Tuesday, May 18, 2010
  I feel like not many people are reading my blogs, so it wouldn't matter if I post some of my real photos in my blog sometime soon, like, during the summer?I realize maybe I should just be myself.I hate being mysterious for a long time.But for now, please still call me "Xiao Yu Dian".I also posted up 3 pictures that I took by myself last year.It was during a Knotts Berry Farm trip I went to with 2 of my best friends since middle school.I think I'll still post idol pictures from the web, since I don't take a lot of pictures.Also, I'm a moral supporter for certain asian singers/actors. :) Formal dances or INformal dances?To me, either is fine, but if you want to get loose and party, I'd go with INformal dances.Formal dances are for organized events and mostly school formalities (still organized).Lately, this school year, I've had half and half.I went to a Winter formal, but instead of the dance being held at a more fancy areas than my school, it ended up being in a gym due to budget cuts.Sadies Dance was where lots of people went to and got "busy", if you know what I mean....hahaha.... ;-)As for prom, well, I'm supposed to go this year, right?Since I'm currently a junior in high school.But, it passed already.And I didn't go.Why, I don't know.I guess I felt I should lose weight to fit in a cheap prom dress.I'm kind of at the heavy side, but compare me to the other typical girls in my school, I'm sort of average.Maybe it's because I wear sporty clothes or clothes thst boys would wear.And that's probably why I STILL don't wear dresses or skirts anymore.Which is partly why I should just go to parties rather than "dances" which requires formal dress code... I need more vacation time.I think everyone in school needs more vacation time.Been getting more stress lately due to projects, reports, extra credits, skits - can't take it anymore!Need a break!~There are times when it's drizzling raining, and I'm right inside the classroom, trying to concentrate on writing and studying, but then I look outside....do you know that nervous feeling you get when exams are coming up?Then, I start to lose it, randomly asking aloud: "Man, wouldn't it be great to just go to the beach at this time?"Few people around me would look at me for a bit, thinking about how weird I am. You know the longest talk in my life?It was when I was on my new cell phone.It was for 40 minutes!Yes, that's long for me, because I don't talk much! Hahaha~~~~!It was one of my best guy friends.And no, not boyfriends.I talked for that long with him, and all we talked about was:"What are you doing right now? I'm bored." HAHAHAHAHAHA~!!!!!Yeah yeah, we both had nothing to do.I can also remember both of us telling each other about what we're watching.He never talks much on the phone, so I keep asking him if he's actually paying attention.He keeps saying yes, and that he's really bored so it was alright to talk to him.But, I felt like a bothersome to him, seeing as I talk more around him than around anyone else.It's just that I usually don't talk as much as I do now, being all "quiet, shy, innocent" and all that other stuff that I try to portray in front of most people. Why am I so busy? Maybe it's because I have so many responsibilities as a junior high schooler in America. Just got a text from ChaCha system. It's my daily horoscope.It says:Neptune, planet of illusion, makes it hard for you to keep your feet on solid ground now.All is not what it appears.Be cautious.Does this mean I still have to keep being busy? Awww~~~~ this sucks!
Labels: beach, blogs, break, friends, high school, idols, Knotts, moral, myself, mysterious, photos, rain, real, stress, summer, supporter, time, vacation, work, xiao yu dian
# random thougths @
5:56 PM