Angelic Princess 天使公主
My Prince, please find me... 我的王子,请找我...
My name is Xiao Yu Di. I love Pochacco, Mangas, Reading, Cup O Noodle, Ramen, Muffins, Performing, Internet, Writing, Sleep, and one
particular guy.
我的名字是小雨滴。 我爱PC狗,曼加斯,读,杯Ø面,拉面,松饼,表演,上网,写作,睡眠,和一个特别的人。
Friends... 朋友...
Konini-unnie :P LoL + friend + friend + friend + friend + friend + friend +LINKS
Blogger + Come see me. =D + Shawols! + link + link + link + link + link +Summer's Playlist 夏天的播放列表
September 2008PREVIOUS POSTS
Life's PlanThe Truth - do you dare? 真相 - 你敢吗? Ideal Guy 我的理想盖伊
[ Fonts (c) DF]
Friday, April 23, 2010
When Key heard all this, he stopped struggling with the security guards. In fact, he was pissed off that those girls could say such horrible things to one girl as a target.
Viva: "Who cares what the teacher thinks of us?"
Grace: "Yeah, it's not like anyone cares about that girl. If she disappears, we wouldn't notice."
That had to hurt Nikka. After all those years of being picked on by Grace, she faithfully stuck by her no matter what. But this tore her heart in two. Nikka ran off, leaving Tommy and Key behind with baffled security guards, an angry teacher, and an even more angry principal.
About a week later around noon, Onew arrived at 诺沃克 City. Since he caught an earlier flight, he began to think childish thoughts.
I think I should buy souvenirs early. Besides, Key and Tommy won't know I'm here until 5 hours later.
With plenty of money left from the bank at the airport and the transit bus ride over to 诺沃克 City, Onew took off on another transit bus and traveled as far as where the nearest bicycle store was. There, he got off the bus and bought a brand new bike. Using his very own bike, he rode onto the sidewalk until he passed by an open alley. That's when he heard a strange, familiar beat. He backed up to the open alley and saw the strangest sight. A boy dressed up like a b-boy, trying to incorporate his own moves onto the song, Xiahtic.
Hey, that song has Key featuring in it. Wow, Koreans must be getting more popular in the U.S.
Onew searched for where the music was originally coming from. He found a boombox on the ground behind the b-boy and stopped the music. Puzzled, the chubby b-boy turned around and spotted Onew trying to change the song.
Onew: (speaking in the best English he can) "Hey, boy, is this a mixtape or something? I keep selecting different tracks and there's different artists popping up."
B-boy: "...........yeah, I burned different songs I like."
Onew: (waiting until the song finally played) "Yes! This song will do."
The song was Boys & Girls. The b-boy watched as Onew stood at a position, was about to move, then paused. All of a sudden, it looked like he got an electric shock out of nowhere.
B-boy: (rushed over) "You alright?!"
Onew: (standing stiff quickly) "I'm alright. I just don't know what kind of dance to make up like you did."
B-boy: (blushed) "I don't dance that well..."
Onew: "You were alright, just need a bit of practice is all."
He started twitching and standing stiff again. The b-boy laughed at him, shook his head, then stood next to him. He started to dance, and as Onew watched him, he became envious of the boy's creativity.
Onew: "Wait!"
He quickly ran to the boombox and started the song over again. Then, he quickly stood next to the b-boy. The boy danced when the girl was singing as Onew was dancing to when Key's part in the song came up. After that, they started dancing together at the refrain until the end. The whole time dancing, Onew started thinking:
I'll make Key proud by helping this boy create a girl dance for him[Key].
Towards the end of the song, Onew accidentally spun, tripping over his sneakers and falling on top of the boy. That was when the boy was spinning, too, and got his ankle sprained beause of that fall.
Onew: (getting up) "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm usually clumsy - "
Take note that Onew was leaning his hands innocently on the boy's chest as he was trying to stand up. Also, the boy's hat was knocked off from the fall, spilling shiny, light brown, long hair everywhere from the roots of the boy's scalp. Most importantly, the hair did not convince Onew that this "b-boy" is in fact, a girl.
. . .
They were both in shock for the longest 10 seconds being frozen. A sharp reflection light from a car driving by was what made them blink, coming back to their senses, and pushed themselves off each other.
Onew: "...I-I-I'm sorry....I didn't mean to -"
'B-boy': "No, I'm sorry..."
Without a moment to think, the girl quickly stood up and sprinted away from Onew, but fell forward instantly to the ground. Onew runs to the girl and tries to pick her up and back on her feet. He could tell right away why she just fell in an instant.
Onew: "You sprained your ankle!"
'B-boy': "I-It's nothing..."
Onew: "Nothing?!"
Without thinking about the situation, Onew carries the girl and puts her on his bicycle.
'B-boy': "?!?!"
Onew: "Just tell me later where you live, and I'll take you there, okay?"
A half hour later, the puzzled girl gets more puzzled as she holds onto Onew's waist. Onew is pedaling the bicycle, with the girl sitting behind him. He hung her hat onto one of the handlebars and had the boombox in front of him inside a basket.
Onew: "Does your parents know you went out like this?"
'B-boy': "I told them I went to Salsa practice for school."
Onew: "I take it you haven't been to school lately, huh?"
'B-boy': "......for about a week..."
Onew: "Eh?! Why?"
'B-boy': "You'll see once we pass by that newspaper stand."
Onew: "Huh?"
Onew stops pedaling in front of a newspaper stand. He's trying to look for what the girl meant, but she already pointed towards a Korean entertainment newspaper. He reads it, then gets what she meant.
Onew: "Is this you the article's talking about?"
The girl nods, then Onew starts reading the front article again.
Antifans Create Lampoon Scandal Stories
Girls at a local high school bash a female student for dressing up in her "own style" of clothing, which consists of male attire, and for trying to seduce an idol for money. The idol turned out to be Tommy from the dance group 闪亮. One of the bashers was the female student's "supposed" best friend. Key and Tommy were furious with the reaction that they caught in the public school, despite of Key's disturbing distraction on campus. This female student, along with the members of 闪亮, left school campus and never returned. As Key left the place, he kept boasting, "She's already trying out for the SM娱乐 audition! Why would she need to seduce our young Tommy?!"
Onew: (baffled) "Oh... is that why you've been practicing to dance?"
'B-boy': "Yeah, because of him, I have to audition now."
Onew: "Well, I just know you'll make it if you have a positive attitude. Smile for once."
The girl started chuckling as Onew attempted to make her smile.
Onew: "As an early greeting, my name is Onew from 闪亮."
'B-boy': "Oh, really?!"
Onew: "Yes, and I'm guessing you already met my other 2 bandmates. What's your name, by the way?"
'B-boy': "The name's Nikka." (small, cute smile)
That day was officially the day when Tommy gained a love rival, and how Nikka ended up in a love triangle.