Throughout our hard work and efforts into extra practices, especially since we have newcomers here, our JG High School Drumline got 1st place in Division A!
Yay! :-D
I feel so happy!
I feel so proud of my school!
This year has been very special to me so far.
I've finally gained a few more friends, and one who's very special to me.

Although my GPA has decreased and have gone from a 3.5 to a 3.3, I'm still content because I just need to stay at the top 20 of my 2011 class.
Plus, it turns out you don't need a really, really high GPA to get into a lot of universities.
Nowadays, you need at least a 3.0 with honors and a list of activities you've participated during your high school life.
If you have a 4.1 GPA but no activities, not that many colleges might let you in.
If you do have that GPA and a lot of activities, then more praise to you.
As for me, I'm thinking of enlisting into 4 or 5 universities.
I want to major in music, and play what I'm good at - violin, vocals, dance (maybe), and mallets.
There may be some foreign exchange programs, so I want to do that over the summer during my college years.
Throughout it, maybe I could try getting into the "Asian" entertainment industry, like in Taiwan or in Korea.

I want to become a singer, an actress, and a dancer.
I also wish to perform beside SHINee, if I ever get the chance to practice dance choreography and whatnot.
I think the first people I should meet in the entertainment industry are Fahrenheit, Danson Tang, and maybe others that I recognize on the internet.
I know this may sound like a silly dream, but I can't help how I feel.
This is my final ambition, and I wish to go along with it.
I hope people would support me in the future, for I've morally supported other artists and actors in the entertainment industry.

I've just finished reading Full Moon O Sagashite about a week ago.
I believe the same dream which Mitsuki possesses.
You can't help but think this is a great manga for inspired artists everywhere.
Also, I've finished Beauty Pop.
There's morals in it, too, but also a lot of comedy! Haha.
If I could remember correctly, I think I've also finished Fruits Basket.
That was the highlight of my sophomore and half my junior year.
And if I could remember correctly, I think I've also read the manga series since my freshman year.

So basically, I've lived my whole high school life based on Fruits Basket?
So is the story, if anyone has never heard of Fruits Basket and wishes to watch or read it.
Labels: entertainment, Fahrenheit, Korea, life, me, moon, otaku, passing, Taiwan, waiting, work, youth
# random thougths @
4:01 PM