That's the time era that I have to work on for Language Arts Honors project.I'm printing one of the source pages as I type at this very moment.
Hope the printer doesn't run out of ink. :-(
I'm in no mood to even think about homework this week.
In fact, I rather study the SAT Slam Word Book that I borrowed.
I'll just make it look like I'm doing more of my Italian Renaissance research.
Right now my sister is shouting out random colors to her Nintendo DS.
It's one of the old kinds where you touch only the bottom screen.
Hers is broken, too. ha ha
Our cousin let her have it. X-D
Again, I'm in no mood to do my DBQ for my APUSH class.
There is something stuck in my throat.
Someone came to the conclusion that I probably scratched my esophagus, which made me more tense considering the fact that I've been trying to get rid of it for 1/2 an hour during 5th period at school.
Man, the school is not good at taking care of their students much.
They won't give me anything to remove whatever's in my throat.
It still hurts.
Drum-liners were making fun of how I cough today because of my throat.
I swear, I never have respect.
It's as if I don't exist.
(By the way, I was eating a granola bar with cream cheese before lunch ended and students had to go to their 5th period.)
Speaking of which, 5th period was my French class.
A guy name Uriel suddenly comes up to me while everyone was talking in groups, asking me if I like "Anonymous". ;-)
You mean my best friend???
He asked me eagerly, and even swore on oath that if word would get leaked out, I get to beat the crap out of him.
I smiled, because now I know he'll keep it confidentially.
I said yes.
Sometimes, I unleash one of my many hidden talents if someone tries to listen and be all nosy in an A to B conversation, which is:
Make up a story and lead people into believing it.
You see, it's all in how look at people based on their personality.
Uriel and I were able to hide what we were actually talking about in front of Angel and Mhia.
You can use the nosy person's personality traits and turns it against them into another form of conversation.
Maybe this is why I don't have much friends, and when I do, they're only guys...
I'm going to be busy this week, so wish me luck!
To anyone who reads this blog, I'll try posting more blogs soon! ;-)
Labels: :-), ai qing, angel, April, APUSH, BLAH, blog, boys{?}, busy, chu~♥, cinderella, color, concern, cute, drumline, embarrass, entertainment, exams, feel, friends
# random thougths @
9:41 PM