Thursday, January 29, 2009
金・ Ai公主希望改正它不是她不再是入现在的Ry : 她决定那些感觉是为了她的朋友砂海螂能爱护。 金・ Ai公主有这些有时工作的强的震动,当有在2个人之间时的一种强的吸引力。 古怪。 无论如何,它现在Roy之间和- Lucky王子…除一个哥哥之外,但是,金Ai不想要认为他没有。 并且,她感到有从Scope公主的一痛苦的vibe; 谁不惊奇地是以Lucky王子。 金・ Ai公主会做什么在情况喜欢此? 作为Roy的手表慢慢地成为离她较近用一个相互方式? 或者待命作为Scope公主,并且Lucky王子从终止受到伤害? 那么,总是有第三个选择….无论如何,今天是金・ Ai公主的地狱星期。 它是期中考期终考试。 ~~~Oh没有! 金・ Ai公主为大多她的在类的主题主要只学习了。 除那之外,生活晚了是她的俏丽的膨胀。 因为它是冬时,金・ Ai公主出发了在第一个星期的病残1月。 金Ai通常病在冬时。她也有drumline实践,它如此影响了她位。但是,她仍然当前是在短槌(震动-仪器)象去年。而不是去年' s传统带成套装备,郊区High' s带老师和Drumline主任决定去印第安样式。凉快。 场面-也成套装备-如此冷却!半困的~~~~~~~Ahhhh那么。 LoL现在,靳癌设法锺急易其呵集英文字幕的:那么着急,看他们! :-)另外,有传闻说,公主靳癌听说。将有三分之一'中嵇一〜 〜 '系列在台湾。第一系列'锺级易芭嗯'这是一个成功,第二次系列'鍾迹易其阿'其中大多数人无法看完长达55集。第三查看将被命名为KO3ango ---是靳嫒知道,这是奇怪的,啊?摘要:将有一个奇怪的组4或5人谁没有被接受到24所学校,由于战斗和暴力。 大多数人代理它大多是从去年2显示有关。特别客人是从高一的成员来自华氏--- *次郎王作为汪塔东*卡尔文陈汪崖硒(亚硒王) *亚伦艳作为丁西澳于*吴籍菹嗯作为邬租嗯。 自表明很可能将像高一(锺及易八嗯) ,靳爱希望看到显示有高收视率。,同时还翻译成中文字幕。 ;-) 〜请注意, “Superstar Express”可能不正确的英文名称为汪大东和杨丞杨新即将召开的戏剧,但名称是“ToGetHer” 。 〜谢谢你。 ~~~~~喜欢靳癌龚竹Golden Princess Ai hopes to correct this, she no longer likes Ry: those feelings she once had she decided to give her friends to Mya to cherish. Golden Princess Ai sometimes have one of these strong vibrations, when there are between 2 individuals of a strong attraction. Weird. In any case, it is now between Roy and - Prince Lucky... In addition to an older brother outside, I didn't want to think of Prince Lucky more than that. In addition, I didn't want Prince Lucky and Princess Scope to have this painful vibe I'm feeling from them. What would Golden Princess Ai will do in the situation like this? Will she watch as Roy slowly becomes close to her? Or will she standby as Princess Scope and Prince Lucky get more hurt from the breakup? Well, there is always the third option .... In any case, today is part of the Princess Jin Ai's hell week. It is midterm final exam. ~ ~ ~ Oh no! Golden Princess Ai for most of her main themes in the category only studied. In addition to that, the life of late is the expansion of her pretty. Because it is winter, the Golden Princess Ai starting in the first week of January invalidity. Kim Ai usually when the disease in winter.~Sorry! These translations are so off! Next blog, I promise I'll be doing english subtitles first before Chinese. Much more easier that way, how's that?For now, you can try translating the rest of the Chinese blog above this note.~So sorry.Labels: blog, Chinese, golden princess ai, jin ai gong zhu, lucky, prince, princess, roy, ry, sorry, wrong translations
# random thougths @
9:14 PM