Angelic Princess 天使公主

To search for one's true love, you must first find your true self. Don't just love yourself, though. Love the people around you who truly care for you.
为了寻找自己的真爱, 你必须先找到你真正的自我。 不只是爱自己,虽然。 爱你周围的人谁真正关心你。

My Prince, please find me... 我的王子,请找我...

My name is Xiao Yu Di. I love Pochacco, Mangas, Reading, Cup O Noodle, Ramen, Muffins, Performing, Internet, Writing, Sleep, and one particular guy. 我的名字是小雨滴。 我爱PC狗,曼加斯,读,杯Ø面,拉面,松饼,表演,上网,写作,睡眠,和个特别的人。

Friends... 朋友...

Konini-unnie :P LoL + friend + friend + friend + friend + friend + friend +


Blogger + Come see me. =D + Shawols! + link + link + link + link + link +

Summer's Playlist 夏天的播放列表

Music Playlist at


September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
June 2009
July 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010


Surprisingly Sleepy...
Chapter 16: I Know It's My Fault
Chapter 15: This Is My Decision
Chapter 14: It's Like You're Suddenly By My Side
Chapter 13: Special *2MIN Past
Chapter 12: She's Looking At Me Too
Chapter 11: If I Don't See You Even For One Day
Chapter 10: Moods Are Up To You To Decide
Chapter 9: Special* Molly's Diary + Overseas Call
Chapter 8: What Should I Do?

The Truth - do you dare? 真相 - 你敢吗?

My Ideal Guy 我的理想盖伊

Key Icon Pictures, Images and Photos
Someone who likes to sing, shine, and at times shy; Someone who's not afraid to show a lot of emotion; Someone who's a few years older than me. I'd date someone who isn't that tall, but isn't that short (for me) either; Someone who is average, Someone who loves to write lyrics, watching movies, and learn Chinese (I'm not Chinese either, but I'm learning). Last off, I'll love a guy who has nice skinship, who's not afraid to be a little bit bad sometimes, ;-) and who's willing to spend time with an average girl...
有人谁喜欢唱歌,光泽,有时害羞; 人谁不害怕表现出很多的情感; 有人谁是几年比我大。 我是谁日期不是别人高, 但是,这不是短期的我()或者; 有人谁是平均水平, 有人谁爱写歌词,看电影,学习中文 (我不是华人下去,但我学习)。 最后的时候,我会爱上一个人谁具有良好的skinship, 谁不害怕是有点不好,有时,;-) ,谁愿意花时间,平均女孩...


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[ Base Image (c) DA]
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[ Layout designed by fern*]

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Surprisingly Sleepy...

I'm like a freakin` vampire.
Lately I've been sleeping around this time and waking up in the middle of day.
Everybody Hates Chris is on right now.
A rerun episode.
I'm spazzin` over SHINee's new album right now!
Yeah, I know, last month they released the CD and about 2 weeks ago I got it, but even now I still squeal over their performances and such!
I'm addicted to SHINee fanfiction now. :P
And now I think I'm slowly getting to reading Fahrenheit fanfiction again. :)
I was supposed to be doing my summer projects.
Yes, there's 2 of them.
AP Literature and AP Government and Economics.
I'm on my sister's stupid little laptop while she uses my normal "huge" one for her MV version with Tasha and a girl named Melissa of Super Junior's No Other MV.
Take a look at it if you're reading this.
Also, The Cab's Vegas Skies.
You should listen to it.
:) It's pretty cool.
Found myself listening to it while I was reading a fanfic story. :P
I should probably finish my projects soon, huh?
Also, before school ended about a month and a half ago, our junior class was advised to send college applications and scholarship applications.
I don't know the first thing to do that sort of stuff at home, so I guess I'll wait until school starts again.
I know, a bit late, considering since applications end around December of this year for class of 2010 students.
But, I just don't feel prepared yet. :(
I'll only do things once I feel prepared.
I'm still sticking to music as my major, or basically taking more arts as subjects once I get to college in September next year.

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Chapter 16: I Know It's My Fault

Amber's POV

Pervert! was all I could think about after Jjong freakin` grabbed my arm and dragged me to the closet. The closet! But then again, it is Jjong, my 1st crush...

As soons as I saw him lock the door, I pulled away from his grasp and raised my fist. I started swinging at him, only to have my punch blocked by his hand. He backed me up against a wall.

Dammit! Why do I have to be so weak at a time like this?!

It was as if time had slowed down for us in this spacious closet. Jjong leaned forward close to my face, my breath getting caught mid-air. To my surprise, he bursted out in... giggles?

I stared hard at him as he pulled back a bit.

"Man, you should've seen the look on your face! Your face turned beet red! HAHAHA!"

Damn it! I fell for his tricks again! Honestly, why does he always tease me like this?!

Getting frustrated, I pushed him away from me, only to have him fall backwards... and guess who he tried to grab as life support?

I accidentally fell on top of him when he pulled the side of my shirt to prevent him from falling, my lips landing onto his. WTF?!

My eyes widened when I realized what just happened, and so did Jjong's. When I tried to quickly get up, his arm just swung over my back to prevent me from leaving, deepening the kiss.

Okay, I admit, this is sort of like a dream come true to me - BUT WHAT THE HELL?! HE STOLE MY FIRST KISS! I'M STILL MAD BECAUSE HE JUST TEASES ME AND NOW KISSES ME!

I screamed out loud and punched him in the jaw. It sounded like a slap, but I'm pretty sure I conflicted damage onto his pretty boy face.

I stormed out of the closet, wiping my mouth as I trailed to the bathroom. Man, that was so embarrassing!

I washed my face several times and afterwards wiped with a towel. I stared at my reflection in the mirror:

Amber Liu Pictures, Images and Photos

(mirror is pretty huge...)

I finally look a girl after all these years.... after, well, my past with MinHo....

I shook my head as I brushed off the painful memories in my mind. I can't have people thinking I'm weak. MinHo and I promised each other years ago that we'll move on from our past and live a brightful future... it seems that my twin brother moved on ahead instead of me.

I made sure that no one would fall for me and I would fall for no one, but instead I started having a crush on Jjong, MinHo's friend. Oh, why did I have to fall for him?

He's such an impossible flirt! Why can't I be happy like MinHo? His relationship with TaeMin seems to make him the happiest.

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by a noise outside the bathroom. What's going on...?

I opened the door and walked out, spotting Jjong taking care of a helpless Key on the bed. A little gay much...?

Then I noticed someone important missing. "Hey, where's YuDi?" I asked Jjong.

"She's in the closet, discussing issues with her brother."

"Wait - you mean - "

"Yeah, Wang DaDong came over to find her, and stupid Diva over here informed him that he's YuDi's boyfriend." He pointed to the bruised faced Key on the bed.

Speaking of bruised faces, I remembered what just happened earlier and took a glance at Jjong's face. Wow, the bruise formed around the corner of his mouth instead of his jaw. Ouch.

Feeling bad, I dashed to the kitchen and came back to the Kims with 2 ice pack pouches. I gave one to Key to let him nurse himself as I used the other one to place it on Jjong's mouth.

I wonder how YuDi's holding up with her brother... wait, Wang DaDong? Where does that name sound familiar?

DaDong's POV

~rewind back to when Key admitted he's YuDi's boyfriend~

I still had him within my grasp until I heard someone speaking in Korean coming towards us from within the hotel room.

"Key, why are you standing around the front door? We have..." the girl trailed off as she saw me.

Her eyes widened in fear at my presence. Could this be...?

Wow, she resembles Dad but she's so much more beautiful. Sorry Dad.

YuDi looked at what I was holding onto. Oh yeah, this moron told me he's my sister's boyfriend. For some reason, that made me angry. I punched him in the face and tossed him on the bed.

My sister looked at me with a bewildered look on her face.

"What the hell?!" she yelled at me, socking me by the face. I stumbled back a bit.

Man, can she hit hard! Why is she so strong? ...was it because of me years ago?

The guy who escaped from us hours ago - Kim JongHyun, I presume - came over and helped him.

"Key?! Key, are you alright?!" he yelled at him as he shook him furiously by the shoulders. Key? That's a weird name...

I felt a tug on my arm and I looked down at YuDi.

"We need to talk. Now." she said in an angry tone. Well, at least she still remembers her Chinese well.

She pulled me to a walk-in closet and closed the door shut. Oh, this is not a good sign. I came here to make peace with her, not start another feud.

She turned around and our eyes met. I literally saw flames in her eyes - no joke!

"Why'd you punch Key?!" she yelled at me.

Hearing his weird name reminded me of what he introduced himself as earlier, which made me lose my temper a bit.

I raised my voice at her, still trying to maintain peace between us. "He told me he was your boyfriend!..." then I had to shut up after hearing myself say that. I sounded like a jealous boyfriend. Ew.

"What do you care who my boyfriend is?! Why do you even care at all?!"

"Hey, I'm trying to be nice here!"

"Why?! You haven't been there for me all these years! Do you even remember what you said to me the last time we saw each other?"

Yes, I do. I nodded slowly then the tension grew in the room as we remained quiet for a minute.

YuDi glanced at her watch and looked the other way, trying to avoid even looking at me. I bet she's still mad after all these years.

She finally spoke to me. "You've got 4 minutes left before I decide what to do with you. We're trying to hold a surprise party here." she informed me with a cold tone in her voice. Does she have to be like that?

I softened my gaze at her and spoke low, but audible enough for her to hear.

"Then I'll make this quick."

I bent down in front of her on the floor. I looked up at her. Her eyes widened at what I was doing.

"What the hell?"

I ignored her and looked down in shame.

"YuDi, I know you won't be able to just take my apology, but I'm truly sorry, really. Right after I found out from YaLun that you ran away, I panicked. In fact, I had to use every bit of my power as a gangster to search for you. After a while, I decided to quit being in a gang, and so did my friends. I realized this was how I've gotten to hate you when we were younger - my heart grew colder as I became a bad boy, ignoring Dad and especially ignoring you."

She kept quiet, so I continued.

"You know, I almost gave up searching for you for a decade - literally. But, my buddies helped me through and gave me hope that maybe you're still alive out there. I almost thought you were dead and that I'd never forgive myself because of it. But now that you're here, I want to say this: I take back what I said to you the last time we saw each other. Everything."

From my peripheral vision, I can see her bending down on her knees in front of me. I didn't dare raise my head to look at her. Instead, to my surprise, she held the side of my face and made me look at her. She looked sad, then she looked a bit blury. Why was that?

She wiped my eyes with her fingers. That's when I realized my eyes were tearing. I tried to wipe the tears from my face, but YuDi stopped me. I took a good look at her face.

She's Dad's angel - no scratch that, she's my angel. I have to take care of her no matter what. That's how much I care for her...

"DaDong, stop crying. I forgive you, alright? It's my fault, too... I shouldn't have left you. You're all the family I've got." She wiped the last teardrop on my face and smiled a bit.

"I love you, silly, don't you know that? I was just a little scared of you, that's all."

Next thing I knew, I broke down and cried in front of her. She held onto me and I felt she was just as upset as I was, but she didn't cry like I did. Man, I'm so weak...

"I'm sorry.... YuDi, I love you.... I love you... I'm sorry... I promise to never leave you again, okay? Never!..." I continued sobbing in her warm embrace.

"Stupid, I was the one who left..." she mumbled softly. I let out a soft chuckle and stopped crying, hugging her tightly as if she'd run away from me again.

We both heard a random ringtone melody:

Listen to what I have to say now~
You might not be interested, since many men talk like this~
Not gonna hurt you, open your heart for a moment~
If I let you go without saying anything~
I feel like I wont be able to see you again, so I gather up the courage~

Nice melody. Hm. Korean song?

[Note: Those were the English translations to Talk To You by SHINee.]

YuDi answered her phone quickly while giggling along with me.

"Hello? JinKi-oppa?"

I watched her reaction as she was talking on the phone. Her eyes widened, so I assumed it was something important...

"He's coming?! Alright, we're ready!" She hung up her phone and helped me stand up.

"Can you say Happy Birthday in Korean and in English?" she asked me.

I smirked. "Hey, I can speak in a conversational English and Korean. Why?"

She smiled at me and took my hand in hers.

"It's Lee TaeMin's birthday today, so we need to sing 3 languages of the birthday song to him."

She led me out of the closet to meet 3 boys - well, more like 2 boys I saw earlier and a girl staring at me... wait - oh, no way!

I pointed at her. "Amber?!" She's YuZhe's foster sister. I remember because YuZhe and I frequently visit each other's houses to hang out.

She pointed at me. "DaDong?!"

YuDi, that guy name Key, and the other boy JongHyun looked at us funny.

"You two know each other?" they asked us in unison.

"Yeah," Amber spoke up for me, "he's my foster brother's best friend." She looked at YuDi. "No way, you're DaDong's long lost sister? Wow, what a coincidence!"

Yes it is. Wow...

Jjong's POV

Wow, what a small world.

My Princess's voice stopped my thoughts. "Everyone, TaeMin's coming up! Hide!"

Just like that, everyone scurried off to their hiding places.

I hid behind the nice comfy furniture chair. Sometimes being a bit shorter than SHINee gang (except for YuDi) has its benefits. Hehe~

I glanced at the kitchen where YuDi and her brother, DaDong, are hiding at. Heh. I bet they're hiding in those big cabinets underneath. The kitchen is huge, after all.

I peeked ahead of the recliner chair I was hiding behind of and found Key hiding underneath the bed. He surprisingly fit well underneath. I laughed on the inside. He can't hide with YuDi because her brother is here to protect her. Hehe~

Then I noticed the lights were still left on.

"Yah! You guys forgot to turn off the lights!" I yelled out.

Everyone shushed me to be quiet. Aishh...

I quickly got off from where I was hiding and flicked the light switch off. I ran back to my hiding place, only to find Amber already hiding there.

"Damn it..." I muttered under my breath and turned to find another hiding spot, but someone pulled me back by holding my waist.

I got confused at Amber's actions. The only people she usually hugs are f(x) and her family.

"Yah, you want to keep standing there and ruin the surprise party?" she whispered / shouted at me. I obeyed her command and sat down, but that didn't get her to leave her hands from my waist. Maybe she was holding onto me because of that one time when we held a surprise party for Krystal - I pretty much couldn't hold my excitement and sort of ruined the surprise, but all was well after that.

Look, it wasn't that I was uncomfortable, which by the way I was somewhat happy that she was holding me, but it was just... I don't know... I suddenly had butterflies in my stomach.

Suddenly, I remembered that kiss in the closet room earlier. I silently gasped and touched my lips. I've flirted with many girls, but I've never had my 1st kiss taken away... especially by a tomboy.

Then I remembered my arm hovering over her body to prevent her from pulling away from the kiss. Even if it was an accident, it felt good - I mentally slapped myself. I sound like a major pervert!

Amber and I heard the door open and some noise entering the hotel room. We tried to both hide behind the recliner chair, so Amber ended up hugging me closely on my back. I couldn't help but take the advantage.

As we heard TaeMin's worried voice as to where we were, I held onto Amber's hands tightly, which were holding onto my waist. I felt my face getting hotter, but I also felt from my back that Amber's face was heating up as well. I smiled at this nice feeling I'm having right now.

TaeMin's POV

We all entered back at the hotel room, finding the hotel room dark and hard to see in. The curtains hid the balcony light and all the lights were off.

I was the first person to enter the hotel room. Behind me, I could hear Onew-hyung saying, "The light switch can't turn on the lights. Darn." The lights were burned out?

I started calling out all my Hyungs and Noonas who were supposed to be here.

"Key-umma?" I checked the bathroom. Nothing.

"Jjong-appa?" I checked the closet. Nothing.

"Amber-noona?" I checked back in the main room with the bed. Nothing.

"Princess-noona?" I checked the kitchen. Nothing was there except for strange unfamiliar stuff on the center table.

"Wha - "

Suddenly the lights turned on brightly and I squinted my eyes to adjust the lighting. I noticed the unfamiliar objects were presents, my favorite food, and a huge cake with 18 candles on it!


(TaeMin's reaction to his surprise party)

All of a sudden, as if on cue, 2 people popped out from the cabinets and scrambled to stand in front of me. I figured out the 2 people were YuDi and DaDong - wow, my 2nd wish has already been granted!

Heh. Plus, MinHo granted my 1st wish~ I'm so happy right now! Omo~

Everyone shouted a "Happy Birthday!" to me. MinHo-hyung had to hold me from behind to prevent me from crashing onto the floor. My body's so numb from the happiness which filled inside of me.

"Ah~! How do I get out of here?!" I heard Key-umma say.

I looked around until I saw from the kitchen the sight of Key-hyung trying to get out from under the bed. I laughed as I rushed over to him and helped him crawl out.

He gave me a huge hug afterwards. "Happy birthday, my son~!" he cheered proudly.

"Yah, what about us?" I heard Jjong-hyung's voice.

I spun around to find him and Amber-noona pop out from behind the comfy recliner chair. They waved at me and I immediately noticed Jjong-hyung holding onto her hand.

I grinned as I thought of my 3rd wish for the day.

"Appa~!" I cried out to him as I ran over and hugged him. He squeezed me back a hug, greeting me with, "Happy birthday, Minnie~!"

I laughed when Amber-noona pulled him away from me and hugged me herself, saying, "Happy birthday, Taem~!" then she whispered in my ear, "Take care of my brother for me from now on, okay?"

I blushed as she grinned in delight. Meanwhile everyone was laughing at our scene.

"Let's go sing now!" Sulli exclaimed. Everyone quickly went off to the kitchen and gathered around the table with the huge cake in the center.

Onew-hyung was about to light the candles, but remembering Victoria-noona's birthday party once with him lighting the candles, MinHo-hyung and Key-hyung adviced him not to do it. Instead, Luna took the lighter and lit the candles herself. At first, Amber-noona and Krystal were going to warn her to be careful, but Victoria-noona assured them that Luna can safely touch lighters - just not sharp objects.

After she lit the candles, everyone sang the birthday song in Korean and then in English. For a little bit of fun, I suggested they sing the Mandarin version of the birthday song.

After the singing died down, I closed my eyelids and made a wish.

I wish that Jjong-hyung and Amber-noona would get together...

I blew out all the candles and everyone clapped for joy.

Just then, 3 men barged into the room.

...not what I had in mind...but okay....

Oh wait, they're Chen YiRu, Yan YaLun, and Wu JiZun.

Never mind, they're good people. The more the merrier anyway.

I smiled as they ran towards us.

But, the one thing that confused me was YaLun's gaze at Princess-noona with Key-hyung by her side. Why is he looking at her like that?...

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Chapter 15: This Is My Decision

~July 18 at LanTian Hotel - 8a.m.~
MinHo's POV

"We're here!" Jjong-hyung exclaimed as he parked carefully at the front of the hotel. His voice woke me up and I figured out the surroundings around me. I slowly stretched and yawned as Jjong-hyung got out of the car and opened the back door to wake up TaeMin.

He gently shook him by the shoulders. "Taeminnie~ wake up! Appa's here! Let's go get Umma, okay?" he said in a cheery tone.

Seriously, Appa and Umma? I shook my head as he continued to get TaeMin to wake up. Jjong-hyung and Key are too messed up in their drama world. They even got Onew-hyung involved, plus YuDi! I swear, someday this reality drama of theirs will end up affecting TaeMin's brain.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed someone familiar through the glass windowed entrance of the hotel. This boy looked so much like Jjong-hyung - GASP!

Without helping Jjong-hyung wake TaeMin up from his sleep in the car, I ended up running after the figure inside the hotel.

DAMN! She went in the elevator! I glanced at the sign close to the elevator which said "Emergency Stairs" on a door. I decided to use the stairs. Oh boy, was that a mistake. I sped my way through each floor while climbing up the stairs, until I reached to the 5th floor.

Panting loudly, I just decided to give up. Maybe it wasn't the person I thought it would be -

"MINHO!" someone yelled behind me. I recognize that voice.

I quickly spun around to find Amber, my twin sister, standing a few meters away from me. My eyes widened and my face lit up with a smile. So it was her!

"AMBER!" I yelled out happily, running towards her with open arms. She ran towards me also with open arms. We ended up colliding each other and falling on the floor while hugging each other, laughing our butts off because the fall reminded us of Onew-hyung's many falls, trips, slips,.... I think you get the picture.

Anyway, we helped each other off the ground and continued to hug while standing.

"I missed you, Amber!" I exclaimed while smiling. She let go of me and smiled back, punching me by the shoulder.

"Hey, I missed you, too!"

"What are you doing here?" Then she told me this whole story about how her brother, the celebrity, is performing around L.A., and she along with f(x) group wanted a vacation so they went with her brother to America.

"Wow, what a coincidence!" I said afterwards.

"Yeah, tell me about it. I bumped into your friends today - especially that faggot!" She then started complaining about Key, which made me laugh, because she included lots of swear words in English that I wish to not repeat.

"Wait, you've seen them? Which room are they staying in?"

"Oh, it's just down this hallway. Krystal and I will lead you there in just a second." I nodded as she opened the door closest to her. So this must be her hotel room.

"Come in." she gestured to me as I nodded happily and gladly stepped into the hotel room. I met Krystal briefly in the living room before both of them left to freshen themselves up a bit and get the presents for TaeMin's birthday today.

Amber and Krystal immediately filled me in the details to their surprise party for TaeMin planned by YuDi and Onew-hyung. But, something was off... it was as if these 2 weren't telling me exactly everything that happened here.

"Um, Amber? Krystal?"

"Yeah, MinHo/Oppa?" Amber and Krystal responded at the same time.

"I have a feeling that you two are hiding something from me... what is it?"

Then we just stood in front of a hotel room door for the longest 2 silent minutes of my life. Amber and Krystal looked at each other with grins on their faces. Finally, Amber spoke to me as Krystal turned the doorknob, realizing that it was unlocked.

"Well, I heard from Krystal who was just told by Key and YuDi this morning over the phone that Onew-oppa finally confessed his feelings for Victoria-unnie!" Amber squealed out in a whisper. Wow, it's been forever since I've seen her act like a total girl.

"And now they're, like, officially dating, from what I heard from Sulli after Key-oppa's call!" Krystal chimed in.

"Oh. Good for them." was all I could say about the matter.

Then, I got confused. I suddenly remembered Onew-hyung admitting once that he had a crush on Victoria-noona, but what puzzled me was YuDi. Isn't she close with Hyung?

My question was answered as soon as we stepped foot into the kitchen of the hotel room we entered. Before the scene I've just witnessed, I figured out this is where Onew-hyung, Key, and YuDi checked in judging by the suitcases and bear plushies on the bed.

Coming back to reality, this is what made Krystal's jaw drop, Amber covering Krystal's eyes with her hands, and me just plain baffled at the sight:

Leaning against YuDi on the countertable of the kitchen.
Making out.
YuDi's arms around Key's neck.
Key's hand on YuDi's thigh leg?! (she's wearing shorts)

Okay, I got the hint. THE BIG HINT. They hooked up, definitely.

I don't think this deranged couple seemed to hear us because they continued in their makeout session. I faced Amber and Krystal and placed a finger on my lips, indicating for all of us to be quiet. They agreed and we all crept out of the hotel room silently.

As soon as all 3 of us closed the door, we bursted out into laughter in the hallway.

Calming down, I asked, "Okay, when did this start?"

Amber continued to laugh so hard, considering the fact since she was sure a few minutes ago that Key would remain a diva faggot forever and never get a girlfriend even if he was the top mafia boss in Seoul. Yes, those where her exact words.

Krystal quieted down and answered me instead. "Oh, just about yesterday morning." She flashed a quick smile at me, then she noticed something behind me. "Omo~ is that TaeMin-oppa and Jjong-oppa?!"

Amber and I turned around, and sure enough, Jjong-hyung and TaeMin looked around the floor and found us. They both were smiling as they ran towards us. Especially TaeMin. Man, I gotta love his cute and handsome face! Hehe~ his sexy bedhead hair is showing....

TaeMin ran into my arms, yelling, "Hyung! Why didn't you wait for us? I got so scared, I thought you left me!"

I chuckled as I patted his bedhead hair. His hair is so long and pretty~

I leaned in closer to his ear and whispered, "I'll never leave you, you know that, stupid." That made him blush; I couldn't help it but peck him on the cheek.

I heard gasps from behind me. I turned around to see another scene of Krystal's jaw dropping, Amber covering Krystal's eyes with her hands, and a pretty much shocked Jjong-hyung. Aissh~ didn't this guy see us last night?!

I held onto TaeMin as he quickly looked away in embarrassment. I glared at the three standing in front of me, indicating to back off. They retreated a few steps away from us, and that's when an idea popped into that brilliant brain of mine.

Jjong-hyung looked like he snapped back to reality - well, not exactly.

"Yah, why are you corrupting my son?! You two are supposed to be brothers!" he bickered at me. I smirked at Hyung. About time he gets a taste of his medicine.

I replied, "Hyung, aren't you the 'appa', Key's the 'umma', TaeMin's my 'brother', and YuDi's our caring 'aunt' a.k.a. Key's 'sister'?"

Hyung looked at me funny, then replied back, "Y-Yeah, and Onew-hyung is YuDi's 'husband', so?"

I gave another smirk to him, and Amber & Krystal quickly caught on to what was going on in my brain. Oh yes, they've heard of our infamous drama created by this idiot hyung and my other idiotic hyung inside the hotel room. They sheepishly grinned at Hyung as Krystal reopened the door slowly and quietly for him.

"Oppa, just be brave, okay?" Krystal whispered the advice to Jjong-hyung, then tried her best to hold in her laughter.

Confused yet curious, Jjong-hyung cautiously explored the hotel room by himself. Amber pulled out a camcorder from her vest pocket and trailed right behind him.

TaeMin was looking at all of us now, and asked what was going on. Krystal smiled and whispered the whole ordeal into his ear. TaeMin mouthed an O-shape, showing that he understood now.

Just as we heard Jjong-hyung yell, "YEOBO, WHAT THE HELL?!" all 3 of us dashed inside the hotel room to watch a new 'drama episode'.

Key's POV

It was 7:30a.m. Victoria-noona, Sulli, and Luna dropped by our hotel room today to quickly plan TaeMin's surprise party. YuDi and I planned to start decorating the room at 10a.m. with the hyungs while f(x) and MinHo distract TaeMin for about an hour, then come back and be surprised. Ahh~ anything for my son Taeminnie~

Sulli and Luna hid all the food high in the top shelves and in the back area inside the fridge. Noona and Hyung left after hiding the decorations under our bed. They said they'll buy breakfast, and the rest of us agreed, as long as it's not chicken. Just in case, I sent Sulli and Luna with them so we can actually get real breakfast for breakfast!

I ate nothing but chicken yesterday and Italian dinner! I want pancakes, eggs, sausage - anything but chicken! Darn, those chicken lovers!

Half an hour after everyone left, YuDi got out of the shower dressed in:


(add close to dry hair and leave out the wings - change the skirt to shorts and eyes are brown instead of blue)

.... did I mention how much of a cutie my girlfriend is?

Gosh, look at the way she dries her hair with a towel.

Suddenly, YuDi looks at my way and smirks. She tossed the towel over my head and headed over the kitchen. What the -

I took the towel off my head and threw it aside as I headed over to the kitchen.

"Yah! What'd you do that for?!" I hollered at her as I started chasing her around the kitchen. I swear, our kitchen's so freakin` huge!

Massive Chef's Kitchen Pictures, Images and Photos
(only using the kitchen part here as part of the hotel suite room)

She started running away, shouting, "Well you were drooling at me, so I couldn't help it!" Then the thought of it just made her laugh. Me? Drooling? As if!

I finally cornered her to a countertable with both my hands holding onto the edge of the table. She can't escape this time! Her eyes widened, then she flinched as I leaned in close, staring hard into her brown eyes.

"Eh? Key, what are you - " I cut her off with a simple kiss. I tasted her sweet strawberry lipgloss and smiled. She rarely puts anything on her lips; I took advantage of the change and pressed my lips harder onto her slightly chapped lips. Well, my lips were chapped, too, so it doesn't matter.

Our bodies grew closer together as YuDi wrapped her arms around my neck. I got a little excited and accidentally drew my hand closer to her thigh leg, lifting up her knee so that her leg is somewhat hooked near my waist. Surprisingly, she didn't pull away. Instead, she bit my lower lip, causing my mouth to slightly open. Her tongue slipped into my mouth and I made sure no air escapes from our mouths.

After a good long minute of that, we pulled away from each other and gasped for air. My eyes and YuDi's eyes met at that time, then we just started giggling. Man, that felt so good! I used to think it was pointless for couples to make out, but now I see why!

YuDi walked over to the fridge and opened the bottom door. "Dude, I'm hungry for cheesecake! So what kind of cheesecake flavor do you want? There's banana, lime, plain New York - "

I crept up behind her and slowly wrapped my arms around her waist. I rested my head on her shoulder for a bit, replying, "Mmm... I want strawberry..."

Awww~ cutie girl's so puzzled! Look at her confused face!

"Eh? There's no strawberry flavored cheesecake here..." she said while turning her head to look at me. I just grinned at her.

"I'm not hungry for cheesecake." I simply stated, planting kisses on her neck, then leaning in for a kiss.

A very loud person interrupted our kiss.


YuDi and I turned to find a very shocked Jjong and an annoying Amber recording all this, with a creepy smile on her boyish face. Damn it! How long were they here recording this?!

To my surprise, Krystal rushed in with MinHo and TaeMin - holding hands?! WHAT HAPPENED WHEN I WAS GONE?!

I let go of my cutie girl and ran towards MinHo and TaeMin. "YAH! WHY ARE YOU TWO HOLDING HANDS LIKE THAT?!" I scolded at them.


I gulped and looked behind me. YuDi looked scared. Ayo~ what should I do?

Jjong threw his hands up in the air. "I can't believe you're cheating on me!" he complained.

I glared at him. "Me cheating on you?! You're the one who practically was all over her!"

"W-Well, that's because we both like skinship, right, YuDi?!" he shouted over to YuDi.

She looked too scared and confused to respond, so Jjong angrily stomped over to her and grabbed her by the arm. Shocked, I made my way towards her, but Jjong blocked me away from her.


"STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!!!" he suddenly yelled at me. Oh, so that's how you're playing it? Fine then!


"FINE THEN, BUT I'M KEEPING MY DAUGHTER!" He still held onto YuDi like she was his possession or something. Tsh. Trying to make me jealous?

"WHAT?! THEN - " I spun around and ran towards TaeMin, pulling him close to me. "TAEMIN IS FOREVER MY SON, SO YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM!"

Heh. That made Jjong's eye twitch. He looked over at Amber, who was recording all this. He smirked, then ran over to her side while pulling my 'cutie pie' with him. He took the camcorder and gave it to Krystal to record. Jjong suddenly grabs Amber by the waist and announces, "If that's the way you're playing it, then fine! Amber's my wife!"

Me, Amber, and even MinHo were very much shocked over this, considering since Jjong is the only one who doesn't know Amber has a crush on him.

Then stupid MinHo had to say, "But I could've sworn Key would've made Amber his husband..." which not only ticked me off, but Amber as well. The only ones who weren't serious about the situation was TaeMin, YuDi, and Krystal. They started giggling - what the hell?!

"Oh no, please don't tell me I'm the Appa again..." someone complained nearby.

We all turned to see Onew-hyung and Victoria-noona eating french fries while Sulli and Luna chewed on their hash browns. Really, guys....?

I shot threatening glares at Hyung, but he purposely fed Noona more french fries dipped while ignoring me in the process. That betrayer!

I then glanced at the first girl I saw. I pulled Luna over to my side, making her shocked as she dropped her food on the floor.

"Fine then, I'll make Luna my wife!" I proclaimed, making everyone shocked at my decision.

"Wow, what a twist in the story plot." commented MinHo. Everyone started laughing except for me, YuDi, TaeMin, Amber, Jjong, and Luna.

Luna spoke up. "Actually, Key-oppa, can I be the Appa in this family?"

That made everyone roar with laughter except for me. I glared at everyone around me.

"YAH! THAT'S NOT FUNNY!" I yelled at them, but they just laughed harder. I felt a tug on my arm and I looked down at TaeMin.

"Umma, thank you for making my birthday fun!" he cheered at me.

All of us stared at his bright smile. Oh my God, my Taeminnie's so cute~! Everyone was in awe and we all started giving a group hug to TaeMin, greeting him a wonderful happy birthday.

Jjong's POV

Afterwards MinHo and I were filled in with the details on TaeMin's surprise party. We both agreed to do our part. We ate breakfast and f(x) left with MinHo and TaeMin. As soon as I checked the hallway to see if the close was clear, everyone left in the hotel room started setting up decorations.

I watched closely as Key came closer to YuDi in skin contact. YuDi was setting up the kitchen with Key, then she started giggling when Key kissed the back of her hand. Aisshh~ what's with these two?!

Man, I'm jealous. I want someone to be that close to me! An idea suddenly popped into my head and I spun around to find Hyung.

Hyung was busy hanging up ornaments, but froze as he saw me grinning at him. His eyes slowly widened in fear after glancing over at the couple behind me.

"Oh no, not again!" he gasped and ran out the door, yelling, "VICTORIA!!!" Tsh. What a scaredy cat. I'm lonely. :(

Should I bother the lovely couple in the kitchen? Hehe~

I made my way to the kitchen and found both of them smiling brightly as they continued decorating the big cake on the center of the table. Did they hide that in the refridgerator? That thing's huge!

cake Pictures, Images and Photos
(TaeMin's birthday cake - strawberry chocolate flavor :P Yum.)

I let out a deep sigh and turned around - AH!

Oh, sh@#! Damn, she nearly scared the crap out of me!

I pulled her away from the kitchen and into the main room. Remember what it looks like?

Stephanie's Suite Pictures, Images and Photos
(this was shown earlier in Chapter 12)

I let her go quickly and faced her.

"Dammit, Amber! You scared the crap out of me!" I whispered hoarsely at her.

She looked at me with perplexion written in her eyes. Damn, for a second there, she looked really cute. I blinked several times and mentally slapped myself. This is not what you think about when you're with one of your best friends!

"Jeez! No need to keep your panties in a knot!" she whispered back with her hands up in the air. "I'm here to help you hang the decorations and stuff."

"What happened to Hyung?"

"Honestly, he blabbed to Unnie about your perverted mode so I ended up replacing him." Aishh. Well, whatever. At least I'm not alone anymore.

As Amber continued to hang streamers and other decorations high near the ceiling, I continued with what I was doing.... what was I doing anyway?

Oh yeah! Blowing balloons! I rushed over to the writing desk and pulled out a box of those rubber things and began blowing balloons with the helium tank Key and YuDi got for us. (It was hidden in the walk-in closet.)

After half an hour, I think I blew about 60 colorful balloons and tied them carefully to each string. I suddenly got tired and landed on the comfy furniture chair. Key came into the room and tried moving towards me, but most of the strings hanging from the balloons were his way. He tried shooing them away as if they were flies.

"YAH! WHY ARE THERE SO MUCH OF THESE BALLOONS?!" he scolded at me. I simply ignored him until I felt something heavy on my lap. What?

I opened my eyelids to find a pouting Key sitting on my lap. He started playing with my hair.

"Yeobo-ah, I'm sorry about earlier. Can you forgive me?" he apologized in a cute way. This was sorta making me gag, but at the same time I found it funny.

I started playing around back at him, wiping his invisible tears. I grinned at him. "You know you're my only one, right babe?" I started to caress his face, but then someone had to ruin our fun by pulling my 'wife' away from me.

I saw YuDi's grip on the back of Key's shirt, peeling him off of me. She pretended to toss him aside and jumped on my lap. Ow~ she's a bit heavy... but I bit my tongue. I probably shouldn't tell my own daughter that, am I right? Because that would be rude of me as her 'Appa'. ;)

My princess leaned against me, resting her head on my chest. "I'm soooo tired! I can't believe we finished setting up in the kitchen! It's less than 30 minutes left before they'll come back with TaeMin..."

I caressed her long straight hair as I stared at her beauty. My left hand held onto her by the waist as my right hand continued to touch my princess's hair.

"Ahhhh~ it's okay, my daughter. Just rest your pretty head, okay?" I ordered her, and she obediently obeyed and quickly took a nap. I glanced at Key. Oh boy, was he ever jealous!

I laughed on the inside and grinned to myself, not suspecting of Key's 15 minute disappearance until he appeared again in front of me - with Amber, wait - what?! Amber?!

I took a good look at her. Man, I practically gaped at her appearance! She's hot!

Amber Liu Pictures, Images and Photos
(let's just say Key fixed her hair in this story pretty fast in 15 minutes, don't ya think? ;] )

She suddenly blushed when she caught me staring at her for the longest time. YuDi woke up from my embrace and rubbed her eyes. She looked up at Key, smiled brightly, then looked at the person beside him, and -

"OH MY GOD! AMBER, IS THAT YOU?!" YuDi exclaimed, which rang my ears. Dang, Key's obnoxious tone of yelling is contagious!

Princess jumped off of me and analyzed Amber from head to toe. "Damn, you're hot! It looks like a comfortable look on you!" she cheered with joy.

"You think so? I think it feels comfortable, too." Amber replied with a bright smile on her face. Oh wow, she just took my breath away.

"Oh, and thanks, boo!" she lightly punched Key on the arm and he playfully rubbed his arm where it hurted. "Didn't think you had good taste, but now you've just proved it."

"No problem, babe." he replied with a wink. What?! Making a move on my new wife, now?

As soon as Amber turned away to talk to YuDi in English, Key turned to me with a smirk on his face.

"What?" I asked him.

"Look at you - you're jealous, huh?" he whispered to me.

"Jealous? Pft! About what?"

"The way she calls me boo and I call her baby~" he cooed. I want to punch his face so bad!

He seemed to read my mind because he pulled out a white handkerchief from his pocket and waved it in the air. "Alright, I was just joking~! You should've seen the look on your face, though!"

He started laughing and teasing at me. Hmph. Who needs a Diva like him?

"Hey, all I wanted was for my cutie pie to get off of you. Well, I guess it worked in another way..." he gestured towards the two girls chatting on the bed.

For some reason, I was a bit mad that Amber hasn't exactly interacted with me today. She's been spending time with everyone BUT me, and I'm her 'husband'!

Keeping my cool, I stood up from the luxurious chair and strolled over to Amber. I pulled her up from the bed by the arm and faced my Princess.

"Sorry Princess, but Appa and Umma need their alone time, okay?" I winked at Princess and left with Amber to the walk-in closet.

Key's POV

Wow, my makeover on Amber even impressed me!

I think it's because of my inspiration who is now standing next to me. Hehe~ she's wonderful!

We both watched as Jjong and Amber entered the walk-in closet quickly and then I heard a locking noise from the doorknob.

YuDi and I glanced at each other, then back at the closet door.

"Yah, cutie pie." I called my girlfriend.

"Hm?" YuDi responded.

"Wanna make a bet?"

"On what?"

I glanced at my watch. "Hmm.... it's about 10 minutes until they come back, so I say 5 minutes is the maximum time to guess."

"Again, on what?"

"How long those two will stay in the closet until Amber snaps and punches Jjong in the face."

YuDi glanced at her watch. "Hmm... okay, put me down for 3 minutes."

"Pft! Please, sister! I'm betting not even a minute from now she'll be running away after beating him!"

"Tsh! We'll see! Loser takes the other out to dinner!"

"Hmm... let's make this interesting!" I grinned at her after I quickly thought of something. "If I win, you have to go on a first date with me - and I decide where and when - surprise for you. If you win, I'll treat you to any candy store or pastry shop in L.A."

"DEAL!" Heh. My cutie pie loves sweet things~!

We both timed our watches and stared at the closet. 30 seconds later, someone starts pounding on the door. Curious, I walked over to the main door of the hotel room and opened it, revealing a strange man breathing really hard.

(Wang DaDong ~ his outfit look + jeans and sneakers)

He was leaning over the doorframe, and slowly rested on his knees to catch his breath. Then, he slowly rose up and glanced at me. He bowed politely and started speaking to me in Chinese.

"I'm sorry, but is by any chance a girl named Jiang YuDi here?" he asked me.

I raised my eyebrow and studied him from head to toe. This guy seems okay, but he looks like a monkey...

"Who wants to know?" I asked him back.

Suddenly I hear a scream and a slap from the closet. I turned around, accidentally opening the door wide enough for the strange man to see what was happening.

Amber stormed out of the closet while wiping her mouth and trailed to the bathroom. Jjong soon followed out, sporting a new look of a bruised jaw - well, more like the corner of his mouth.

Oh no, he didn't! HAHHAHAHAHAHA~!

I started to laugh out loud, then I abruptly stopped when I found the man staring at me weird.

"Aw, man! I lost! You were right, Key! 58 seconds!" I heard YuDi yelling to me. I grinned in delight and shouted back, "Ha! That means you go on a surprise date with me!"

The man at the doorway seemed to understand Korean, because he started speaking to me in Chinese, "I'm sorry, was I interrupting something? You seem to be busy with your friends..." and scratched the back of his head.

I smirked at him and replied back, "Well, as a matter of fact, I happen to be Jiang YuDi's boyfriend. Do you need anything from her?"

Suddenly, the man's eyes turned angry at me and he pulls me by the shirt collar. What the?!

"As a matter of fact, I happen to be Jiang YuDi's biological brother." He responded with a smirk.

I gulped in fear. Oh crap, what did I get myself into?!

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Chapter 14: It's Like You're Suddenly By My Side

Chen YiRu frantically drove straight to LanTian Hotel the second he tracked down Kim JongHyun by radar. (Let's just say he's got connections and he just happened to tag Jjong's necklace just in case he runs away to Jiang YuDi... XD )

By the way, this is what Jjong's (tagged) necklace looks like:

pearl necklace 3 Pictures, Images and Photos
(just in case if you're interested in knowing)

Yan YaLun rented a decent car for YiRu earlier, and it looked like this:

matt car Pictures, Images and Photos
(YaLun's in the backseat, Wu JiZun's on the front passenger seat, and YiRu's driving)

Meanwhile, Wang DaDong was ahead because he didn't wait for the rented car to come. Instead, he went and "borrowed" himself a motorcycle!

(Just in case if you're curious...):

Ducati 1198S Pictures, Images and Photos
(why do I keep finding hot rides for these people...?)

YiRu kept panicking while he was driving. "Oh my God, what if YuDi isn't there?!"

JiZun was browsing on his laptop, ignoring YiRu by accident. YaLun, having nothing to do but stare out the car window, intentionally ignored YiRu's panic attacks. YiRu noticed this and got a bit irritated.

"Why did I bring you guys here again...? I specifically remember DaDong's reason for coming, but you two?"

JiZun looked up from his laptop and replied, "Oh, sorry. I have to look up how the gym is doing back in Taiwan. You know I'm a busy businessman now, right?"

"Wait, weren't you the one who wanted to go to America in the first place? If you're busy, then why'd you agree to come?"

JiZun grinned as he looked out the window. "I just wanted a vacation from all this work. Besides, you can't pass an opportunity like this!" he exclaimed as he kicked back in his seat and relaxed.

YiRu glanced at the rearview mirror to see YaLun. "And your reason is...?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to drop by because I got lonely at my house." YaLun replied, still looking out the window.

Letting out a deep sigh, YiRu shook his head in shame. "You guys are hopeless! Don't you care about DaDong's problems?!"

Suddenly, YiRu's phone rang Unwritten Rules by Danson Tang. "JiZun, can you put it on speaker for me? That's DaDong calling."

JiZun nodded and flipped open YiRu's phone. He put it on speakerphone and greeted DaDong.

"Eh, DaDong, you called?"

"Yeah, I'm in front of LanTian Hotel."

"What?! Already?!" YiRu exclaimed over the phone.

"Uh-huh. I think I see your car parked at the front, YiRu."

"Really?! Oh, thank God it didn't get stolen!"

"I already asked the lady at the front desk. She told me where YuDi is. They're staying in one room!"

"WHAT?!" YiRu, JiZun, and surprisingly even a usually non-caring YaLun shouted over the phone.

"Didn't the lady at the desk say anything? Or even suspected anything?" JiZun asked with worry.

"She said it wasn't her business, as long as they have the money to stay here. What kind of service is this?! I'm going up to their room now!"

"Okay." JiZun answered and hung up.

All of a sudden, YaLun stares hard at the road. "Stop the car, YiRu." he ordered.

YiRu looked confused. "Why?"

"You're too slow. Now stop the car!" he barked. His tone of voice freaked JiZun and YiRu out, so YiRu did what he was told and parked on the side of the road. YaLun immediately got out from the backseat and opened the front door where YiRu was.

"Get in the backseat." he ordered him. YiRu just continued to stare at him.

"YaLun, why're you suddenly - "

"I said GET. IN. THE. BACKSEAT." he demanded, making the tone of his voice match with the cold expression on his face. Scared of the youngest in the Fahrenheit group, JiZun joined YiRu seating in the backseat of the car. YaLun got in the front seat of the car and started the engine. He drove 3 times faster than the normal speed YiRu was driving earlier, which shocked JiZun and YiRu.

What's wrong with this kid?.... they asked themselves in their heads.

All that was going through YaLun's mind as he was driving was: Why the hell is she sharing the same hotel room with 5 guys? Did she forget the promise she made to me before she ran away? Although we were young and I was 13 at the time, I never forgot. Never. He drove even faster as if there's no tomorrow.

Rewind back to July 17~ at the LanTian Hotel - 7:22a.m.

Jiang YuDi slowly woke up, and the first thing she saw was Kim KiBum, centimeters close to her face. She let out a silent gasped and peeked behind her. Luckily, Lee JinKi wasn't as close to her. He held onto 'Angel' and kept mumbling, "I want my fried chicken...." while drooling.

YuDi let out a light chuckle as she tried to sit up. To her surprise, she couldn't get up because Key's arm was around her waist, and his hold on her was pretty tight.

With luck on her side, a middle aged maid walked into the room with a pass key. She looked at the three in horror and tried to leave quietly, but YuDi called after her.

"Hey, Miss! Help me out, please! Um, this guy is..." she pointed to Key holding onto her, and to her reluctancy, she continued on. " boyfriend. He could be too clingy. Could you help me get him off me so I could go to the restroom?" Just in case, YuDi used puppy eyes that Jjong taught her how to do once.

Her puppy eyes seemed to work, because the maid smiled at her sweetly and helped her get Key off her. Afterwards, the maid asked if there was anything she'd help her with.

YuDi thought for a bit, then snapped her fingers. "Ah! Could you laundry our wet clothes, please? They're hung outside close to the balcony." The maid nodded and as she walked to the balcony, YuDi remembered one more thing. She took 'Dubu' from the bed and then pried 'Angel' off from Onew's arms. This resulted having Onew to look for another thing to hug... which is Key.

YuDi chuckled in delight and turned to give the maid the dolls to wash as well. The maid nodded politely then stared at the two boys hugging each other on the bed while sleeping.

YuDi quickly explained, "Oh, don't mind them. They're like that. Besides, it'll be revenge for them being so clingy when they sleep." Then she let out a light laugh, more sinister than the maid would ever notice.

After the maid left and closed the door, YuDi took out her camera and took a photo of Onew and Key together. Her evil grin appeared on her face as she combined something in her head.

"OnKey couple! Mwah-ah-ahahaha~!" she exclaimed, causing the two to wake up and at each other. When they realized they were in each other's arms, their eyes bulged out and pushed each other away. YuDi continued to laugh, still holding onto the camera. Onew noticed what she was holding and his face suddenly flushed a bright red.

"Yah, w-what are y-you d-doing with a camera?" Onew asked her stuttering.

Something flashed through Key's brain - and now he knows exactly what YuDi's up to. "Ya!" he yelled out, "You better not put that on the internet!" YuDi simply stuck her tongue at him and ran to the dresser room. Key charged after her as Onew went straight to the kitchen to get something to eat.

Eh, YuDi wouldn't put that on the internet, I bet. Oh well, what's there to eat? he asked himself as he opened the refridgerator. Oh... no fried chicken. No worries, I'll buy some. :)

Onew went to the restroom to freshen himself and change into new clothes. Meanwhile, Key continued to chase YuDi through the walk-in closet and finally caught her from the waist behind her.

"Ha! Got you! Now give me the camera!"

"No!" she exclaimed as she pulled the camera away from him.

"...give it to me or I'll kiss you." he whispered in her ear. YuDi's eyes widened and turned to finally meet Key face to face. To YuDi, this situation was really awkward for her. Their faces are inches away from each other and Key has his arms around her waist tightlocked, so she can't get away from him. But to Key, this is somehow what he wanted - to get close to YuDi without Onew around.

Both of them blushed and YuDi turned to look away from Key. What the hell?! YuDi exclaimed in her mind. Why am I feeling this way?! Don't I like JinKi-oppa? ...Jiang YuDi! Snap out of it! She kept shaking her head as Key looked at her skeptically.

"Yah, why're you shaking your head? Don't like what you see?" he asked her.

"No, it's not that, I like what I - " then she shut her mouth when she realized what she was about to say. Key caught on her babbling and grinned from ear to ear.

"What? You like what you see? I knew it, you like me more than Onew-hyung."

"What?! Kuya Key, I - " she began to protest, but she was backed to a wall as Key crept closer to her.

"Kuya? Heh. What makes you think I want to be your brother?"

"Eh? You're the one who keeps ranting on about me being your sister and Jjong-oppa being your husband and TaeMin being your son and - " her lips her interrupted by anther pair of soft lips. Her words were suddenly caught in her throat. When Key pulled back, she quickly blushed. Key chuckled at her reaction.

"Yah, cutie girl, do you know you've been smiling in your sleep while mumbling my name?"

YuDi's eyes nearly left their sockets when she heard what Key said. Oh crap, I was dreaming about him?! she screamed inside her head.

"Heh. Relax, cutie. Before that, I was dreaming about you, too, oh!" Then he closed his mouth with his hands quickly. YuDi suddenly found her advantage and crept towards Key, grinning from ear to ear. Key gulped and kept backing up as she kept coming closer to him.

"I'm sorry, you were what? Dreaming about me, now?" she asked him mischieviously.

Suddenly, Onew comes out of the bathroom looking like:

sup Pictures, Images and Photos
(... yes, he moved like that as he got out the bathroom)

Key and YuDi just stared at him. He felt the stares and looked back at the two inside the walk-in closet. "What?" he asked.

Key smirked as he looked at his friend/leader from head to toe. "You're getting ready to buy fried chicken, huh?"

Onew grinned and nodded like a silly kid, causing YuDi to laugh. Then, she got an idea. She ran up to Onew and asked him something.

"JinKi-oppa, did you happen to see Key's behavior when he was sleeping last night? What was he like?"

Oblivious to Key's silent pleas and threats, Onew answered her question. "Oh yeah, he said he didn't have a nightmare, but he kept sweating and making weird noises in his sleep. They weren't loud ones, but - ow!" Onew rubbed the back of his head which Key slapped just now.

"We need to eat breakfast. Don't you want your fried chicken?" Key reminded him, changing subjects while glaring at YuDi.

"Oh yeah, see ya!" Onew cried out and ran out of the hotel room before anyone spoke up.

"...he really loves his chicken, huh?" commented YuDi.

"Yeah, it's just like him to - hey, why're you going away from me?!" Key remarked as he caught YuDi scooting farther away from him and into the kitchen. He hurried after her and wrapped his arms around her waist again.

"Yah! Would you stop that?!" YuDi cried out as she tried freeing herself from Key, but to no prevail. Key rested his head on her shoulder. "Not until you admit you like me. Look! You're blushing right now!"

To YuDi's embarrassment, she really is blushing because she's near Key. But she didn't want to lose this battle.

"What about you? Admit that you had a perverted dream about me!"

"What?! I did not have a - "

"Don't lie! JinKi-oppa witnessed it himself!" She turned her head to look at Key's face full of red blushes. "...I-I..." he stuttered out but trailed off and looked away. YuDi took a good look at him and mumbled, "Cute." then stifled a laugh.

Key caught what she said and looked back at her with a grin quickly spreading on his face. "Did you just call me cute?"

YuDi froze, eyes widened just staring at Key. Suddenly Key pulled her to the balcony. The scenery consisted of the beach and the cold mist air in the morning. He let go of her and instructed her to shout. She looked puzzled.

"Shout at what?"

"Well, we're miles away from anyone who knows us, so no one would care what we shout out."

"Um... doesn't this seem sort of silly to you?"

"Yeah, but give it a try. Shouting's good for you." he gave her a reassuring smile and looked out to the sea. This guy's so weird, YuDi thought as Key started to shout at the top of his lungs.


That made YuDi laugh so hard she clutched onto her stomach, but then she realized Key was shouting in Korean. What are the odds of a Korean speaker walking by and listening attentively to their random shouts? She decided to give it a go. She cupped her hands over her mouth and yelled over the balcony.


Key stifled a laugh and started thinking. Then, they continued with their crazy shout outs.




".... I like you, too..." she calmly confessed next to Key and looked down. Key's eyes widened at her and smiled. He continued to shout some more over the balcony.





"JIANG YUDI'S A REAL SOUR PRINCESS!" YuDi smacked him on the arm. "OW! I mean, SHE'S REALLY SWEET, TOO!" Key and YuDi giggled at their own antics.




YuDi smiled and quickly hollered out a "YES!" before hugging Key tightly. That caught Key offguard.
He stuttered out, "Y-You r-really w-want to be m-my girlfriend?" She nodded while her head was still close to his chest. He hugged her back tightly in his embrace and slowly smiled.

~half an hour later~

"Ayo, where's JinKi-oppa with our breakfast?!" YuDi complained as she rested on the couch, waiting for Key in the bathroom. She already washed first before him and wore her clothes (again arranged by Key):


Bored to death, she stood up and searched through Key's stuff. Sure enough, he had every fashionable item in his luggage, especially the color pink. A photo stuck out inside one of his clothes and YuDi pulled it out. She was amazed at what she saw on the photo:

SHINee Pictures, Images and Photos
(SHINee's concept photo for Lucifer album hehe)

YuDi continued to stare at the photo until Key got out of the bathroom.

"Yah, what are you doing with my stuff?"

She looked up to find Key dressed up in the attire she set up for him. She compared the hair difference.

Here's what Key looks like right now in the story:

key Pictures, Images and Photos
(In the story, Key's hair right now his normal like this. The photo earlier is a "past" picture of the SHINee gang, when most of them were in their teens.)

Note: Everyone in SHINee in this story has their Lucifer hair except for Key. There was no possible way I could portray Key as the Diva in this story if he had his Lucifer hair here.

Going back to the focus of the story, YuDi pointed to the boy in the photo with the partly shaved head. "Is this you? With the SHINee gang?" she asked him.

Key sat down next to her on the bed and took a good look at the photo. "Yeah, that was me. Heh. I didn't shave part of my hair completely, though. I died that shaven part blonde, so it looks like I shaved it all the way."

Still amazed, YuDi kept touching the side of Key's hair where he used to be shaved. "Wow, your hair grew in nicely!" she exclaimed. Key chuckled and leaned in to kiss her. YuDi kissed back, her hand cupping Key's face. He slowly wrapped his arms around her waist and held onto her until someone cleared their throat from the hotel room door.

"Wow, what happened when I was gone?"

Key and YuDi glanced at the open doorway. Onew stood there with his jaw dropped, staring at them with a bag of fried chicken in his hand. Behind him stood 5 girls, watching them in amusement.

Guess who the 5 girls are? :

(that's right! Introducing f(x) to the story~) - why not, since Amber is MinHo's twin in this story? ;)

Both Key and YuDi blushed, then noticed the girls behind him. Key recognized the girl who was standing closest to Onew.

"Eh? Victoria-noona!" he exclaimed, then something popped in his brain. "Ahhh.... no wonder Onew-hyung took too long to get breakfast. Haven't seen you in a while, Noona." he said with a devilish grin on his face.

The rest of the girls giggled as Onew's face blushed like crazy. Victoria was the only one who didn't get what Key meant. YuDi, on the other hand, caught on to Key's words pretty fast. "Eh? JinKi-oppa? She's your girlfriend?" she asked Onew while pointing to 'Victoria'.

"NO WE'RE NOT TOGETHER!" Victoria and Onew both yelled out. That caused everyone else to laugh around them. Onew blushed even more.

"Y-Yah! W-Who's t-the real couple here?!" Onew stuttered out, pointing out Key holding onto YuDi's hand. YuDi tried pulling away from Key, but he pulled her towards him.

"YuDi, meet the f(x) group. They used to be a gang, like us. On the good side, too." YuDi nodded her head in understanding. The girls bowed their heads formally and greeted YuDi in unison. "I should also mention that they're all from a rich decent, well, except for Amber here."

Key led YuDi to the girl who stood next to Onew. "This girl's name is Victoria. She's the leader and the reason why Onew loves chicken." Victoria chuckled as Onew's face became more red.

Next was a girl with jet black hair and blonde hairtips. "Her name's Krystal. She's expected to take after her older sister, Jessica, who is the most popular girl in all of Korea's schools. Jessica's a part of a huge school cliche called Girl's Generation."

Third girl to be introduced reminded YuDi of a life-sized dress up doll. "This here's Sulli. She likes anything cute and girly, but can be vicious if you ever try messing with her." Sulli scowled and socked Key in the stomach. "See what I mean?" he coughed out. Sulli was being pulled back by Krystal before she tried to kick him where the sun don't shine.

Key managed to lead YuDi to a girl with light brown hair. She pretty much looked normal. "Her name is Luna. She's had a hard time through her childhood." Luna nodded and chose to show her arms as she pulled her sleeves back. YuDi gasped and saw healed scars around her arms. "She pretty much was under a depressional stage until she met Amber."

YuDi turned to the last 'girl' and took a good look at her. Key continued to introduce the last person. "This here's Amber, and yeah, she's a girl." Amber chuckled lightly as she scratched the back of her head. "She met all of f(x) at a random celebrity party. She's Danson Tang's adopted sister, so she was able to meet the life of luxury (in this story, Danson Tang's really a famous singer). But unfortunately, she doesn't use it well." He shook his head in shame. Amber slapped his head backwards.

"Yah, at least I don't take advantage of it like you do, you freakin` Diva!" Amber scolded him. YuDi giggled and agreed with her. Amber then turned to YuDi with a comforting smile.

"Oh, and since this fail of a man failed to tell you this, I'll just let you know that I'm MinHo's fraternal twin. Older by 5 minutes." she told her.

YuDi was shocked to hear this piece of news. "You're MinHo's twin sister?!" she exclaimed.

"Yes, and you are...?"

"Oh, sorry for my poor manners!" YuDi bowed and introduced herself. "Hello, my name is Jiang YuDi and I live here in America."

"And she's also the key to my heart." Key chimed in cheerfully. YuDi blushed lightly and smacked him on the side of his head. Ignoring his girlfriend, Key turned to f(x) group. "So what brings you guys here in America?"

"Oh, Danson's performing in L.A. and our parents told him he has to take me with him, seeing as they're on vacation in Thailand. And being the cool brother he is, he let me bring the girls along and travel for a few days around California while he's busy." Amber responded.

"Oh, isn't TaeMin's birthday tomorrow? Let's go shop for his gift!" suggested Victoria. Everyone seemed to agree with her.

"Let's eat chicken first, though!" insisted Onew, raising the bag of fried chicken he'd been carrying the whole time. Everyone laughed and went inside the hotel room.

For the whole entire day, Amber kept fussing over how she never realized Lee TaeMin is actually a boy. She asked Onew while they were shopping if he had a problem with TaeMin being in a gay relationship. Being Onew, he replied, "As long as TaeMin's happy, then I'm happy."

Key, Onew, and YuDi filled the girls in on the reason why they're staying at the hotel. All the girls reasoned with YuDi, telling her that she should stop running and face DaDong. She was unsure about it until Onew personally talked to her in a bookstore as the girls and Key continued shopping. They were too busy choosing outfits for Amber, since everyone was already done shopping for TaeMin's gifts.

Onew reassured YuDi that DaDong regrets ever being mean to her when she was young, and that she should give him a second chance. YuDi thanked him and decided to make a move right when the day become TaeMin's birthday.

Meanwhile, everyone gathered together and went to the hotel room after going to an Italian restaurant. Onew offered to escort Victoria, Luna, and Sulli to their room while Amber and Krystal went to theirs. Before Amber and Krystal left, however, Key hollered in the hallway, "So I'll give Jjong your phone number, okay?"

Amber froze as YuDi and Krystal exchanged glances at each other and looked back at what might end up in disaster. Amber turned around and rushed to Key, gripping onto his shirt.

"Ow! Hey, don't do that!" Key yelled. Krystal and YUDi checked to see if they've disturbed anyone else, but it seems that no one seemed to care even if Amber kills him right on the spot.

"How did you know?!" she asked Key, demanding for an answer.

"What? About your phone number? You gave it to me, remember?"

"No! I meant me liking Jjong!"

"WHAT?!" Krystal and YuDi cried out in shock. Key smirked at Amber.

"Pabo, you just revealed it right now."

In fury, Amber punched Key in the gut and left him 'dying' on the floor as she dragged Krystal away to their room. Krystal waved goodbye to YuDi and YuDi waved back until she couldn't see Amber nor Krystal. Then, she turned to help Key to the inside of their hotel room.

Pretty soon, Key rested on the bed as YuDi paced back and forth while looking at the time. "Aish! Where's our leader?! He's been gone for an hour! And it's 12a.m. already!" she exclaimed.

"Aish, cutie! He's probably making out with Noona. About time, too!" complained Key, then his eyes lit up. "If you want to, we could... "

"Not in the mood, yeobo." (yeobo = honey or darling in Korean)

"Wait, what did you call me?" Key sat straight up and looked at YuDi. She realized what she just called him and blushed quickly.

"I-I should probably text TaeMin and tell him to come here. After all, we bought an ice cream cake for him!" She checked on the table for her phone and turned it on, but before she could text she was pulled backwards onto the bed. Key started tickling her, causing YuDi to laugh hysterically for a few minutes then told him to stop so she could text TaeMin.

"Wait, wouldn't it mean that that Fahrenheit gang might follow TaeMinnie, MinHo, and Jjong if they were to manage escaping from them?

"Yeah, and?"

"...cutie, are you sure you wanna see your brother?"

" know what, JinKi-oppa's right. I should be able to face DaDong and confront him. I should at least give him a second chance, if he pleases to."

Key ruffled YuDi's hair and layed beside her. "Well, I'm proud of you. Now text away so we could see our son! I miss my Taeminnie~"

"Our son? Since when was TaeMin my 'son'?"

"Yeah, I'm thinking of divorcing Jjong and end up having you as my spouse."

"Hmm... okay, but I'd have to be the husband."

"What?! Why?!"

"Because you're too girly! You be the umma still!"

Key grumbled as YuDi laughed, texting TaeMin:

From: PrincessNoona

Wanna celebrate your birthday with your brother? Go to the LanTian Hotel around 9a.m. Make sure only MinHo-oppa and Jjong-oppa are with you. Okay? By the way, happy birthday! :D

After she sent the text, she looked over at the pouting Diva laying next to her. She smiled devilishly and pounced on top of him, surprising him.

"What the heck? Cutie-ah!" YuDi shut him up by pressing her lips against his. As soon as she pulled back, though, Key grinned and pushed her on the bed. He layed on top of her and started kissing her passionately. He bit her bottom lip softly, causing her to open her mouth a bit. Their tongues explored in each other's mouths as Key deepened the kiss. Finally, Key pulled back for more oxygen.

"Ewww~ gross!" someone commented behind them.

Key and YuDi looked over to the hotel room door to see Onew carrying 'Angel', 'Dubu', and all their clothes that were laundried in one big basket. Key smirked as he eyed Onew.

"Hyung, why do you have red blotches all over your skin?" he asked him.

Onew's eyes widened and checked the bathroom mirror. YuDi looked confused, so Key whispered her that he had hickies on his neck. YuDi nodded while giggling.

"AAAAHHHHHHH~ HOW DO I GET RID OF THIS?!" the couple could hear Onew holler out from the bathroom. They bursted into more laughter as they kept hearing Onew's complaints from scrubbing his neck on the bathroom sink.

Suddenly Key pulled YuDi closer to him on the bed. "What if I stay with Jjong and you stay with that idiot, then we could have an affair. What do you think?"

YUDi laughed at him and ruffled his hair. "Yeobo, I think you watch too much drama shows!" Key embraced YuDi into a tight yet comfortable and warm hug.

"I like you, too, cutie girl." He whispered in her ear and kissed the top of her head.

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Chapter 13: Special *2MIN Past

*This is a chapter dedicated to Lee Taemin's birthday on July 18th as of yesterday and today (depending on Time Zones). Because of this special day, I'll also soon post afterwards another chapter which focuses on his birthday. :) Oh, and I should probably point out that this chapter is mostly shonen-ai, but the whole story has a little shonen-ai anyways. Please enjoy this special chapter~

Happy 17/18th Birthday, Taemin!

Also, I got bored so I made a banner:

Anyone like? Couldn't think of much... sorry. hehe~

MinHo's POV

I checked the clock in the bedroom just now. It's 11:10p.m. July 17th. Tomorrow would be TaeMin's birthday, but I guess everyone forgot since all this ruckus happened with the Princess of our group.

I looked around the bedroom. The place only had 3 bedrooms - one with me on it near the bedroom window, next to me was Jjong-hyung sleeping with his eyes slightly open (I think he's trying to stay awake - fail.), and the bed next to his was where TaeMin is sleeping peacefully.

From what I could remember a while ago, after a long search and we came home, that guy by the name of Wang DaDong suggested he sleep on the couch while the others went to the 2nd bedroom in this apartment dorm.

As I stared outside the window and at the night sky, I remembered how I used to be like YuDi when I was 4 years old. Yes, I ran way from home when I was just 4. It was because I figured out how my family was different from any normal family I've seen. My family was broken into pieces - my mother and father were always yelling and shouting, hitting me, my older brothers, and my older sisters whenever they felt the need to.

One night my eldest brother and eldest sister snuck me out of the run-down house we lived in. They told me it was because I was the youngest that I should go and look for help while they keep an eye on the rest of our siblings. All I could remember was me running to the police for help. Next thing I knew, I was in an orphanage away from my family.

The people who ran the orphanage took care of me; I suddenly forgot I had a family to take care of (only my brothers and sisters). Four years later, I met the Lee brothers. At first I called the eldest brother JinKi-hyung, but then after a week, he wanted to form a group with 2 other friends he met on the street. His friend, JongHyun-hyung, was the one naming our group and had told us to call JinKi-hyung by Onew-hyung now. JongHyun-hyung also told me to call him Jjong-hyung and his stepbrother KiBum as Key.

Slowly, I started getting accustomed to their silly habits and found myself smiling for the first time. One unfortunate day, since Onew-hyung was declared leader of our SHINee group (we were still little and we weren't known as a gang until most of us were around 14 years old), he made up an initiation. That stupid initiation got me dating TaeMin that day.

~MinHo's flashback: 8 years old~
I looked down at the 6 year old boy next to me after the rest of our group of friends left us to hang out. The rule was to never kiss each other, which I thought was a stupid rule, considering the fact that we're all boys. But once I looked at TaeMin's face, I could see why Onew-hyung invented that rule.

TaeMin had facial features of a girl, but you could kinda tell he's a boy by his black, bouncy mushroom hair. (Now he has long, reddish-brown hair; but he still looks a bit like a girl.) By first glance, you could already tell his mind was full of innocence.

Speaking of which, at the time, he told me to close my eyes and wait until he says to open them. I did as I was told, and 5 minutes later, I heard him coming back towards me in front of the orphanage and told me to open my eyes.

I opened my eyes to a white piece of paper with an address of it. Puzzled, I looked to TaeMin in confusion.

He innocently smiled at me and said, "I snuck into the records at the orphanage and found this address. Let's go to it!"

Wow, he's a smart little boy. I wonder where this address leads to...?

My question was answered as we drew near the familiar spot. I don't know how exactly, but TaeMin had found my family house. His smile faltered a bit as he saw my reaction when I peeked at a nearby window. He looked in the same direction as I did and gasped silently.

There was my parents, whipping one of my brothers with a belt. I saw a few of my sisters in there, huddling in a corner, scared to death. The only people I couldn't find in the house were my older brother, my older sister, 2 of my other brothers, and one of the youngest sisters in my family.

Suddenly, I found 2 of my brothers hiding near the gate where I was standing, except I was on the outside of the gate with TaeMin. I suddenly had the urge to call to them.

"ChanSung-hyung, WooYoung-hyung!" I whispered loudly so only they could hear.

They seemed to hear me, but when they turned their heads and recognize me, their eyes were filled with hatred and betrayal. ChanSung-hyung reached through the bars of the gate to pull the collar of my shirt towards him.

"You got a lot of guts coming back here, brother." he said sarcastically.

"Yeah, what the hell happened to you 4 years ago when we needed you, huh?!" WooYoung chimed in, grabbing my hair throught the gatebars.

Suddenly, someone punches ChanSung-hyung's face and scratched WooYoung-hyung's arm, immediately making them fall back away from the gate, letting me go in the process. I looked in front of me to see 6-year-old Lee TaeMin standing, giving death glares towards my brothers.

I was shocked to see such an innocent-looking person stand up for me like that. My hyungs sweared right in front of him and ignored me while finally deciding to enter the house. Just as they entered the house, a girl with long black hair in a lovely white dress popped from behind the bushes. We recognized each other immediately.

"JinYoung-noona!" I whispered out to her. She gave me a quick hug through the bars.

"MinHo, I missed you!" she whispered back. I saw a sudden determined look in her eyes. Suddenly, JinYoung-noona said, "I'm escaping this hell hole."

She looked to see if the coast was clear, then she tried climbing over the gates, with the help of mine and TaeMin's. We quickly introduced each other and headed off straight to the police department.

"I heard you escaped, but why didn't you go to the police about our family 4 years ago?" she asked while running. Boy, JinYoung-noona must have been practicing for track or something, because she's fast! I soon caught up with her and answered, "I was running over there, but then I suddenly fainted and ended up at the orphanage, for some reason."

JinYoung-noona kept my words into consideration as she nodded, saying to me, "Well, you're lucky. I wouldn't blame you for not returning - you were only 4 at the time and our so-called 'parents' kept abusing you."

We quickly stopped running and turned to find TaeMin struggling to run behind us. I quickly ran back to him and gave him a piggyback ride to the police department.

After an hour of telling our story, most of the policemen immediately ran to the destination while one policeman was in charge of escorting me and TaeMin back to the orphanage. JinYoung-noona wanted to forget our broken family, so she was going to be directed to another orphanage in another city.

We said our last goodbyes and hugged each other at a nearby park. JinYoung-noona placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Yah, don't be upset, I'll be alright. You just gotta take care of yourself. And I won't forget you, I promise."

She wiped away the tears from my eyes. I managed to talk a bit more. "Will I ever see you again?" I asked her.

She just shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not. I'm thinking of dressing up in more casual outfits than these dresses. They're icky."

I chuckled as she went on, "I'm also gonna maybe cut my hair short and rename myself."

"What would you name yourself, then?"

"Hmm... maybe Amber? I like the color amber." She smiled and hugged me again, this time it was time she had to go. It was hard to see your twin sister leave you into a new life, after all. She was 5 minutes older than me.

Before she left, she turned to me and shouted, "Don't forget to protect your girlfriend there, MinHo." Then she smirked and got into the police car.

Why does everyone always think TaeMin's a girl?
I saw 'Amber' again when we were 14 years old. That was around the time our SHINee group turned into a SHINee gang. It started when boys started picking on TaeMin after school, and Onew-hyung and I were the ones to interfere into their fight. Pretty soon, the Kim brothers were in on the fights - only when it involved innocent people getting bullied.

Anyways, TaeMin and I almost didn't recognize her when we met her again on the street. She really did cut her hair and wore comfortable clothes. She looked like a street punk:

Amber Liu Pictures, Images and Photos

(in this story, MinHo and Amber are fraternal twins - they don't look much alike)

Amber seemed to recognize us quickly because she ran towards us at full speed. At first, I thought she just needed a stranger's help, considering the fact that she ran from a screaming crowd of girls. But then, she called my name several times and TaeMin's, pulling me and him towards the crowd of girls.

From Amber's rambling, I heard a friend from her f(x) group named Sulli was getting harrassed by a big group of guys. She and the rest of the group already fought almost all of them, but then there was a growing increased number of guys coming as backup.

Fortunately, TaeMin and I were hanging out with the rest of the SHINee gang at the time, so we helped Amber beat the crap out of all of them.

Afterwards, as if nothing happened, we all went out to eat before going back to our homes. Jjong-hyung and Key were surprised to find out that Amber's a girl. The whole group started laughing and got along well. After a while, Amber and I separated from the group to talk.

She kept telling me about her life in Taiwan, how the Tang family kindly took her in and she got used to living with her new older brother, YuZhe.

Going on the topics of older siblings, I finally asked her what was on my mind.

"Amber, whatever happened to JaeBum-hyung and Yoona-noona? I've heard from our other siblings, but not from them..."

Amber was quiet for a while, then she looked at me directly in the eyes with sadness and sympathy.

"MinHo, sorry. I thought you knew..."

"Knew what?"

"...sorry, MinHo. Oppa took full blame and got severely punished by 'them' at the time. He told Unnie to take care of all of us if something ever happens to him, but unfortunately, as she walked towards our house one day..."

"...Amber, I can take it. What happened?" In reality I couldn't tell what I would do if the worst happened, but I decided to keep my composture.

"...there was a drunk driver, and he wasn't watching the road. I saw Noona cross the road, then..." She didn't have to say anything more. I could fill in the blanks.

"She died right on the spot, didn't she?" I asked Amber. She slowly nodded then continued her story.

"Oppa heard the car screech from outside and quickly ran out of the house with wounds around his body. He made it outside of the house to Noona's body but collapsed beside it. All of us saw Oppa crying over her before he fainted. Everyone went in the house as the ambulance arrived. I was the only one to escape and rushed to the hospital with them. That's when the doctor told me Oppa died the minute we reached the hospital."

I didn't know what to think - I saw the look on Amber's face. She knew that I was blaming myself for their deaths.

"Yah, MinHo! At least because of you, Oppa, and Noona, we're all now free from our so-called parents! I've also gotta thank you and your girlfriend for helping me escape the last time we saw each other." She still thinks that TaeMin's a girl?

"And I also see that you're still with her, eh? Never let her go from your life. Start fresh like I did, and you'll be happy. Don't worry."

Amber gave me a comforting hug and a consoling smile before leaving me to my thoughts. She always knew what I wanted - we're twins, remember?

I watched her emotionlessly as she was talking to her friends and mine. Onew-hyung commented on how Jjong-hyung and Amber look alike and everyone laughed. Actually, she really did look like him. Next, Jjong-hyung tried making passes at Amber, but it was kinda hard, considering the fact that my twin is a tomboy type of person. This has got to be the only time I saw him in this type of challenge towards a girl. What topped off the group humour was Key's nagging for Amber's sense of style.

Someone lightly chuckled behind me, causing me to flinch and turn around. There was TaeMin standing near me. Maybe Amber's got a point about him:

(sexy TaeMin~)

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked my 12-year-old friend.

"Long enough to hear your conversation." he replied. Suddenly the ground looked so fascinating to me. A second later, TaeMin grabs my wrist and drags me out of the restaurant our group was in. As soon as we were outside away from everyone else, he lets go of me and turns to face me.

"Come on, let it out," he told me, "I know you want to. Don't worry, no one will see you."

We just stood there for how many long minutes, then he let out a deep sigh. He was about to walk back when I pulled him towards me and clung onto him, crying my tears out. I feel pathetic.

TaeMin patted my back as he returned the embrace. "Relax, don't worry." he cooed soothingly. "Just keep crying until you don't feel like it anymore. I'm always here for you, hyung."

I let go of him, and suddenly he cups my face with his hands. He pulls me in for a kiss, and believe me, I was completely shocked.

When he pulled back, he simply smiled at me. "Umma once told me when I was very, very little that you have to kiss a wound to make it go better." Ah, so that's why.

"Did I make your wound go away?"

I smiled softly at him and nodded. That's when I first fell in love with Lee TaeMin.
~end of flashback~

I woke up to find a beautiful angel waking me up. I blushed immediately when I realized that angel was TaeMin, who's sitting on top of me.

Taemin with hammer Pictures, Images and Photos
(haha~ he had a toy hammer also)

"Ah, MinHo-hyung! You're finally awake!" He smiled brightly at me.

"TaeMin-ah, why do you have a toy hammer?"

"You wouldn't wake up after 15 minutes of me shaking you, so just in case I got safety precausion..."

I smiled at his silliness and pinched his cheeks. He whined while rubbing his cheek.

"Hyung, that hurt!"

I laughed at his cuteness. "What? Want me to make it better?" I swear, my heart leaped as I said it.

TaeMin nodded at my suggestion and gestured for me to kiss his cheek. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach as I drew my lips closer to his cheek. Suddenly, he turned his head and our lips were in contact!

I was about to pull away until his hand held onto the side of my neck, telling me that he's not letting go. I was in deep shock - who is this TaeMin?!

He deepened his kiss on me, and I just followed while closing my eyes. Without knowing, I drew my hand to TaeMin's face and held it as well. The kiss was very passionate; I could say that other than that one time with TaeMin, this will be my 1st real kiss. And it's still with TaeMin.

He slowly let go and grinned at me.

"T-TaeMin-ah..." I stammered, not knowing if this was just another innocent act or not.

"MinHo-hyung, do you remember last year when you didn't buy me a birthday gift? Instead you said any one wish I make, you will be sure to grant it."

Puzzled, I looked at him. "Eh? But you never made a wish."

He turned to look away from me and outside the window, where you could see the starlit sky.

"That's because I was never sure what your feelings are towards me..."

What?! Did he just say what I think he just said?!

TaeMin simply smiled and turned back to look at me. Let's remember that he's still on top of me, for some odd reason, okay?

"And now since I know the answer to that question, I'd like to ask you to grant my wish."

"Uh... what exactly is your wish, Minnie?" I asked him.

There was a long pause, then he popped the question.

"Will you be my boyfriend from now on?" Omo, I think my heart just exploded!

I quickly nodded my head like an idiot and leaned in to kiss him. It was a simple kiss until TaeMin deepened it again. Boy, this kid can make me melt, and I'm older than him by 2 years!

"Ssskkkiiinnsshhhiipppp~" Jjong-hyung mumbled in his sleep while shifting his body on the bed next to us. His face was now facing us, and we broke the kiss to find him drooling on his pillow.

Suddenly, we bursted out laughing, then closed our mouths shut a second later, realizing there's more than just us 3 sleeping in this dorm. The beeper on my digital alarm clock went off, meaning it was already midnight.

I smiled cheekily and turned to face TaeMin. "Happy birthday, Minnie!" I exclaimed as I pulled something from underneath my pillow and gave it to the boy sitting on my lap still. He jumped in excitement as he unwrapped the gift and pulled out something that made him tear up:

Rosalie's Necklace Pictures, Images and Photos
"Omo! Thank you so much, Hyung!" he cried out as he happily embraced me in his hug and started giving me sweet kisses on the lips.

"And here I thought I was the only one who liked skinship..."

TaeMin and I quickly pulled oursleves off each other and looked at Jjong-hyung. His eyes were wide opened; shock and confusion was written all over his face.

"Jjong-hyung, how long have you been watching us?" TaeMin asked, hoping he didn't hear the conversation earlier. I was hoping the same thing.

"Since MinHo greeted you happy birthday. Very loudly." he said, emphasizing the last part of his statement.

TaeMin's phone suddenly rang.

Ring Ding Dong~
Ring Ding Dong~
Ring Dingy Ding Diggy Ding Ding Ding~
I can't understand you who has got the nice syndrome~

TaeMin checked his phone. "Eh? I recieved a happy birthday text from Noona!" he whispered loudly enough for only Jjong-hyung and I to hear.

I still had TaeMin on my lap, so I got to read his text. Jjong-hyung wanted to read it, too, so he got up from his bed and sat down on mine, shuffling next to TaeMin.

From: PrincessNoona

Wanna celebrate your birthday with your brother? Go to the LanTian Hotel around 9a.m. Make sure only MinHo-oppa and Jjong-oppa are with you. Okay? By the way, happy birthday! :D

As soon as YuDi sent that text, all 3 of us quickly scrambled quietly to pack up whatever we needed before leaving.

12:15a.m. was when we somehow crept our way to the outside of the apartment dorm without managing to wake DaDong or the others. We made sure we weren't being followed, then ran to the nearest bus station, which wasn't very far from where they lived.

Before turning off all our phones, Jjong-hyung took the liberty to rent a car, since his family's got a lot of money. Since Jjong-hyung's the oldest, he drove the car while I took shotgun. I made TaeMin sleep in the backseat of the car.

Want to know how rich the Kims are in this story? :

MyCar Pictures, Images and Photos
(that's the car Jjong rented)

"Ah~ I wonder if Princess is okay..." Jjong-hyung mentioned while driving to LanTian Hotel. Thank mankind for the invention of GPS Navigators.

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