The bells rang on the campus of 诺沃克 High School in America. Nikka got out of her classroom and walked straight towards her locker. While she switched her books for another class, she overheard a couple of girls talking about boy bands.Tsh. Boy bands are so out for, like, a decade.
The girls were talking about this famous boy band in Korea called 闪亮 and showed their pictures of the band that they kept in their lockers. Pretending not to care, Nikka peered at the photos they had of the band.
Wow. Didn't know guys could be that cute.
After 10 minutes, she took her lunch and her bags with her to the back of the Drama Room. Alone, she ate in peace - before the security guards caught her...again. After she was done eating inside the Drama Room, she couldn't help but notice everyone going about in their conversations. Sure, she was sometimes a part of the conversations, but she also felt like she was missing something.
Are my grades okay this year? Wait - it's only been 2 days since school officially started. Boy, do I feel stupid.
Nikka felt like she needed plumage for herself. She wanted to do something more with her life.
But what?
The "popular group" suddenly came. They were the type of people that think they're just average people, when they actually do a minimum amount of "wild" stuff - sometimes towards Nikka. They even try dressing up in latest fashion and do the latest stuff. What's even worse is that they consider Nikka as a personal friend to the group. This "popular group" is a small sized group which branches onto making more friends, but at the same time maintaining the small circle. Most of the people in that group are nice, with the exception of 2 girls. One of them was Grace - skinny & "the life of the party". Nikka & Grace had been friends since the 1st day of 诺沃克 Junior High Academy, so Nikka had to pull Grace out of sticky situations sometimes. The 2nd girl was Viva - stuck in her own ideal world filled with high school drama. At the moment, Grace & Viva were the only ones walking by and noticed Nikka standing in the hallway, looking down at the floor.
Grace: "Hey, what's wrong, Nick?"
Nikka: "Nah, I'm alright."
Grace: "Oh, well, Viva & I are thinking about going to church after school."
Viva: "Yeah, we're just going to hang around the church because we're bored."
Grace: "And we'll just mess around that area."
Both girls giggled in delight. Nikka was emotionless, with a questioning thought in her mind.
"Hey, where are you guys going to for college?"
Grace: "Well, I'm going to USC."
Viva: "And I'm probably going to UC Irvine."
Nikka: "Oh, okay. See you later. The bell's about to ring."
Grace & Viva: "Okay, bye, Nikka."
Nikka arrived at her suburban house. Her parents are too busy doing outside tasks and paying the bills. Her little sister is hanging out with her friends on the front lawn. So technically, Nikka was all alone in the house. She crashed onto her bed in her room and layed her body flat facing up. She started drifting off to sleep until the house phone rang. She waited for a bit, then answered the phone.
Nikka: "Hello? Who's this?"
"Hi, is this the SM娱乐 family for the student exchange program?"
Nikka: ""
Nikka stayed on the phone, listening to the man on the phone cursing himself and expressing sounds of stress.
"Ahh~! That's the last family contact I've called! And I thought I was dialing the wrong number the first time because no one picked up!! I've got no one to take care of this kid in Korea now!"
Nikka: "Wait, what kid in Korea?"
"Oh, this kid in a national popular boy band or something. Look, I just need the money right now for my family, so I have to do my job right. I work for the student exchange program, and I have to enlist an exchange student to a family in a different foreign country. The SM娱乐 wants me to enlist - "
Nikka: "So you want me to take care of this kid?"
"Yes, please! That would be so kind of you! I promise he's nice and -"
Nikka: "How old is he?"
"Um, 16 years old, but very intelligent and nice. All you need to do is -"
Nikka: "Does my family have to pay for this?"
"No, actually, you get paid for keeping in this child. He's one of a kind, I can reassure that. So I'll be getting your signature?"
Nikka: "Wait - I'm confused. Doesn't this kind of situation involve an assigned host family?"
"Well, like I mentioned before, you're my last hope."
Nikka: "But my parents would never allow it. Couldn't you let him stay at a hotel? I know a closer one to my house."
"Wait - you're still living with your parents?"
Nikka: "Um, is that a problem? Unless you want to find another host family."
She could overhear the conversation over the phone in the background. The man's boss was shouting at him and demanded to know about the slow process of finding a host family - or else he's fired.
"Um...not a problem! Just sign the forms for yourself and take care of the guy - whoever you are. The company won't know the difference of the signatures we need."
Nikka: "Um, alright. I'm down."
"Great! I'll get the student to come to your school. He'll have the forms waiting for you to sign."
As Nikka hung up on the phone, she started thinking about the situation.
Gee, I wonder what he looks like...
Labels: fiction, guardian, story
# random thougths @
7:34 PM

- 他的名字叫汤米。他是一名16岁的老明星舞蹈团称为闪亮。在整个2成名多年,他的积极和消极对待他人的待遇。他的家人和朋友,特别是在闪亮,支持教育他。但在学校,但他很难弄清楚,在开放真正的朋友。
- 她的名字是日科。她是16年在一个小城市岁的学生称为诺沃克。在整个高中2年,她感觉她不属于任何地方。这是因为如果某些事情是她生活中失踪。
Labels: 小说, 故事, 监护人
# random thougths @
7:13 PM

汤米看着里面的一个星期五教室窗口在9月。教室里几乎是空的, 而且是下午3点后已。作为老师收拾自己的东西, 他注意到, 张宇人仍然坐在自己的座位。“汤米,下课。事实上,学校已经结束了。您可以回家了。”
. . .
汤米:“... ...请重点放过我不能呼吸..."
Labels: 小说, 故事, 监护人
# random thougths @
6:27 PM