Sunday, June 6, 2010
Omo! Why was this given to me?Usually Drum Captains get this award every year.I admitted to my band teacher that I felt I didn't deserve it, but he said I did.Plus, all the lower classmen thought I deserved it. o_OThis was just awarded to me last night.I thought for sure it was going to be Raymond and Josh.But, when the band teacher listed all these things I did as he made one of his "possible made from the impossible" speech, I was literally speechless.As soon as he said from Honor Band, I thought it would be awarded to Josh and Ry.As soon as he said "fixing parts of the music to make things easier", I immediately knew he was talking about me, but I had to make sure.(He said all these things in our annual band banquet.)As soon as he mentioned "she", I kept swaring."Oh, shit, shit shit shit SHIT!" I was trying to hold back me tears. It worked.Always does.I immediately pointed out in my head that I remember the Honor Band this year.The only girl percussionist was me.The band teacher (I shall call him director) mentioned marimbas, xylophones, and mallet stuff.I cried on the inside.My sister, Connie, (yes, I used her as a character in my story, Guardian. Please read that later on.) looked as though she read my ming, and smiled so brightly at me.So, she still looks up to me, huh.Thought that period of admiring your older sister was over.Right when the band director said my name, I heard hollering and loud screams from behind me and all around me.I only formed a small smile on my face as I quickly made my pace to walk up to the stage.I hugged the band director, and everyone went "Awww~!"I quickly made a short bow as I walked off stage.Dude, I was like freaking nervous!There were a lot of people being awarded in this banquet.Even our band director got a plaque and a special pin!Thank Kevin and Elizabeth for this idea! :DPlus, our #1 band mom just graduated at that award banquet, which means she'll be leaving us! :(But, no worries, she'll still contact us if we need to see her or that we miss her. :)When the band banquet was over, most people left because it was around 8:45 PM??Whatever. I'm still on that shock process.Almost everyone I was familiar with who stayed after the banquet was over hugged me in sweet embraces.They kept congratulating me.I felt so happy.Josh said he admitted that he thought he deserved the award, but just as well, he felt proud I got the award.As he said that, he kept kissing the top of my head as he hugged me tightly.I felt so confused.Was he... jealous?I felt bad. Later on, I heard from Konini (yeah, sometimes I call her that!) that Josh and David were the only ones so far who didn't think I deserved the award.I know how Josh felt, and I'm glad he admitted it, but I didn't know why David felt that way about me.I got a bit upset.I wish he was more open to me like Josh was.I'm still shocked over the small plaque I got.Percussion Musician of the Year 2009-2010.I'm not revealing my real name yet, but I'll tell you that my name was printed on it. :DThis band year has been interesting for me.I'm going to miss the seniors - they'll no longer be hanging out in the band room during class now! D:I'm going to be a senior! *shock* Just finished SATs in the early morning with Ry.We went to Norwalk High School to take them.Can't mention any stuff, though. Sorry. :(Now I will be taking the ACT this Saturday morning at Los Alamitos High School.Why there?My father's taking me, and he'll be going to the horse racing track while I take my exams.Silly fathers. :) Love my daddy!I'm a daddy's little girl. hehe~ I have to think about my future now!Argg~!I'm actually sticking to music as my major.I believe I can become a talented musician in the Asian entertainment industry.Xiao Yu Dian, fighting! Jiayou!My mother wanted me to be a doctor, but depending on how many people I know pursuing the medical career, I'd predict that in the future, there will be too many people not knowing anything else but medicine! Haha~! I'm thinging about dying my hair burgundy.People think I look similar to my sister to the point of thinking that that 4ft 9 inched sister of mine is me!I'm a foot taller than her, at least! Labels: BLAH, change, drumline, embarrass, Fahrenheit, fresh look, hair, hard work paid off, high school, info, jealous, new, optimistic pessimistic, P.M., real, Taemin, unusual, youth
# random thougths @
10:35 AM