu reluctantly agreed as they made several phone calls. Knowing where Nikka was cut, Onew and Jonghyun both had to take care of her in the SHINee dorm. Jonghyun was a bit jealous of Onew when Nikka had to lay on Onew's bed. But, noticing the way Onew looks at Nikka now, he can't help but feel content with it. It's as if he knew Onew was no longer seeing Nikka as a lover, but more like a sister. Taemin was bruised up pretty badly, so he had to lay on his bed for several days, which is next to Onew's bed. Taemin glanced at his noona's bandaged wound while she stared at Taemin's bruises. They locked eyes together, then started laughing together. Onew watched carefully by the side of the room as Minho fed Taemin warm soup and as Jonghyun carefully treated Nikka's wound. Both couples were holding hands with their companions. This made Onew lonely and walked out of the bedroom to find only Jiro Wang on the couch, reading marie claire Magazine. Onew's eyes shot open to find what was on the cover - their photoshoot snapshot of all of them together in their pajamas and nightgowns at Mangu Park! "Hey, I thought that won't be released until the beginning week of March!" Onew exclaimed loudly. Jiro continued to search through the magazine. "It was released early in Taiwan - I had Aaron purchase a copy for me on his way over here.""Oh." was all Onew could say. He realized something else. "Eh, where did everybody else go?" "Ah, Chun and Calvin went to buy groceries for you guys. They'll be cooking here tonight. Hope you don't mind." Jiro looked up at Onew shaking his head. He took it as a 'no' and continued to inform him where everyone was. "Aaron noticed Abby looked restless, so he took her somewhere outside. Don't worry, they'll be right back." He noticed the painful look on Onew's face. He puts down the magazine on the couch next to him and looked up at Onew. "Onew, is there something wrong?" He just keeps shaking his head and turned his head to avoid Jiro's eyes. That's when Onew noticed the page that was open from the magazine. He saw a picture of Abby riding on Chun Wu's back while Chun seemed to look like he was running across Ap-san Park. Abby, you're so beautiful in that fall dress. Then he took notice of the next page. It was a photo of Onew and Nikka playing with water around Woobang Tower Land. Jiro let out a small smile as he saw Onew's face changed into several different expressions. "Hey, looks like you've found out about your feelings for Abby." Still silent, Onew finally regained posture and looked at Jiro as he continued speaking. "Love is very hard to find, you know. People search for the right person to be with for the rest of their lives, but sometimes you may never know that the person you truly care for in loving terms is usually the person who's been in front of you the whole time." He stood up from the couch and walked towards Onew, placing his hand on his shoulder. "Don't give up. Now that you realize she's been there the whole time, you can make her realize that you've been a part of her life as well. Go after her, go!"With a smile on his face, Onew bowed in front of Jiro, shouting "Thank you!" before running out the dorm room to find Abby outside the building. When Onew finally reached Aaron and Abby, they were dancing to a reggae song from Aaron Yan's boombox. Since there was no one around at the local park, Onew decided to come closer and cut in. He coughed loudly enough for Aaron and Abby to stop the music. "Um, is it all right if I talk to Abby in private?" Onew asked Aaron. "Sure. Just be careful with my boombox later, you two, okay?" He flashed his killer smile at Abby as he left the park to give privacy. Onew was about to talk to Abby, but seeing as how she fidgeted around, he knew he had to do what she usually does to calm down. With an idea, he walked over to the boombox and played a classical piece from Beethoven. He slowly led Abby to a formal dance, which surprisingly calmed her fidgeting down to a minimum. Onew figured that he might as well talk to her while they're dancing together. "Okay, you usually don't fidget around unless something happened to you. What's wrong?" Abby was shocked to find out that Onew remembered her small habits. She tensed up, avoiding eye contact with Onew, even though their faces were 3 inches apart. Their bodies moved more slowly, closing the gap between them. "Abby, I heard from Taemin and Nikka that you almost got raped by two schoolboys. Is this why you've been fidgeting?" Again, Abby was shocked and at a loss of words. How did - does he really care for me this much? Doesn't he have Nikka now? I mean, that's why I used Aaron Yan; to forget all my feelings for him. This doesn't feel right....Onew suddenly pulls Abby into an embrace, stopping themselves from dancing any furthur. "I promise, I'll always be here for you. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you at the time. Then again, if I would have been there instead of Nikka, I would've have killed the students who tried to hold you this close as I'm doing right now." He held her tighter in his arms, and Abby was still at a loss of words. This time, she was on the verge of tears. "Maybe then, I would've taken any wounds for you instead of another person. Abby, I'm sorry I never realized this, but if it's not too late..." He pulled Abby out of their embrace and looked gently into her eyes. "If it's not too late, I ask permission to date you as long as you're here in Korea. Is that okay?" Abby looked tearfully into Onew's eyes, and saw tear drops slowly escaping from his eyelids. She nodded her head in a shaky manner as she hugged Onew, crying into his shirt. Onew started sobbing as well, crying into Abby's neck as they once again embrace in a loving way. Aaron Yan watched from afar as he talked into his cellphone. "Yeah, maybe it's better off this way. Maybe I could fall in love with someone else real soon. I want the same love those two are experiencing right now." Although right now his heart felt pain, he let out a faint smile and turned his body to walk to the SHINee dorm. While he was walking, Jiro told him over the phone about Chun and Calvin cooking dinner for everyone, and to help hide Taemin & Nikka's wounds and bruises from Key and Connie when they come back. Labels: fiction, guardian, story
# random thougths @
1:50 AM
Friday, June 25, 2010
Part 1: School Affluence and Pressureremember: Mandarin Chinese, English, and thoughts One week later...The SHINee dorm was never the same after Calvin's slip of the tongue.Gotcha! Did you actually think I'd let SHINee get depressed? No, no, no!
Key's reaction of Calvin was this: he smacked him on the back of his head!
Minho, Taemin, Jonghyun, Nikka, and Onew nervously laughed as Calvin rubbed the back of his head while Key kept scolding him for thinking perverted thoughts about innocent children.
"Omo~ what are you spouting out?! You're ruining the purity of Taeminnie's ears here! A young child is still at present!" he kept babbling on like that for the rest of the morning.
With "umma"'s personality, everyone began to laugh heartily at Key. After a day of having fun with SHINee, MVP, and Fahrenheit, Key didn't seem to take notice of why Jonghyun bought new bedspreads and blankets earlier.
A few days later, however, Key woke up in the early morning to prepare surprise lunchboxes for Taemin, Nikka, and Abby. It would be their first day of going to school together in Seoul, so Key made sure he would wake up early enough to prepare breakfast and lunch. When he walked into the kitchen, his sleepy eyes shot open at what was in front of him. Taemin was already cutting vegetables on the kitchen counter, but that wasn't what Key's eyes were focusing on. It was Minho's actions towards his "son".
Minho crept up from behind Taemin. "Taemin-ah, that's not how you cut a cabbage. Aissh, here, I'll help you." He held Taemin's hands from behind and slowly chopped the cabbage more properly. Slowly but steadily, Taemin took over and properly started chopping the cabbage. Minho's arms trailed back to wrap around Taemin's small waist. He slowly whispered into the maknae's ear.
"Your waist is too skinny. Eat more at school, okay?" Taemin nodded childishly with a smile on his face. Surprising Minho, he slowly put down the knife on the kitchen table and spun around to peck him on the lips. He sure caught Minho offguard, but the flaming charisma somehow wanted more. He stepped closer to Taemin, pressing his body closer to his as he leaned in for a passionate kiss. Taemin didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around the tall boy's neck, kissing him back and adding some tongue action.
"What the hell are you doing?"
Surprised and in shock that they were caught, Taemin pushed Minho away from him. Both boys were now staring at a wide-eyed Key staring back at them. Oh, crap. We're caught. What's umma going to do to us now?
"How could you wake up earlier than me and prepare food?! Do you know I had to wake up early without waking up the others - just so I could prepare lunchboxes for you, Abby, and Nikka?!"
With this reaction, the 2Min couple were dumbfounded and at a loss for words. This is what he was worried about? Did he even see us...?
Key walked over to Taemin and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Taemin-ah, I know you've grown up now. Just next time - promise me you'll tell me these kinds of things, alright?" He flashed a smile at him. Taemin and Minho were overwhelmed with happiness and confusion. Taemin began to speak. "Key-hyung. Are you saying - " "Yes, I'll support your way of choosing life, as long as you keep it PG. Okay? Now move! At least let me make bentos for you, Abby, and Nikka today!"
He scooted Minho and Taemin out of the kitchen and started making bentos for lunch. Watching the "umma" at work, Minho and Taemin couldn't help but laugh at Key's reaction with Taemin's progress in the kitchen earlier.
February 21st at Seoul Airbase
Aaron Yan guided Connie out of the airport to wait for Chun Wu. He had texted them earlier, stating that he and Onew would gladly pick them up at the front of the airport in 15-30 minutes. During the waiting time, the two sat on a bench and laid their luggage next to them. Their luggage wasn't much; the university back in Taiwan scheduled for the two artists to stay in Korea until March 17. Afterwards, they will have to travel back to Taiwan for the scholarship study program until the end of spring.
Suddenly, Connie's phone rang Boys & Girls by SNSD ft. Key. She reluctantly answered her cellphone with a "Yah! Bummie! What the hell do you want?!"
"Bummie?! Yah, who're you calling a bum, Konini?!
"Stop calling me Konini!"
"Then stop calling me Bummie! You make me sound like a bum!"
"You are a bum!"
"Aishh! Babo! I just called to inform you about the involved activities your unnie and Abby signed into, okay?!"
"Ayo, why didn't you say so? Tsh. Fine. Sign me up for all of them, okay?"
"Why me?! I'm not your umma!"
"Yeah, but you act like one! Hahaha~! It's not like you're my boyfriend!"
"Babo, I am! *shocked* Omo~!" Too late. Connie already heard it.
Connie was at a loss of words for a few seconds, finally saying, "Key, why would you call me now? You know I'd be going to the dorm eventually."
"You could've waited to tell me about unnie, you know that right?"
"Yah, Bummie. Say something - "
"Go out with me." Those words seem to froze Connie at her spot. "W-what d-did you s-say?"
"You heard me." Connie didn't notice, but by now Aaron had been listening into their conversation over the phone. Aaron couldn't help but smile over this news.
There was a long pause over the phone and then a deep sigh was heard from Key. "I'll be waiting for you at the nearby train station over here. We're going to Jungang and Daeshin Underground Arcades after you settle in the dorm, okay?"
"O-okay." she replied. Aaron let out a silent "Yes!" and jumped up from his seat at the bench. To many people around them, he'd probably look like an idiot.
A few minutes later, a white minivan stopped in front of them and Chun waved hi from the driver's seat. Onew rode shot gun in the minivan, also waving hi to Connie and Aaron. Aaron and Connie happily hopped into the vehicle to meet Key, holding onto his cellphone as he looked down at the flooring of the minivan. He slowly looked up and back down at a little girl next to him. He let out a small smile and started ruffling her hair. This time, she didn't complain or push him away. Instead, she flashed her brightest smile at him.
As Chun, Onew, and Aaron imitated couple interactions on their way back to the SHINee dorm (to make Key and Connie feel uncomfortable; which was a success), Onew couldn't help but feel jealousy towards Aaron at the back seat of the minivan. Why do I feel as if I can't stand the thought of Abby with this guy? Eh? I jealous? No! There's no way! Oh God, please help me resolve this problem! I don't know what I'm feeling right now. What is this strange feeling I get everytime I see Abby?
February 21st at school
Lee Taemin, Nikka, and Abby ate together at a corner of the school. Students pass by and sometimes looked at them, but knew someone would be watching their every move, so they pass by without bothering the 3 artists. There was always this one group, though - they call themselves Crazy 8z. Before, this group of schoolboys always breaks the rules. They expected Lee Taemin to follow as well, but he was brought up as a good boy, which got them hated by the whole school. Even a fanclub of SHINee at school, called the Butterflies, worked for the school facilities to make sure no harm would be done to Taemin, after what happened over the past couple of years ever since he became a star. Crazy 8z were obviously jealous, and no one tried to save Taemin every time they picked on Taemin, for the other students were in fear for their own lives. Today was not a good day at all. Crazy 8z came over to the picnic setup Taemin, Abby, and Nikka were at. The 3 innocent teenagers were happily munching into their snacks until one of the schoolmates from Crazy 8z grabbed the snack from Taemin and threw it onto the ground. Abby was furious and stood up quickly from where she sat. She started defending Taemin, yelling at the Crazy 8z. No one has ever tried to stand up to the scary rebels, so the students at school slowly formed into a standby audience, watching Abby act her bravery out. Meanwhile, as quiet as she usually was back at the States at her previous school, Nikka snuck away from the group slowly. It wasn't for escape - it seems she got a plan. Honestly, the Butterflies were jealous at Nikka, so they ignored her as she came towards their eating area, running and panting out of breath. However, as she started explaining to them that she was only a friend and that Taemin's in danger with Crazy 8z, the Butterflies had finally caught her attention. The Head Butterfly [president of the fangirl club] dealed with Nikka that they'll be nice to her and listen to her IF she doesn't become Taemin's beloved. Nikka quickly assured them that Taemin belongs to Minho, which made a few Butterflies squeal, faint, and some even throw up a little near the nearest bush. But overall, the Butterflies agreed that 2Min pair would be better in reality than an ordinary girl like Nikka, which she didn't even care, but it still stung a little in her heart. "I have an idea." Nikka said with a serious expression. Seeing her being serious, one of the Butterflies stood up to face her. "What's your idea, then? We're all ears when it comes to one of our SHINee boys in danger." She let out a small smile. "Do you guys happen to have a record of Choi Minho's cell phone number?" Taemin's POV Everything's out of control! When I asked why they were picking on my best friend, they claimed it was because they heard that Nikka excelled in her writing classes than everybody else, so she's bound to be called a nerd. Crazy 8z always loved to pick on nerds the best! And being the stubborn person that Abby was, she claimed herself as Nikka! Babo, Abby! She somehow always likes to fight, that idiot! Half of Crazy 8z grabbed Abby and started beating her up like she's a boy. I was about to go after them, but a punch in the stomach prevented me from doing so. All four of my schoolmates ganged up on me, backing me up to the wall of the school building. I heard gasps from the student and teacher audience around us. Why won't they do anything?! Even the teachers are scared?! Then I took a glance at one of the teachers. She had a huge scar on her left cheek and a bandaged right arm. A few other teachers had similar wounds, I took notice of it. So that's why they're scared - Crazy 8z have gotten to them! One of my schoolmates grinned at me, calling me a hot-shot and that I should just quit school and stop being a good little boy for the sake of my image. Am I really that innocent? He raised his fist, and I expected a huge blow in my face until a large figure blocked the punch that was meant for me. My eyes grew wide as I saw Minho's Flaming Charismatic Eyes lock eyes with the boy who was about to punch me. He still held onto the boy's fist with his large hand. "Leave him alone." He sternly demanded. Labels: fiction, guardian, story
# random thougths @
12:55 AM
Thursday, June 24, 2010
As the title states, I will be 17 years old starting in about an hour or so. In Korea, I'd be 18 years old already, depending on Time Zones.Like, right now in the U.S., it's June 24 at 11:30p.m.Also, right now in Korea, it's June 25 at 3:30p.m.And yes, I know, Michael Jackson died last year on my birthday. :(I wonder how it's going to work out tomorrow....?...... As for updates on this blog, I promise I'll post more about anything other than Guardian chapters.After all, I have all summer. :)By the way, my last day of school was on Wednesday.Which means that now I am a senior in high school. :DGo, Class of 2011! Yeah, yeah, baby~! Heh. I'm listening to Replay by SHINee right now.Now I really wonder if it's possible to make a somewhat female version of that song.Like, maybe Oppa You're So Cute/Handsome?I'd totally sing that! Hahaha~Seriously though, I even thought of a small tune in my head that's different from the original Replay, so I'm hoping that it's okay for someone to publish a song like that with copyrights authorized and sung out to public.Am I thinking of writing lyrics for Oppa You're So Cute/Handsome?Maybe.... ;-) Oh~ right now I'm listening to I'm Back by Danson Tang featuring Amber from f(x).This song is so hype! Gives you a nice feeling to dance, doesn't it? ^_^Hmm.... I'll probably make another blog after senior graduation 2011.This is the only blog I'm controlling right now. Hehehe~I'm thinking of having a masquerade ball next year on my 18th birthday. Whoever's reading this blog right now, you think many people would come?The theme for my masquerade ball would be something like from that music video of Juliette by SHINee.Yeah, that's probably going to be the theme for the masquerade ball. ^_^Hope many people come to it next year! In that case, I should probably exercise more and lose weight, right?In order to fit into the right dress I want?Hehe... I weigh around 77.3 kg - that's a lot, huh!I'm also 157.48 cm in height.Weird, huh? I'm the tallest out of my family of 4!The shortest is obviously my little sister, but she's a sophomore now and 15 years old!And yet, she's 144.78 cm in height and 54.5 kg...Going off topic here, I'll be posting the last 2 chapters of Guardian.But, the chapters may be delivered in sections like the previous/latest chapter so far. Ah~ I wish all my hopes, dreams, and wishes come true!Labels: A.M., birthday, BLAH, blogs, break, changes, family, feel, guardian, hard work paid off, high school, little stuff, music videos, new school term, real, waiting, weird
# random thougths @
11:20 PM

Part 2: Protecting You Because I Want Toremember: Mandarin Chinese, English, and thoughtsLocation: Woobang Tower LandThe remaining staff in the last destination seemed to cooperate well with Hee Chul as he started taking pictures of the reunited buddies playing around like they were little children. Pleased with himself after an hour, Hee Chul decided to stop and gave everyone thanks for efforts. All of the staff was startled at first to hear such nice words from the famous bipolar photographer, but then they decided to take advantage of his mood when he called a break. He also instructed before he left that after the staff's break, the last location of the day would be at Mangu Park by 7p.m. with pajamas and nightgowns as the photoshoot outfits.Nikka sat on a swing and checked the time on her watch. It was 5:40p.m. Out of nowhere, Onew jumps on Nikka from behind her. She shrieked and turned around to find a smiling tofu staring back at her. She chuckled, then let Onew push her from behind to make her swing on the swing set."Veronica.""Hm?""... you remember all our memories together?""Yeah, now I do. Sorry about forgetting. I wonder why I forgot in the first place...?"With this question, Onew stopped Nikka from swinging on the swing and walked over to the swing seat next to hers. He sat there and watched other children in the park playing around them."I tried to stay away from you all these years."Nikka got confused. "Why?""Because I was afraid you might remember the nightmare from that night - it was the last time we ever hung out.""...was it that horrible for me to not remember?" Onew slowly nodded at this and began telling the whole story slowly to her; from eavesdropping the business argument to getting hit by a car while they were running away, with blood still running out from their wounds."Your right hip has a scar - that came from a madman who used to work for Grandfather Han. Because of Grandfather Han's mistakes, he caused almost everyone who worked for him to lose everything in their lives."Nikka just kept nodding in agreement, slowly remembering every detail of what happened from Onew's explanations. She turned her head to look at Onew."Jinki, is that why you have a left scar on your stomach? I noticed it when the wind blew while Hee Chul took photos of us." She pointed towards his buttoned shirt. Onew stared at the buttons, then began to unbutton them slowly. He carefully showed a healed semi-scar on the left side of his stomach as if it was never fully healed to begin with. Nikka slowly reached out to touch his scar, running her fingers along his soft skin. Her fingers then drifted off to his neck, where it hung a golden pendant. As she touched the piece of jewelry with one hand, she used the other to hold the identical necklace dangling around her neck.A tear escaped from her eyes and ran down along her cheek. "I'm sorry I forgot, Jinki. Please forgive me..." With this, Onew hugged her by natural instinct. He held her in a tight embrace as she continued to cry on his shoulder. "No, I'm sorry I left you. You don't have to feel sorry. I promised to be your guardian angel, didn't I?"-----------------------------------------------------Location: SHINee dorm ~ 8:45a.m. of February 15By now, everyone was exhausted from the photoshoot. Since Abby and Nikka made an unexpected extended stay in Korea until the end of spring (official school business), their Manager-oppa failed to arrange a hotel room. (Manager-noona they had earlier was caught stealing from the company and selling stolen items off the streets of L.A., thus replacing her with an old friend of Nikka's who graduated last year. This "Manager-oppa" of theirs was preferred to be called "Ah Chu" instead.) Ah Chu and SHINee's Manager-hyung decided to let Abby and Nikka stay at the the same room they previously occupied during the holidays - across from the SHINee dorm room.After helping Abby and Nikka with their traveling bags and school supplies, everyone went to the SHINee dorm. Key insisted on making breakfast, and so did Wang Da Dong. (Fahrenheit decided to tag along with SHINee and MVP, since their schedule was clearer than expected on their trip to Korea.) Key and Da Dong discussed what to make for breakfast as Onew tried opening the lock and security on the door. Abby chatted along with Wu Ji Zun about random topics as Kim Jonghyun seemed to be in an intense conversation with Chen Yi Ru and Nikka, which no one else paid attention to."You promise to keep this quiet?" asked Nikka.Yi Ru raised his right hand in the air. "I promise with all my heart and soul that I'll keep your secret until you guys decide when it's right for you two to come open to the public." He flashed his Sunshine Boy smile at her."See, Nikka? He's trustworthy enough." Jonghyun reassured her. She smiled and gave Yi Ru a bear hug.Onew finally opened the door and entered the dorm room. Everyone took off their shoes as Jonghyun turned on the lights. Immediately, Key and Da Dong went straight for the kitchen to cook. Everyone laughed as the two "kings" kept boasting about their cooking abilities to each other. Yi Ru excused himself to use the restroom as Onew led Ji Zun to the living room to relax. Meanwhile, Jonghyun snapped his fingers as he just thought of something. He quickly grabbed Nikka and pulled her away from the kitchen."Oh, crap! We forgot about Taemin and Minho!" he whispered raspily.Nikka smiled and replied, "Hey, it's supposed to be schooltime right now. It's not like they stayed in..." They both glanced at the shoes near the door. Sure enough, Minho and Taemin's school shoes were still on the floor. Adding more clues, Yi Ru got out of the bathroom with a shirt in his hand. "Hey, I found this on the floor. Does this belong to anybody?"Jonghyun and Nikka's eyes bulged out staring at the pajama shirt with mushroom cartoonfaces on it. "Taemin." they answered in unison. Onew came over and suddenly noticed Taemin's shirt in Yi Ru's hands. "Eh, Chen Yi Ru, why do you have Taemin's pajama shirt in your hands?" Onew asked."First of all, drop the formalities. Just call me Calvin, okay?" Calvin pointed at Wu Ji Zun flipping live shows with a remote control, finally ending up watching Star King on T.V. with Abby. "Also, you can call him Chun and - " he pointed towards the kitchen. "you can call King Kong over there Jiro." Forgetting the situation at hand for a second, Jonghyun and Nikka giggled over "Jiro"'s nickname. "Second of all, I found this shirt on the bathroom floor. Who does this belong to?""Ah, that belongs to Taemin." Onew took the shirt and walked towards the bedroom door. "He's probably in school, so I'll - " and that's when he found Minho and Taemin's shoes still near the front door. Onew quickly spun around to face an unsettling couple near the bedroom door."....." Onew was speechless."Yah, it was your fault. I didn't think we'd be coming home the day AFTER Valentine's Day..." Jonghyun quickly defended himself. Nikka, on the other hand, bowed in front of Onew. "I'm sorry, it was all my fault. I told Jonghyun over the internet to plan this, but I didn't think - " A hand held onto her shoulder to make her stand upright. "It's not your fault, it's mine." Onew said, "I should've known never to agree with this in the first place."Still knowing it was both their idea, Jonghyun and Nikka hung their heads low as Onew slowly opened the bedroom door. His head peeked inside the room, causing Jonghyun, Nikka, and even Calvin to peek inside the room as well. Onew's hand flicked the light switch open, and the lights had just unveiled a PG-13 sight, leaving all 4 pairs of eyes open wide as they stared at what layed ahead of them................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .For all the fans out there who are NOT interested in the 2MIN pairing, I'm truthfully and utterly deeply sorry.The four artists found Taemin cuddled into Minho's arms, but from where they can see them, they were sleeping without shirts on and a big blanket protected the rest of their bodies. Worse yet, the 2MIN couple were sleeping on Onew's bed. Since there weren't any boxers scattered around the bedroom, everyone took a big sigh of relief. Apparently, that woke both Taemin and Minho up. Taemin stirred in his sleep, slowly waking up to look up at Minho's face. He let out a small smile and kissed him on the cheek. Minho blinked twice before he fully woken up, smiling as he looked down upon Taemin's angelic face. Just as he slowly tried to kiss Taemin on the lips, a loud cough was heard in the bedroom. Taemin and Minho's eyes were shot open and pulled away from each other, now seeing 4 unwanted people in the bedroom. Onew was lost at words, Jonghyun and Nikka's jaws were hung open in shock, and a strange, tall, yet familiar man stood there gawking at them. Without saying anything, Onew quickly rushed over to his bed and pulled his blanket off of them. By natural instinct, Jonghyun covered Nikka's eyes with his hands, only to have Calvin pull his hands down, seeing how Taemin and Minho were wearing boxers the whole time. Onew pointed to the closet and to the bathroom. "Off. My. Bed. Now." he instructed, causing Taemin and Minho to scramble to their feet and running off into different directions. No one, I mean, no one would want to see an angry Onew. Minho rushed to the bathroom while Taemin darted to the closet. Finally getting the point of why Onew is really pissed, Jonghyun stammered, "I-I'll go-o get a-a new bedspread a-and blankets for y-you!" and ran out of the dorm room to go buy those items. Onew saw Jonghyun run out of the dorm, then turned his glare onto Nikka. Finally getting what Jonghyun thought of a moment ago, she stammered, "I-I'll help y-you clean the-e bedroom with y-you..." and started to help rip off all the bedsheets. Not forgetting who else is in the room, Onew shot a death glare at Calvin. Calvin gulped and retreated out of the bedroom, calmly stating, "I'll just make sure nobody else knows about this... my lips are sealed." With that, he quickly darted out of the room and into the living room, trying to forget what he just saw in the bedroom. Meanwhile, Abby and Chun were enjoying watching Battle of Music (made up a random show title) as Calvin suddenly bursted into the atmosphere. "H-hey! Isn't it about time we call Yan Ya Lun in America?" Calvin randomly asked. The question caught a cooking Jiro and Key off-guard. Jiro accidentally dropped an egg on the floor, along with a bowl of flour. Coming to his "umma-style" reflexes, Key bent down to clean the mess in frustration. "Oh, sorry." Jiro apologized and helped Key clean up the mess he made. Everyone paid attention to the kitchen at that point. Just what were these two trying to make in the morning? All 3 people could see flour not only on the floor, but also on the table, eggs were splatted randomly on the wall, and the sink was filled with lots of dishes. Even without Calvin's question in the air, it seems that the two Selca Kings did not have control of what they were "cooking" whatsoever. It seems Jiro was able to answer Calvin's question. "Yi Ru, Ya Lun's coming to Korea in about a few days.""Eh?" Calvin and Chun exclaimed in unison. "Why?" It seems Key was able to answer the next question. "The devil is settling in Taiwan on a scholarship program until spring ends. She'll be at National Taiwan University."Calvin and Chun's reactions were in confusion. "Devil?" asked Calvin. "So Ya Lun chose the selected students already?" asked Chun. "Wait a minute - I'm confused! What's going on here? What about Connie?" Abby asked Key. When he mentions devil, I know he's talking about Connie! But, on a scholarship? In Taiwan? Awwee! Why can't she get one in Korea? Darn, my crappy learning of Chinese language!Key took in a deep breath, and as much as he hated Connie, he had to fill in details about her arrival. While they were discussing it, Jiro and Key managed to finish what looks like pancakes. After telling this with Jiro's help, Key waited for Abby's reaction. Abby couldn't help but smile. She shot her fist in the air. "Yay! My best friend's coming~! But wait - is it possible for her to change schools to study in Korea?"" Actually, it takes a while, but yeah, it's possible with Yan Ya Lun. His English name is Aaron Yan, by the way." said Chun. Key shot him a death glare, but everyone ignored it. Suddenly, an idea came in Chun's head. Didn't Abby describe to me once yesterday about her ideal guy? Hey, it's Aaron! But, what about Onew.... hmmm...I think he's been meaning to date Nikka instead, based on what Abby said yesterday."Eh, Abby, based on one of the things we talked about yesterday, I think Aaron Yan's your ideal guy!" I just hope I'm doing a good thing - Aaron's been meaning to find the right girl to fall in love with anyway. This is also for Abby, so she can forget about Onew. It seems she's in pain every time she sees him with Nikka.Abby stopped smiling and stared at Chun. "What?!" She grabbed him by the collar of his polo shirt. "Are you for real?!" "Yes! Now please let go, so we can eat now! I'm starving!"Abby jumped up and down while screaming, and started hugging him really tight. Minho, Onew, Nikka, and Taemin ran into the kitchen to see where the screams were coming from. Upon noticing their arrival in the kitchen, Abby ran towards Nikka, giving her the full news, which made Nikka smile as well. Onew has barely noticed, but he can't help but like Abby's smile. It was different from how he likes Nikka's smile - he couldn't brush the feeling off. He never took his eyes off of Abby, then suddenly he remembered the photoshoot yesterday, when he convinced Abby to just wear the icy blue formal dress. She looked really good in it. Heck, she looks good now without it - eh? What's this feeling? Am I sick? When he heard how excited Abby was about meeting Aaron Yan, however, Onew's bright smile faltered. Upon seeing his frown, Chun Wu was confused. Isn't he supposed to be happy just standing next to Nikka? So why is he frowning? Abby started giving Onew a bear hug, which regained back the smile on Onew's face. Wait - don't tell me he likes her, too? But I thought - As if on cue, Jonghyun comes bursting into the room with big bags filled with new bedsheets and blankets. He looks awfully tired, he must not be a sportsman, like this tall guy next to me - hey, he's as tall as Calvin! Key and Nikka rushed over to Jonghyun, with Key nagging at the tired man. Nikka looked as if she was really worried about Jonghyun's stamina, wiping his sweat with the long sleeves of her shirt. Then it hit Chun. Are those two together? He turned his attention back to Onew and Abby. It looked like Onew barely noticed Nikka's presence no longer next to him, and is now focused on Abby's random blabbering while they were eating pancakes. (Key and Jiro's creation was supposed to be an artistic cake, but failed and decided to make easy pancakes for the morning.) Oh man, what have I done? Chun thought as he munched into his pancake. The taste of the pancakes caught him offguard - it tasted like there was icing inside the pancakes. "So," Calvin began to speak as everyone gathered around the dining room table. "Minho, right?" He started to chat to the tall man next to him. The tall man nodded as he took a serving of pancake for himself. Calvin began to speak again. The topic was about soccer - Calvin and Chun love soccer. Chun had told Minho and Taemin that since they went to the photoshoot yesterday, and that the maknaes of SHINee stayed home throughout the day, if they had watched the soccer game that night on T.V. Minho said he did, which brang up Calvin's question. "So," he began to ask, "what was the score in the bedroom - eh! I mean, in the game! Soccer game!" He forcefully closed his mouth with his hands. But it was too late. Everyone froze, dropping everything they were holding in the process. Calvin looked nervously around him. Starting from his right (then to everyone else's right), Jonghyun and Nikka shot death glares at him, Taemin stared at him like a deer seeing car headlights in front of himself, Minho's large eyes grew even wider in shock, Chun's large eyes also grew wider in shock (they both look similar; like the both of them were ripped right out of a comic book), Abby's jaw dropped open while she was in the process of chewing food, Onew shot his own death glare at him as if he ate the last piece of fried chicken, Jiro's dumbfounded look of innocence, and lastly, Key. Let's just say no one would be able to predict what his face looked like at the moment, okay?Labels: fiction, guardian, story
# random thougths @
12:28 AM